Hypocrites+Question rant

Started by Firetooth, April 23, 2009, 01:11:08 PM

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It's a sad day when i have to accuse one of this game's greatest players of hypocrisy. But alas, that is what I am here to do.

Peace Alliance, after ranting and raving at me about lack of skill of outplaying, I aimed to do so, and to some extent suceeded. Here are quotes:

Quote from: Peace Alliance on April 16, 2009, 09:49:26 AM
Firetooth, what it comes down to is that I respect people who are willing to outplay. Instead of just over-attacking your opponent, why not try and outplay them?

If reg has taught us anything recently, it's that it's really easy to tear someone down, not so easy to put yourself on top of 'em.

Sherely laughable after this...lack of control by Question.

Quote from: Peace Alliance on April 19, 2009, 09:08:12 PM
I have done only land grabs this round.

I would have been surprised to log in and find 100 murders. But I have been anticipating such an attack from my jealous foes.

Those of you who are guilty will see my personal justice.

Here's the turth-you're jealous of me!!!!!!!!lol kk thx i go reape revenge you jealous of mai

However, your clan took me down, unprovoked. I took no action what so ever, not even putting up a defense, but this is acceptable?

You find What Are You? (#5) attempting to view your army!
1.1 hours ago    You find What Are You? (#5) losing a fight with your leaders!    You killed 42364 Leaders, losing 52219 Leaders in the process.
1.1 hours ago    You find What Are You? (#5) losing a fight with your leaders!    You killed 123107 Leaders, losing 48217 Leaders in the process.
1.1 hours ago    You find What Are You? (#5) losing a fight with your leaders!    You killed 68890 Leaders, losing 56239 Leaders in the process.
1.1 hours ago    You find What Are You? (#5) losing a fight with your leaders!    You killed 8323 Leaders, losing 26023 Leaders in the process.
1.1 hours ago    You find What Are You? (#5) losing a fight with your leaders!    You killed 30077 Leaders, losing 8752 Leaders in the process.
1.1 hours ago    You find What Are You? (#5) losing a fight with your leaders!    You killed 5834 Leaders, losing 960 Leaders in the process.
1.1 hours ago    You find What Are You? (#5) losing a fight with your leaders!    You killed 101003 Leaders, losing 7458 Leaders in the process.
1.1 hours ago    You find What Are You? (#5) losing a fight with your leaders!    You killed 21017 Leaders, losing 26862 Leaders in the process.
1.1 hours ago    You find What Are You? (#5) losing a fight with your leaders!    You killed 56558 Leaders, losing 25236 Leaders in the process.
1.1 hours ago    You find What Are You? (#5) losing a fight with your leaders!    You killed 47925 Leaders, losing 21153 Leaders in the process.
1.1 hours ago    You find What Are You? (#5) losing a fight with your leaders!    You killed 7716 Leaders, losing 14358 Leaders in the process.
1.1 hours ago    You find What Are You? (#5) losing a fight with your leaders!    You killed 18076 Leaders, losing 46727 Leaders in the process.
1.1 hours ago    You find What Are You? (#5) losing a fight with your leaders!    You killed 1581 Leaders, losing 31443 Leaders in the process.
1.1 hours ago    You find What Are You? (#5) losing a fight with your leaders!    You killed 88773 Leaders, losing 43290 Leaders in the process.
1.1 hours ago    You find What Are You? (#5) losing a fight with your leaders!    You killed 48855 Leaders, losing 28167 Leaders in the process.
1.1 hours ago    You find What Are You? (#5) losing a fight with your leaders!    You killed 32803 Leaders, losing 24908 Leaders in the process.
1.1 hours ago    You find What Are You? (#5) losing a fight with your leaders!    You killed 28873 Leaders, losing 39650 Leaders in the process.
1.1 hours ago    You find What Are You? (#5) losing a fight with your leaders!    You killed 37842 Leaders, losing 14271 Leaders in the process.
1.1 hours ago    You find What Are You? (#5) losing a fight with your leaders!    You killed 58436 Leaders, losing 17198 Leaders in the process.
1.1 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by What Are You? (#5) and you lost 0 Acres of Land!    You lost Leaders, but you managed to kill of your attacker's Leaders.
1.1 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by What Are You? (#5) and you lost 0 Acres of Land!    You lost Leaders, but you managed to kill of your attacker's Leaders.
1.1 hours ago    You find another warlord viewing your stats!
1.1 hours ago    Someone stole $832,315,665 from your treasury, though your guards them from stealing more.
1 hours ago    You find another warlord viewing your stats!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 650,103,038 Food and $837,938,282!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 630,339,906 Food and $802,605,218!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 611,177,573 Food and $768,762,031!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 592,597,775 Food and $736,345,899!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 574,582,802 Food and $705,296,647!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 557,115,485 Food and $675,556,638!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 540,179,174 Food and $647,070,667!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 523,757,727 Food and $619,785,853!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 507,835,492 Food and $593,651,550!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 492,397,294 Food and $568,619,243!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 477,428,416 Food and $544,642,465!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 462,914,592 Food and $521,676,708!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 448,841,988 Food and $499,679,340!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 435,197,192 Food and $478,609,528!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 421,967,197 Food and $458,428,159!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 409,139,394 Food and $439,097,772!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 396,701,557 Food and $420,582,482!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 384,641,830 Food and $402,847,921!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 372,948,718 Food and $385,861,167!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 361,611,077 Food and $369,590,688!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 350,618,100 Food and $354,006,281!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 339,959,310 Food and $339,079,016!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 329,624,547 Food and $324,781,184!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 319,603,961 Food and $311,086,244!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 309,888,000 Food and $297,968,774!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 300,467,405 Food and $285,404,424!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 291,333,196 Food and $273,369,871!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 282,476,667 Food and $261,842,775!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 273,889,376 Food and $250,801,738!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 265,563,139 Food and $240,226,264!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 257,490,020 Food and $230,096,723!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 249,662,323 Food and $220,394,312!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 242,072,588 Food and $211,101,018!
1 hours ago    Someone has poisoned 234,713,582 Food and $202,199,592!
0.4 hours ago    You find another warlord viewing your stats!

Thu, 23 Apr 2009 11:09:51 -0600
NEW: From What Are You? (#5) (?)

Shadow forced my hand
If I'm not allowed to keep my food then neither will you

Shadow forced windy Right, so because your clan tries locking and get taken down it makes it okay to take down a passive warlord?

I have no intetion to waste my time joining this war-but if this is the length's you guys are willing to go to, I have no respect for you.

So do what you want, what you like. I will not be acting. However, I might just delete. There is no excuse for what you did. None what so ever. Other then sheer ambition to destroy those in your way, and bitterness at being taken down and overtook by a solo wolf.

Next time, before making yourselves look like morons, think before you make your standards, and when you make them, make sure you're willing to follow them.

Peace and Windy ranted about how taking down people putting up a defence is wrong...so taking down a wolf not doing so is right? Explain. Please. Oh no wait, all I'll get is "we've been around longer, we have a big team, we're better then you" and such. Or maybe "I can make my own rules on how others should behave or not follow them myself!"(yes that is aimed at you directly peace...I'm not quite as angry at Windy, as some of what he has said in this arguement has made sense.

Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.



What is mine.  Read the Question thread.

Sticker, for once, had no part in my action.   I am standing leader for Question at the moment, any abuse you have to throw aim in my direction please
(edit:  And enough with the clan nonsense.  It was a solo take down.  I did the suicides and the murders, I want the credit darnitall.  It doesnt take much to destroy net with a team, but it takes a very slight amount of skill to do it all yourself.)

I simply leveled the playing field.  Leveled as in clearcut, slash and burn.  It is my intention for the rest of the round that noone will rise up in the ranks.

And yeah.  Shadow did force my hand.
I really havnt done much this round, and had thus far refused to participate in kill runs or destruction runs of any sort.  I was peacefully netting Food.  When he made that no longer possible I looked for other things to do.
Shadow was not clanned and had 65 mil net.  In sort, he's worthless.  There's nothing I can do to him.
You, on the other hand, have survived far into the round without anyone moving on you.
I believe you said or agreed with the idea that if you get large, expect people to take you down?
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


I agreed with if they were locking/keeping a defense. And was I exactly emping? No! I had no troops but to break with. Was I "really in the lead?" No! You were.

As well as Peace's and you going on about Outplaying. I know he had no part, but if he says outplaying is the way to go (as did you), why won't you do it?

Quote from: windhound on April 15, 2009, 05:12:24 PM
Er.  Planning to murder those who have yet to do wrong is dirty Firetooth.  You basically implied that you're going to try to cause damage next run.
Some people just play dirty, and that's alright.  But say it for what it is.

Honestly...  Holding a defence is one of the hardest things to do in the game.  Suck it up and go mass some troops.

So if you put up a defence, you shouldn't get hurt, but if you mass food you should?

What's more, Question are onlining new players, thinking they wont voice up. Well I'll voice up for them.

Thu, 23 Apr 2009 12:24:04 -0600
From Volg (#58) (?)

I know that question has lost all respect of what little I had from them. Twice I was onlined by them yesterday. Twice! But from the past messages I knew you wouldn't attack them but I can't say the same for F.O.E. though. I can only hope that my clan will be able to knock them out of the top ten.

Your ally,

I know these guys are helping hurt you....but onlining?

I respect it was as far as takedowns go...impressive (solo), but I still think it was unjustified. I had taken no agressive actions. If it was anyone who had I would've understood. Heck, if I'd even been supplying Answer, I might've. But I had no part in any agressive missions on you.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Er.  No, actually.
Shadow put you in first by a wide margin.  You had 500 odd mil net, the next person had around 250 mil

You, in short, had double the net of the next guy in line.
I was closing in on you before Shadow hit me though, despite the poisons earlier. 

I said murder in that quote because that's what was being discussed at the time.  The rest of Question is all troops.  I'm the only food masser of the lot, and you weren't pondering poisoning me at the time.
If you look there's also a quote that states quite clearly my position on poison.  I dont like it.
Quote from: windhound on April 18, 2009, 03:15:38 PM
I'm guessing jealously myself.  What other point is there in unprovoked poisoning?  Murdering to stop a supposed land lock, eh.  Sure.  But poisoning?  That's more spiteful.  Steal if you want, fine, whatever.  But poison irks me.

But yeah.
I'll admit there was a certain amount of spite here.  If I cant have my food then neither can you =)
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


If Question had aided each other they would've been near/above me.

Besides, I expected this anyway. Question had already failed some agressives missions a few days back. And there was a reason, however much you may disapprove of it, as to why you got your food destroyed. None but spite and ambition here. Meh, I'll bounce back though...if I stay intrested :P
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


I destroyed windy's net because he is part of a clan i am at war with. WIndy destroyed Firetooth's net out of spite. I didn't force him to do anything. Stop laying your crap at my feet and take responsibility for your actions, windy.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: windhound on April 23, 2009, 01:24:53 PM
And yeah.  Shadow did force my hand.
I really havnt done much this round, and had thus far refused to participate in kill runs or destruction runs of any sort.  I was peacefully netting Food.  When he made that no longer possible I looked for other things to do.
Shadow was not clanned and had 65 mil net.  In sort, he's worthless.  There's nothing I can do to him.

I've accepted that it was somewhat in spite

I refuse to say you have no part
It was entirely your fault Shadow
If you hadn't poisoned me I would have made food last run instead of destroying it.

What did you expect to happen?  I mean.  I cant kill you if you're not clanned.  You have nothing worth destroying.  I cant get retal.
Firetooth, on the other hand, has been largely untouched by your clan.  Meaning he's an ally.  I have no way of knowing if he's aiding you or not.  Just like you have no way of knowing if my food is helping the rest of Question.  He had a massive stockpile of food which he could have used at any time to aid you up, I removed a potential threat.

My attack on Firetooth was just as much an attack on an enemy as was yours Shadow.

A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Gen. Volkov

QuoteI simply leveled the playing field.  Leveled as in clearcut, slash and burn.  It is my intention for the rest of the round that noone will rise up in the ranks.

