
Started by Shadow, April 13, 2009, 02:55:34 PM

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Bob, if you have anything else useless to add I'm glad I wont be around to have the misfortune to read it.

To some extent, you seem to be claiming you're a better player then Shadow, but:

He taught you
He's won more rounds then you
He's more respected then you
He's contributed to more wins/empships then you

And you don't have respect as a person, your leader skills have respect. People like Shadow, Volk and Marell are respected because as well as being good players, they're friendly and don't go up and beyond breaking rules to gain attention.

And you still can't back up half you say, you've never won a round, magorly contributed to the winner of a round, emped, you locked land once but you were playing unfair.
Oh, and you've never cloaked 1bil under your enemies noses...

Infact, I dont think you've ever done anything worth mentioning on the site, despite your vaunted "knowledge of code" and "leader skills," other then brag about how good you are, how insignificant everyone else is, and how you deserve a medal, no wait, a knighting, for your "services" to new players...
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


-Someone had to
-A few of which I organized, and he's been around longer.
-Depends on which crowd you're looking at. As a leader, I'm more respected than he is by ~half the experienced players, he's more respected than I am by the other half, and most of the newbies haven't a clue on who to ally with, so basically none have any real respect for either of us.
-Again, I've organized a few, and he's been around longer.

The one thing you forget is how many times I've been in #1 until "the end", when I send away most/all of what I have either in order to do a takedown or because someone else deserves that win. A few other times now, I've made it my purpose to either keep others from winning or to ensure someone I want will win. Last round, #21, the reset took place over a week later than it was always said it would be reset. If memory serves, there were even in-game messages from Shael about the reset. Round #20, I was solo and didn't receive any help from anyone, yet finished up as the #3 player or #4 warlord. The round prior to that, #19, I was the #2 player or the #6 warlord, with only Marell (stacked with troops) finishing ahead of me. Round #16, I, Physics 1001, did OK. None of the finishes were #1, but a good number of them were playing anonymously or passively with great success.

So you don't respect me as a person--fine with me. As I outlined, I have plenty of valid bad points for "social skills", meaning I WILL be disliked by a lot of people. I'm callous, I'm dry, but I'm effective. However, I have a good bit of "evidence" that backs up what I say. I've never won a round--true. I've come in second and third being passive, but no, I've never taken #1 in Turbo. A good bit of this had been the end of last year, when I wasn't playing to win, as a passive or anonymous player can't really be expected to take #1. I've contributed majorly to the winner of rounds. If last would have ended on time, the Emp would have had a few land and Army would have won. A day later, I would have been emp and Army would still have won. A week later, 2/3 of the "emping" team from Army are gone because I dropped my land and Cody didn't spend a turn (and thus died). Of course, Trident did no better than Army. I seem to remember them distinctively worse. I ran the Round 9 "Make Shadow #1" scheme, without which a clan would have got #1. Fine with me, really, as we had had a logistical nightmare, yet Shadow won with $150m extra NW over #2 and that wasn't his own doing.

Now then--I've had a few of my own students doing pretty well. Their diplomacy is their own business, unless they join a non-teaching team or I partner with them for a round to demonstrate a few things they want to learn.


Bob, we are aware of your opinion of youself and your skills, you can stop belabouring the point. You are a combination of Snare's ego and Shade's... something... at this point. The simple fact is that, sure, you've been involved in plenty of team efforts that came out near or on top, but you have never done anything worth mentioning solo... which is fine, but when you talk about your ability, you are forgetting that most of the talent that got those wins was in fact that of your team. You say you are a leader, and I believe it in some cases, but in our teamwork, I led, and if you are leading your current team right now, it is only because they don't care enough to tell you otherwise. People who are that skilled need very little in the way of leadership beyond someone to tell them when to show up for clan runs, and any fool can do that.

My point is that before you start going on an ego trip, take a reality check and actually figure out how much you really contributed to most of your team efforts. When you led noob teams I have no doubt it is a lot. When you are involved in vet teams, it's probably more like manpower and a endless stream of unnecessary strategy tips, combined with some organisation. The strat you are running now isn't even original - some of the people who are on your team ran it with me back when 40% sharing was implemented - windy was part of it at the time. Possibly Snare too, I forget. Troop sharing wasn't working at the time, though, so we gave up halfway in.

Have some fun solo, pull of a convincing win all by yourself, and people will be more inclined to believe your claims of grandeur, because as of now, you are just riding on the coattails of a veteran team who haven't really spoken up. I've no doubt your team will win this turbo round, but that's because you have a pretty stacked lineup of Blackfly players in it and nobody is motivated enough to get in the way.

My two cents.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Gen. Volkov

QuoteReread what I said. I don't consider you or your more experienced compatriots as "pawns". If memory serves, I never once said it, especially as time passed.

OK, fair enough, why did you bring it up though?

QuoteNow then--the other half of my decision to "switch" sides was I found the players to be more tolerable to work with. I'm not going to lie and say I get along perfectly with everyone. I get along well enough and I have more respect for them for various reasons. And what I was saying comparing Shadow's and my own leadership styles is that we're both leaders, though we have different qualities that make us such. I'm dry and I prefer to run a tight ship. If you want to have some fun and drama, hop aboard. I'm not afraid of consequence, especially when it serves my own purposes or a plan I support. I'm open to questions, suggestions, and general conversation from anyone I work with or teach.

I don't I even asked these questions...
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Quote from: Gen. Volkov on April 16, 2009, 05:41:30 PM
QuoteReread what I said. I don't consider you or your more experienced compatriots as "pawns". If memory serves, I never once said it, especially as time passed.

OK, fair enough, why did you bring it up though?
Because it's always brought up, and I don't think the same way.

QuoteNow then--the other half of my decision to "switch" sides was I found the players to be more tolerable to work with. I'm not going to lie and say I get along perfectly with everyone. I get along well enough and I have more respect for them for various reasons. And what I was saying comparing Shadow's and my own leadership styles is that we're both leaders, though we have different qualities that make us such. I'm dry and I prefer to run a tight ship. If you want to have some fun and drama, hop aboard. I'm not afraid of consequence, especially when it serves my own purposes or a plan I support. I'm open to questions, suggestions, and general conversation from anyone I work with or teach.

I don't I even asked these questions...
No, you may not have, but they're answers none the less.

Gen. Volkov

QuoteBecause it's always brought up, and I don't think the same way.


QuoteNo, you may not have, but they're answers none the less.

Answers to whom?
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES