
Started by Shadow, April 15, 2009, 12:15:54 PM

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Night Wolf

Quote from: Shadow on April 20, 2009, 07:47:12 PM
I asked him "Wanna help me steal money? I'll give you a nice share of it." Nothing more. He did, and I did. No hidden motives. Although my motive was to keep it away from you guys - oblit generally works with you, and windy had failed a few steals already, so I wasnted to get it before he did.

This is true thats exactly what he asked me. There was no deception no trickerey and no taking advantage of anybody. I knew what he was doing and why he was doing it thus i agreed.

The Obliterator

So because Question FAILED
You took it upon yourselves to steal it.
When in fact i am aiding people at the lower end of the scores.
I would have been able to send much more than the 3-5 bil that i sent out and the 200 mil food to about 3 players.
So because the bad guys couldn't get my cash in your twisted mind it is accually an invitation to steal it.
If you had asked me i prolly would have even given yuo guys some cause thats where my loyalties were leaning. But you pushed my hand and so now you pay because you now have one more enemy and one less prospective ally.
Watching people fight is fun...
...but getting involved is so much better


Sorry Oblit, if you were really giving cash out to the new players I'll give what I stole back. I really don't mind that mch one way or another. But I will send enough to wolf to repair himself before I do. You've always worked with Snare in the past, so I assumed you were this time. My mistake? Now relax, it really isn't that big a deal. 40b is about 80 turns worth of looting with a good ratio.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I had no part, but if you want I'll send you some food to stop the fighting oblit?
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Peace Alliance

No I'll send you food! and troops! and cash! And I'll fluff your pillow, and water your flowers, and feed your pets, and help some newbs and i'm the nicest person ever, me! me!me!


Ack.  Glad you posted that Sticker, almost forgot to feed my betta fish
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


Meh, I just want him to stop complaining about it lol

Hey people, if you want question out of the top everyone needs to start laying a few suicides each run on WHy Are You, otherwise he wil just sit there untouchable to the end of set. If everyone starts their run of with suicides while their leaders are deserting, we will have him open quickly and force him to run and open up that net.

that works too

Why Are You? (#8)
Turns   30 (max 550)
Turns Stored   125 (max 150)
Rank   #6
Workers   279,617
Acres   52,461
Cash   $5,269,664,775
Food   803,638,852
Loyalty   29,296,369
Networth   $124,850,670
Location   Mossflower
Race   Stoat
Health   100%
Tax Rate   5%
Rats   2,639,293
Weasels   2,753,720
Stoats   1,485,403
Skiffs   1,484,142
Leaders   3,630,619
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


What Are You? (#5)
Turns   550 (max 550)
Turns Stored   150 (max 150)
Rank   #3
Workers   44,346
Acres   13,260
Cash   $7,784,675,813
Food   7,131,392,506
Loyalty   36,513,123
Networth   $166,545,595
Location   Mossflower
Race   Stoat
Health   100%
Tax Rate   10%
Rats   2,251,509
Weasels   1,268,420
Stoats   591,454
Skiffs   616,350
Leaders   1,594,286

When Are You? (#42)
Turns   275 (max 550)
Turns Stored   0 (max 150)
Rank   #2
Workers   62,117
Acres   20,223
Cash   $18,077,097,683
Food   1,109,273,650
Loyalty   18,124,737
Networth   $282,385,022
Location   Mossflower
Race   Marten
Health   100%
Tax Rate   11%
Rats   38,766,243
Weasels   23,990,744
Stoats   14,198,723
Skiffs   16,010,057
Leaders   1,533,947

How Are You? (#55)
Turns   311 (max 550)
Turns Stored   0 (max 150)
Rank   #4
Workers   160,938
Acres   33,900
Cash   $5,771,573,639
Food   105,660,710
Loyalty   37,062,595
Networth   $240,497,864
Location   Mossflower
Race   Marten
Health   98%
Tax Rate   10%
Rats   27,951,195
Weasels   19,089,221
Stoats   14,693,244
Skiffs   14,854,167
Leaders   2,307,796

All wide open to missions
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Wow Firetooth.
You want to talk about Cowardly?
There's one there! 

Shadow used other people to suicide me, then poisoned me from outside a clan.
I cannot get revenge because he is not clanned.
That is seriously low, dirty, cowardly... about the worst thing I can think of actually, as poisoning me had no real benefit to anyone.

Seriously, what the heck Shadow?
That was -my- food.  It is attributing in no way to locking land or, well, anything at all.
I mean.  I get the whole "if you get big expect to be taken down" thing everyone likes to spew, but I didn't even have the most food!
That would be Firetooth, for the briefest of moments.  If I cant keep my food and Firetooth's allies are poisoning mine...  well....
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


I was planning to clan until kills started, now I'm not so sure. And in a clan, your food is clan food. It benefits the opposition to take away your resources. And firetooth has nothing to do with that, it jus happens that since he isn't trying to keep land away from me, I am not targeting him. If firetooth were supplying us then it would make sense to take him down, but he isnt, so let him be.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Yes, well.  That's the point.
Clanning would have allowed me to kill you, with is fair enough reparation.  You destroyed 7 bil food.  You have 65 mil net.  There's not much else I can do to you, and it would set you back a day or two.

I've lost over 12 bil food this round due to poisoning.  I'm getting bored making food which will never see round's end due to pointless poisonings

If I'm not allowed to keep my food then neither will anyone else.
Shadow at 65 mil net apparently isnt doing anything but destroying.
So I'll take up the position from the other side.
I'm good with that, I can destroy net with the best of them.  I solo took down Firetooth (again, apologies).  Solo!  I did my own suicides, built back up and poisoned.
We'll see who can level the playing field the bestest
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


As a marten with broken capture it is very difficult to do your own suicides. I do what I need to do. There was no need to hit someone who wasn't involved, that's a Shade thing ^_^

What Are You? (#5)
Turns   0 (max 550)
Turns Stored   130 (max 150)
Rank   #2
Workers   305,259
Acres   24,814
Cash   $4,181,622,105
Food   6,819,446,477
Loyalty   33,774,875
Networth   $166,325,396
Location   Mossflower
Race   Stoat
Health   100%
Tax Rate   10%
Rats   1,549,077
Weasels   1,268,420
Stoats   537,150
Skiffs   616,350
Leaders   2,317,462
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: windhound on April 23, 2009, 11:51:51 AM
Wow Firetooth.
You want to talk about Cowardly?
There's one there! 

Shadow used other people to suicide me, then poisoned me from outside a clan.
I cannot get revenge because he is not clanned.
That is seriously low, dirty, cowardly... about the worst thing I can think of actually, as poisoning me had no real benefit to anyone.

Seriously, what the heck Shadow?
That was -my- food.  It is attributing in no way to locking land or, well, anything at all.
I mean.  I get the whole "if you get big expect to be taken down" thing everyone likes to spew, but I didn't even have the most food!
That would be Firetooth, for the briefest of moments.  If I cant keep my food and Firetooth's allies are poisoning mine...  well....
Missed this. I'm not saying I approve of Shadow's actions, but you are part of a clan which is trying to lock to some extent. That food would contribute towards locking blah blah blah. I still wouldn't have taken the same action if I were Shadow, but the fact is, I'm not, and I didn't destroy your food, seems your taking out your annoyance on me, not the people contributing.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


When Are You? (#42)
Turns   467 (max 550)
Turns Stored   0 (max 150)
Rank   #2
Workers   61,070
Acres   20,223
Cash   $9,411,758,758
Food   1,090,960,739
Loyalty   18,398,330
Networth   $164,636,862
Location   Mossflower
Race   Marten
Health   100%
Tax Rate   11%
Rats   18,427,196
Weasels   11,862,708
Stoats   8,189,296
Skiffs   8,733,485
Leaders   723,764
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Wolf Snare

typical of you to ask the entire server for help Shadow.

Bottom line-- keep it up and more will die.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)