Even independent warlords? What I said about onlining me holds true if I am murdered or poisoned as well. I wanted to get through one round without being forced into choosing a side. If I am forced to abandon that, then the party or parties responsible will pay.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

The Obliterator

Firetooth think about what has been happening this round.
If you are angry about loosing your net then get over it.
Like shadow said to me get over it its only 80 turns worth at a good ratio.
Stop complaining about just one thing that has happened and just play the game.
Watching people fight is fun...
...but getting involved is so much better


Here's the hypocritical part: being #1 is justification for a takedown. You can claim that all you want so long as Question has the #1 seat, yet once it's not Question (in this case, BLARG), it suddenly becomes wrong to takedown the #1? Interesting stuff. We didn't do a kill run on you, Firetooth. You were taken down, just like we were several times. Besides, turn-arounds are fair play, no? No?? Well then--you should have corrected your allies or even neutrals on their statements or actions. Now then--I'm also curious as to why Shadow would commit suicide in response to a kill of and then by Answer. I would have assumed you'd clan back up and join the fight on level ground.

And Firetooth, if you can't deal with aggression on Turbo, you ought to be careful on any server. It takes about 24 hours to return full turns, of course, so if someone dies they can be back the day after they revive. It's a big no-no to kill on Reg without either good planning or good reason. On Turbo, the rule is to do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. Clans and alliances and even good relationships can be reason to respond to all parties involved. You were taken down because you were in #1 and your mouth is a few too many sizes too big. However, if memory serves, Shadow justified taking down Question for being top-ranked, so we can justify taking down BLARG by the same standard. I think I speak for and with my entire team: only commit the crime if you're willing to respond to the punishment. #7 was killed for killing a member of Answer. That doesn't bother me: it's a legitimate response, and of course we'll help #7 get right back up on his feet as soon as he's ready.


I deleted because I am tired of all the pettiness going around. The game isn't fun when it's like that, and when the game gets unfun enough to annoy me in real life, it's time for a break.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Gen. Volkov

QuoteHere's the hypocritical part: being #1 is justification for a takedown.

That's not justification for a takedown, and not the reason Question was taken down, and you very well know it. Question was attacked because it looked like you were attempting to make a locking clan. Being #1 was just incidental to that. When one clan has the majority of the games land and is hard for all but a few to break, it looks very much like a clan that is attempting to become an emping clan. That is why you were taken down by Answer and Shadow. Not because you were #1.

Anyway, you guys definitely abandoned the moral high ground by taking down Firetooth. I dunno if it is hypocritical, but you definitely don't have the right to complain now about something you yourselves have done.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Quite true, but also quite unfair with constant takedowns. The thing is that no matter what, Firetooth speaks big against us in these forums. The problem with that is he aligned himself with Answer and Shadow. So yes, just talking bit justifies action. We're also quite open to playing your rules to teach a lesson. Our long-term objective was not to become emperors, but to dominate as 4+ players. Land locking in a clan is stupid. Making a clanned emp is stupid. Having now 4-5 of 6 players be at similar networths and holding the top spots? That's a bit more difficult that locking, emping, or takedowns. However, even playing the more-skillful game, that just means we upped the ante for those that were jealous of efficiency, effectiveness, skill, or even brute strength if you really think that way. Nobody but Firetooth would dare rise to the challenge of out-netting us, and in part the response to your rules placed him as the one and only targetable warlord. If Shadow or Answer was with networth, they'd have been target #1.

Now then: please direct all complaints to Windhound for the time being. I'm on holiday in Montreal.

Gen. Volkov

QuoteHaving now 4-5 of 6 players be at similar networths and holding the top spots? That's a bit more difficult that locking, emping, or takedowns.

Actually locking with a whole clan would be considerably more difficult than just having high NW's and holding the top spots.

QuoteHowever, even playing the more-skillful game, that just means we upped the ante for those that were jealous of efficiency, effectiveness, skill, or even brute strength if you really think that way.

Whatever you were doing, it looked like enough of a problem for others to take objection. You should have realized that.

Nobody but Firetooth would dare rise to the challenge of out-netting us, and in part the response to your rules placed him as the one and only targetable warlord. If Shadow or Answer was with networth, they'd have been target #1.

Whose rules? My rules? As for Firetooth being the only one to rise to the challenge, not precisely true. I am not trying to outnet you, but I am currently running my Marten strat as high efficiency, which has resulted in me being on top at the end of my runs a couple times now. Apparently that's enough to be suicided by certain members of Question. Even though I have not attacked any of you and am not currently allied with Answer. I haven't even talked big in the forums. Just given warnings that I don't want to be messed with.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES