
Started by Shadow, April 15, 2009, 12:15:54 PM

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Quote from: Firetooth on April 18, 2009, 11:59:30 AM
If you were all soloing instead of boosting each other I'd either be first or somewhere very near there, so quit yammering about improving ourselves. I can't make as much net as two leaderers on my own....Plus most of blackfly know a good deal of the code, opposed to my minimal knowledge.

Pah I know someone with more cash then badrang on less leaders if you really want cash, though I won't reveal their warlord.
Eh.  Just because some people have access to the code doesnt mean they know how to use it, or even care to.
RWL's code is particularly bad because 90% of it is uncommented.  If you have no idea what a function does, well, you're sol.
Most of the useful formulas have been either given out or figured out by the players.  Shadow and Bob both have a decent understanding of how things work and neither have direct code access. 
I have direct access but usually just play by feel.  Pretty sure Sticker does the same.

Also, its not really like Question is aiding each other in the classical sense
Holding troops is a detriment to me, though it does allow for more efficient troop creation. 

I really dont see what the fuss is.  Lots of whining...  but about what?
What is Question doing that's so utterly horrific?  I've yet to see a proper land lock.  They're working together in the loosest fashion.  I'm having trouble seeing the problem.
I'm guessing jealously myself.  What other point is there in unprovoked poisoning?  Murdering to stop a supposed land lock, eh.  Sure.  But poisoning?  That's more spiteful.  Steal if you want, fine, whatever.  But poison irks me.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


It's mainly because Bob insisted on gloating about it. But I haven't poisoned anyone =/ And you guys didn't lock, but only because people stepped in and broke you - had nobody done that, you would have locked, whether intentioanlly or not. So you guys aren't entirely innocent. Don't get me wrong, this is the most fun I;ve had on turbo in a while, my point is just that nobody is really a white knight here.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I have taken no action yet, which is why I'm so annoyed about peace ranting at how I should outplay them and such.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


When Are You? (#42)
Turns   550 (max 550)
Turns Stored   150 (max 150)
Rank   #7
Workers   48,276
Acres   17,626
Cash   $7,120,599,022
Food   916,631,568
Loyalty   21,878,074
Networth   $78,420,699
Location   Mossflower
Race   Marten
Health   100%
Tax Rate   11%
Rats   8,615,415
Weasels   2,053,898
Stoats   3,527,235
Skiffs   2,802,190
Leaders   2,318,355

And yeah, pretty sure Firetooth is the only player who hasn't done any offensive missions against you guys yet ^_^
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

The Obliterator

You know shadow for all your talk about not using other people and all that.
Well you used a player from a smaller clan to do suicides against me and then used it to steal around 40 bil off me.
If any of the guys in Question need supplies of any sort now they can send me a message i am The Big Blob (#43)
I was just goind to play the round out peacfully and stay out of a clan war for once but shadow has just dragged me into yet another clan war.
I absolutly decimated the person who helped shadow, so you can be sure that your next shadow.
Watching people fight is fun...
...but getting involved is so much better

Night Wolf

And what a feat that must have been too. ::)
I had hardly any leaders to speak of and i had just been attacked by WHEN, weakening my already pathetic forces.  Plus i've spent almost this whole game suiciding so far, so i dont think my leader ratios could have been any lower.

The Obliterator

Accually being attacked accually raises your defensive ratio.
And yeah your leaders were pretty pathetic.
I told you you could stay on my good side easily in earlier mails but you seem intent on trying to hit me.
I can make things hard for you and your whole clan if you really want that.
Watching people fight is fun...
...but getting involved is so much better


I didn't use him, I told him what we were doing and split the take three ways, and he got  a share. I will aid him back up if you took him down. And Question was trying to steal your cash, they had alrady failed steals on you - I had to move fast because if they got it they could use it to lock. Everyone needs to chill out and have some fun fighting it out.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I'm having fun, not sure about the rest though. I play for fun, not my ego and such.

And Oblit I didn't take part but I'd noticed for a while you're cash. Probably not the wisest move, but eh. I know Shadow had reason, because Question had tried taking your cash.

I can symphaize with you though. But if Shadow hadn't took the cash, question nwould have, and then they increase their power grip. Would you rather the cash goes to them or the people trying to stop them?

Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Ah, but blustering and talking big is all part of the fun
Some of yall just take it too seriously, lighten up.

40 bil cash, while pretty decent for one guy, aint all that much when you're talking about trying to lock land. 
If I could lock with 40 bil I'd have done it a few runs back, and I'm a stoat.  The martens could vastly outproduce me in cash
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Dark Night

peace arent you in the question?

Peace Alliance


Shadow, I think that when people talk about you "using" other players, they're referring more to your deceptions.

For example, you're somehow trying to say that stealing Oblits money was to avoid some terrible crime from Question...
But in reality, the two things are unrelated, and what you did was nothing short of [n]robbery[/b]

Somebody new might be easily convinced of your cause... Isn't that a form of taking advantage?


I asked him "Wanna help me steal money? I'll give you a nice share of it." Nothing more. He did, and I did. No hidden motives. Although my motive was to keep it away from you guys - oblit generally works with you, and windy had failed a few steals already, so I wasnted to get it before he did.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Peace Alliance

Oh such a noble thief you are ;)


I am indeed - pretty sure I just accidentally saved your life by typing the wrong number into the aid box haha. Cheers.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..