
Started by Shadow, April 15, 2009, 12:15:54 PM

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That time I said "Good thing I wasn't running, Bob?" or something along those lines? Or the second failed attempt? I had finished ages ago that first time, and was sitting online, hence the 200 or so turns, though I remember it as more like 65. I just sent that message to get a reaction out of you, hoping to find out if it was really you ^_^

You haven't onlined me this set, I just blustered about it cause I was trying to do a noob act at the start. Got bored of it when I realized I couldn't take you guy down and pretend to be a noob at the same time.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


So tell me why the eck you said that Zulu broke my innocent "act" ???
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


When Are You? (#42)
Turns   497 (max 550)
Turns Stored   0 (max 150)
Rank   #3
Workers   159,798
Acres   23,614
Cash   $8,272,470,256
Food   312,441,628
Loyalty   14,604,938
Networth   $113,885,185
Location   Mossflower
Race   Marten
Health   76%
Tax Rate   11%
Rats   32,303,675
Weasels   4,610,814
Stoats   5,477,378
Skiffs   3,531,738
Leaders   3,618,764


What Are You? (#5)
Turns   550 (max 550)
Turns Stored   0 (max 150)
Rank   #1
Workers   122,933
Acres   18,141
Cash   $4,066,605,445
Food   2,378,259,715
Loyalty   86,896,744
Networth   $270,356,869
Location   Mossflower
Race   Stoat
Health   100%
Tax Rate   10%
Rats   68,052,680
Weasels   13,977,054
Stoats   14,149,320
Skiffs   8,232,310
Leaders   4,863,903

nvm, he came online and shiilded
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I'm really unimpressed by Question they're struggling to outplay me so unprovoked they're knocking me down to 5k land lol. It's much harder to outplay then to destroy, so I'd really like to see more outplaying. :P
One thing I hate is hypocrites...
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Peace Alliance

Oh firetooth... So petty, so clueless, so lost.


Quote from: Peace Alliance on April 18, 2009, 08:04:15 AM
Oh firetooth... So petty, so clueless, so lost.

Is this because you can't deny what he's saying or what?  ???


Quote from: Marell on April 18, 2009, 08:07:45 AM
Quote from: Peace Alliance on April 18, 2009, 08:04:15 AM
Oh firetooth... So petty, so clueless, so lost.

Is this because you can't deny what he's saying or what?  ???
Basically. Like with most blackfly members, if you can't deny something, just insult the person making the accusations instead ;)
And don't say question are hitting me to 5k for leaders, last time they only captured 43k overall, and if they need land I only staretd with 13k
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


When Are You? (#42)
Turns   460 (max 550)
Turns Stored   0 (max 150)
Rank   #4
Workers   46,799
Acres   19,218
Cash   $8,406,793,450
Food   620,211,553
Loyalty   18,838,947
Networth   $105,750,730
Location   Mossflower
Race   Marten
Health   100%
Tax Rate   11%
Rats   24,503,335
Weasels   1,600,006
Stoats   4,186,632
Skiffs   4,861,626
Leaders   3,307,377
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Peace Alliance

OK, well because you all are so desperate to jump on my words, allow me to summarize what i've now repeated several times in this thread and be done with it.

You're all acting jealous. It's silly to argue about this repeatedly. You didn't like the jump we got off the start, and now you're targeting us instead of improving yourselves.

So instead of arguing endlessly with firetooth I'm just going to leave it alone.

[edit] (fire with fire and so on)

badrang (#25)
Turns   36 (max 550)
Turns Stored   139 (max 150)
Rank   #6
Workers   123,870
Acres   50,929
Cash   $42,411,329,940
Food   983,955,335
Loyalty   88,657,253
Networth   $79,590,395
Location   Mossflower
Race   Marten
Health   100%
Tax Rate   11%
Rats   15,797
Weasels   333,452
Stoats   447,616
Skiffs   274,202
Leaders   4,913,775


If you were all soloing instead of boosting each other I'd either be first or somewhere very near there, so quit yammering about improving ourselves. I can't make as much net as two leaderers on my own....Plus most of blackfly know a good deal of the code, opposed to my minimal knowledge.

Pah I know someone with more cash then badrang on less leaders if you really want cash, though I won't reveal their warlord.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Peace Alliance

Firetooth if you were targeted by 2 clans you wouldn't be in the top 5. Heck, if you were even just targeted by Question (blackfly is reg, completely different clan) you wouldn't be in the top 5.


Blackfly and question are just about all the same members though.
No, I wouldn't be, but I dont have 3 other people helping me, do I? And as Bob pointed out, I'm a useless strategist, I just build a bit of everything and hope it works out okay ;)
But to be fair, let's put it this way:

I'm an "inferior" player, you lot are "superior" when it comes to skill levels.
There's 4 of you in one clan, yes you're targeted, but still, 4 of you! (5technically, but one of them doesn't do much)
There's 1 of me recieving no aid at all.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


When Are You? (#42)
Turns   525 (max 550)
Turns Stored   0 (max 150)
Rank   #10
Workers   46,799
Acres   19,218
Cash   $3,762,720,449
Food   620,211,553
Loyalty   18,838,947
Networth   $67,289,719
Location   Mossflower
Race   Marten
Health   100%
Tax Rate   11%
Rats   13,324,775
Weasels   870,075
Stoats   2,276,666
Skiffs   2,643,725
Leaders   1,798,532

Shields are down
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Peace Alliance

Then we are in agreement Firetooth, you are inferior and we are superior. End of debate


Rofl yeah 1 inferior player isn't far behind 4 superior players.

Sorry, all of your posts have made me laugh peace, just because they're so hypocritical. I bet yah if woof's team was doing what you are you'd kick up a big fuss and do the same thing. Plus, you said I'd be murdering people who've done nothing wrong, but they're to some extent attempting a lock and smashing me low two runs in a row so I lose a ton of leaders each time I log on. If I was targeted by two clans, I wouldn't be in the top 5, but I don't have 3people helping me.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.