
Started by Shadow, April 13, 2009, 02:55:34 PM

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Bob sama is Who are you, and just scraped up most of the land on turbo and went onto vacation with it. You can break him with 5 mil rats, or about 2-3 mil stoats, and you have 12 hours before that land is locked up. Please take it from him so that this round of cose abuse doesn't work out for him.

EDIT: apparently it was just a scores malfunction, he seems to be back up there now. Odd, that. We'll find out for sure in 12 hours anyway. There was no abuse, and I appologize for assuming the worst immediately. *Has flashbacks to Blackfly vs Woof and shudders*
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Just like you to make unfounded accusations. I just love the fact that you're willing to throw me under the bus no matter what has happened. A few things--one is prove that I'm Who Are You?. There are dozens of others it could be in various time zones, and to the best of my knowledge, nobody has been able to espionage them. Second is prove that Who Are You? is committing code abuse. I remember last time you pulled this bullshit out, and I ended up giving a total 36 hour window to take as much land as wanted. It wasn't my fault then, and I'm pretty sure it's not a player's fault this time, even if they were going into vacation mode. I noticed a few other warlords in the past few days whose ranks took the effects of vacation yet were entirely active. Third, what would the point for any warlord to go on vacation so early in the round? Whatever land is gathered is the least of what will come in the coming days. You can't seriously think that someone can "run off" with the game with anything less than a dream-team of active and motivated players. To the best of my knowledge, Question's powerhouse antics are a result of a good start and perhaps superior skills.

By the way--I really do appreciate your jackassery and knee jerk reactions. Get some control over your emotions and you will be a better player overall. Not everything is about riding your white horse in gleaming, polished armor, calling out "cheater" because of a mild suspicion and an already-demonstrated read-out bug. If you have a problem with how I play or how Who Are You? plays, report it to an administrator and request that they be investigated for code abuse. There are better places to bring accusations then public.


You appeared at the bottom of the scores. It looked like you were going on vacation after taking all the land. It turned out to be a scores readout bug, which I realized after I posted (hence the edit). I posted it here so that people would have a chance to take the land this time. Turns out it was not needed.

As for why Who are You is Bob-sama, that is 99% sure, both from your presence here now and from your writing and play style. If this is wrong, my appologies, but all the current evidence points to you, considering I know the identities of every other player who is online at the moment ^_^. It really isn't that important - feel free to tell people who I am if you like.

As for the rest, meh. The whole white horse persona is something you fools gave me, I didn't foster it myself. Whatever helps you sleep at night. You have a history of code abuse, which is why people jump to these conclusions when you are involved in apparent code errors. The knee jerk reaction was because if you were going on vacation, I wanted to get the most out of the 12 hours, which means I needed to be speedy.

And there are certainly better places to bring it, but you seem to have blocked me on msn, so this is all I've got ^_^  This is not a privte witch hunt against you, I would have posted this had anyone else done the same thing. It just so happens that you are one of the only ones wwho would do such a thing in general :P Again, I had not noticed people going to the bottom of the scores while active - if I had, I would have thought nothing of it.

Question's 'powerhouse' tactics are the result of a strategy that myself and wolf bite worked out together in order to test the 40% troops sharing thing when it was implemented, and a decent idea of teamwork. At the time, troop sharing was broken so it didn't work, but now it is certainly viable. It is made up of good players, so you might be able to pull it off this time with the defenses fixed. Kudos for working it out on your own (I assume it was you anyway).

Given recent events, this was a prefectly reasonable conclusion. Now that it is obvious i was wrong about the code abuse, please accept my appoligies. Even though you did try to online earlier ^_^

I'm curious as to when you went around to the "Shadow is evil incarnate view" held by half of the forum. We used to be such good friends, heh.

Now I am not going to moderate this topic myself for obvious reasons, but please stay civil. I changed the title of the topic to something less acusatory and fixed the initial topic now that I know I was mistaken. Sorry about that.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: Shadow on April 13, 2009, 03:44:26 PM
You appeared at the bottom of the scores. It looked like you were going on vacation after taking all the land. It turned out to be a scores readout bug, which I realized after I posted (hence the edit). I posted it here so that people would have a chance to take the land this time. Turns out it was not needed. And as for why Who are You is Bob-sama, that is 99% sure, both from your presence here now and from your writing and play style. If this is wrong, my appologies, but all the current evidence points to you, considering I know the identities of every other player who is online at the moment ^_^.
I'll tell you this right up--I don't like being accused. Regardless of identities, it is my opinion that you had no basis in which to accuse me. I'll be up-front. I'm Who Are You?. Do I really deny it? Nope. Why did I imply against that before? Because I doubt your judgment in your accusation.

QuoteAs for the rest, meh. The whole white horse persona is something you fools gave me, I didn't foster it myself. Whatever helps you sleep at night. You have a history of code abuse, which is why people jump to these conclusions when you are involved in apparent code errors. The knee jerk reaction was because if you were going on vacation, I wanted to get the most out of the 12 hours, which means I needed to be speedy.
Actually I just made it up. Probably existed before, but it was the best way to say that you're all mouth and no game, at least at this point. As for having a "history of code abuse", I also have a history for finding and pointing out various glitches and errors. My primary job since the reset has been spotting bugs and telling them to someone who can fix them. If I really wanted to abuse code like you think I do, I'd have never mentioned the fact that I could move to Pearl Holder county, and in turn reveal that I'd have had the 2.0 play bonus. That's one of dozens of examples from before I "abused" and until after I "abused". Besides--you could have checked if I was in fact going into vacation or if it was a readout bug by asking.

QuoteAnd there are certainly better places to bring it, but you seem to have blocked me on msn, so this is all I've got ^_^  This is not a privte witch hunt against you, I would have posted this had anyone else done the same thing. It just so happens that you are one of the only ones wwho would do such a thing in general :P Again, I had not noticed people going to the bottom of the scores while active - if I had, I would have thought nothing of it.
What I do with my MSN isn't your business. Blocked or not, we haven't had a need to discuss anything through the medium, so I removed you from the list. If you really wanted to talk to me, I'm sure that there are others that have both of us on their MSN, so you could have asked/told them to invite us into a group conversation. Or, you could have snet a message through Regular or Turbo, provided you know who I am in either or both. Third, you could have messaged me through the forums.

[quotes]Question's 'powerhouse' tactics are the result of a strategy that myself and wolf bite worked out together in order to test the 40% troops sharing thing when it was implemented, and a decent idea of teamwork. At the time, troop sharing was broken so it didn't work, but now it is certainly viable. It is made up of good players, so you might be able to pull it off this time with the defenses fixed.[/quote]
Actually I was unaware you already worked on the strategy like that. I know I pulled the topic up and it was supposedly just a readout bug, but you can never be too sure about that.

QuoteI'm curious as to when you went around to the "Shadow is evil incarnate view" held by half of the forum. We used to be such good friends, heh.

Now I am not going to moderate this topic myself for obvious reasons, but please stay civil.
The primary reason? Because I remembered back to some of our more interesting conversations about strategy. I know you don't like Firetooth or Sharptooth as much as you let on. No offense, but they're rather useless strategists in this game. A year ago or so, when we still worked together, we used them as little more than drones. In effect, they and others were of little use, and their own happiness as a result from your plans, my plans, or our plans was an often unfortunate and unintended consequence. I can't remember a time that they ever said "no". Let's face it--they were vulnerable and they were handy. I started to dislike you when I saw you do things that I thought harmed Redwall overall. Hell--the major reason that I abused code a few months ago was because I saw that Ereptor had no intention to stop with the death-grip. It scares away newer players, who we especially need to at least keep Redwall surviving. If I would have had my full way, the opposition would have taken the land and started murdering and subsequently releasing Ereptor's land and networth into the rest of the game. That didn't happen--oh well. I didn't think out the plans too closely and so it was my fault. But through it all, I didn't feel that you were doing anything good for the game. You can make the argument that nor do I--what do I do? I try teaching. When I can't teach, I use my prowess to keep newbies out of harms way. OH was never a threat to you last round, yet "your side" intended to crush them. Beyond Ungatt's occasional help and Briar learning directly from me, the rest of OH's members were of no consequence to you. Until just a few days ago even, Briar and everyone else was not involved in BlackFly/U, or whatever you want to call our organization.


Had there not been an urgency to taking back vacationed land, I would have messaged you by a different method. I made a mistake when i saw you at the bottom of the scores list, which was perfeclty reasonable to do since that is the usual place for vacationers.

As for Firetooth, I don't know where you are getting that. Firetooth helps me, and I help him, all the time. I really don't talk to Sharp much anymore, but I've never said no to either of them either lol. Not that it has anything to do with this. And people in OH were hit because those people were helping you - it was never an attack on the clan, only an attack on people who were helping you guys. We never hit anyone who was not involved, to the best of my knowledge.

And that's that. I'm sorry I accused you without more proof, but time was of the essence. Now, if you reply, please do two things for me. First, stick with the issue at hand, and second, stop dragging other people into it.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Ashyra Nightwing

didn't mean to post here. x.x my computer's killing itself. Also I can verify that we (Woof)were nothing but good to Firetooth and co, sending them aid whenever they requested it. I suppose this is between you two, though. *backs out of the topic*


Bob, if only you knew a scrap of the [haties] of what I was doing last reg round when you and woof were fighting, if I wanted too I could've took empship myself, that's how much net I had under my control. You won't understand what I mean but Shadow and woof can back me up, I was doing alot more then it appeared. You forget, you were the tool. Me and feng saw you as nothing other then someone with an inflated opinion of yourself. That's why we stopped working with you. We only used you to help us achieve our goal when you were took down whilst passive.

YOU, yes you, used Outer Heaven to achieve your goals. So don't you be a damned hypocrite like just about every player here.
So we gained happiness from "your plans?" You rode on feng's coatrail. I didn't work with Shadow really. I mean I help him out, but I'm not exactly his best ally.

And yeah I agree with Ashyra, woof helped me and my clan, we helped them out.

So if you're done with you're "I'm greater then everyone else" speech (which is all you ever seem to post, except for faulty justifications and lies) just prove it in game. Oh, I forgot, you haven't won a round yet...

I'm done with these forums, and turbo. See you in game people, if any of you have the guts to stop hiding behind posts and back up what you say...
I play for fun, not to be insulted, insult or brag about my ability. I honestly have better things to do with my time. I've achieved most of my goals, and have had some fun. But I no longer find this site very enjoyable.

I'll still be around reg. But like Feng said, everyone here's all talk and no do. At the time I thought he was wrong, but he's right. He lefgt because of cheating, flames and general pettyness, as well of a lack of faith with the way rules were enforced, which I am afraid to admit I'm seeing more and more.

So carry on talking about who's better at a online game Bob , how cool you are because you use people in an online. But if you think that makes you "cool" or "smart" or whatever you think, you need to look over your life. Also, I don't see to much to rbag about. Several players here, mainly ones who don't brag non-stop, are better then you. I'm not sure if they'd appreciate being named or drawn into though, so I won't mention them.

I don't care if you or anyone else doesn't like my opinions, I'm gonna say what's on my mind, not what will make everyone happy. This game used to be a diamond once, but now it's turning to glass. Bugs are everywhere, resets are late, and the forums are only good for bragging about how much net you can make in a virtual game, as well as insulting others. This game isn't fun anymore, I'm not one of those people who play to satisfy others with how good they are, I'm not paticularly good anyway. I also don't play to brag when I win-generally I just help out my friends, usually Marell and Pip, sometimes Shadow. I try to stop all the noob clans from starting world war three with each other. It used to be fun but the ego trips and lack of order are boring.

And sharptooth isn't here because he also got bored of the ego trips, constant flames and brags. I hung on because I thought maybe he was over re-acting, maybe he was wrong. But looks like he wasn't wrong, however hard it seems to admit.

I've been playing for about two years now, I've had all sorts of different experiences, but none so negative and dissapointing as very recently.

Delete this post if it violates any rules, heck, delete my account if you want. I couldn't care less. I refuse to be part of a community like this any more. You don't seem to care or respect your players unless they stick around for a few decades or know everything about the code.
I have next to no respect, maybe it's because I actually enjoy the game, maybe it's because I don't take things seriously, maybe it's because I'm not the best player. Who knows? All I know is, I don't want your respect, because it won't be me earning your respect, it will be the fake personallty I choose to hide behind to earn it.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


It is a sad, sad day for Redwall when one of its greatest modern players talks of leaving. Sadder yet to know that it has been influenced by the careless, uninformed insults of another player.

Quote from: CobyCopper on April 13, 2009, 04:28:19 PM
QuoteI'm curious as to when you went around to the "Shadow is evil incarnate view" held by half of the forum. We used to be such good friends, heh.
Now I am not going to moderate this topic myself for obvious reasons, but please stay civil.

The primary reason? Because I remembered back to some of our more interesting conversations about strategy. I know you don't like Firetooth or Sharptooth as much as you let on. No offense, but they're rather useless strategists in this game. A year ago or so, when we still worked together, we used them as little more than drones. In effect, they and others were of little use, and their own happiness as a result from your plans, my plans, or our plans was an often unfortunate and unintended consequence. I can't remember a time that they ever said "no". Let's face it--they were vulnerable and they were handy. I started to dislike you when I saw you do things that I thought harmed Redwall overall. [haties]--the major reason that I abused code a few months ago was because I saw that Ereptor had no intention to stop with the death-grip. It scares away newer players, who we especially need to at least keep Redwall surviving. If I would have had my full way, the opposition would have taken the land and started murdering and subsequently releasing Ereptor's land and networth into the rest of the game. That didn't happen--oh well. I didn't think out the plans too closely and so it was my fault. But through it all, I didn't feel that you were doing anything good for the game. You can make the argument that nor do I--what do I do? I try teaching. When I can't teach, I use my prowess to keep newbies out of harms way. OH was never a threat to you last round, yet "your side" intended to crush them. Beyond Ungatt's occasional help and Briar learning directly from me, the rest of OH's members were of no consequence to you. Until just a few days ago even, Briar and everyone else was not involved in BlackFly/U, or whatever you want to call our organization.

Bob. People work with Shadow because he is a good team player, is friendly and charismatic. He does not take advantage of anyone. People like him, people don't like you. Its as simple as that.
I remember Shade tried this old arguement a year or so ago. Tried to convince me that Shadow was using Kell and myself as pawns back in the time of Eire. Even sent me doctored messages trying to prove it. Sure, using psychology like this to try to split a good team up can work pretty well sometimes, but its not the most respectable tactic.

Btw we never intended to harm OH unless we thought they were helping you guys (which at times it seemed they were). Where does this talk of us intending to "crush" them come from.

Quote from: Firetooth on April 14, 2009, 06:21:51 AM
Bob, if only you knew a scrap of the [haties] of what I was doing last reg round when you and woof were fighting, if I wanted too I could've took empship myself, that's how much net I had under my control. You won't understand what I mean but Shadow and woof can back me up, I was doing alot more then it appeared. You forget, you were the tool. Me and feng saw you as nothing other then someone with an inflated opinion of yourself. That's why we stopped working with you. We only used you to help us achieve our goal when you were took down whilst passive.

Its true. Wiseclaw was a fox last round, cloaked, and with Firetooth indying they had him up to at leat 1 bil net the last I saw it, and that was while Blackfly and Woof were full on at each other too.
Just out of interest, who was Blackflies fox?...Lyndrey I think it was. I couldnt think of who else was missing from the war that could have been controlling that account.

Quote from: Firetooth on April 14, 2009, 06:21:51 AM
So if you're done with you're "I'm greater then everyone else" speech (which is all you ever seem to post, except for faulty justifications and lies) just prove it in game. Oh, I forgot, you haven't won a round yet...


The Lady Shael

=( Firetooth, please don't leave. I promise I'll reset on time. You've kept this game and forum alive more than you could know.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


Bah guys I'm really sorry I started this. Please don't leave, Firetooth.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: The Lady Shael on April 14, 2009, 09:08:25 AM
=( Firetooth, please don't leave. I promise I'll reset on time. You've kept this game and forum alive more than you could know.
It's no to do with the late reset, sorry if I upset you :( You've done more for this site for me.

I'm sorry but I just don't find the game fun anymore, whether it's to do with the code-abusers, constant ego wars and flaming or just that I don't enjoy it.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Quote from: CobyCopper on April 13, 2009, 04:28:19 PM
QuoteI'm curious as to when you went around to the "Shadow is evil incarnate view" held by half of the forum. We used to be such good friends, heh.

Now I am not going to moderate this topic myself for obvious reasons, but please stay civil.
The primary reason? Because I remembered back to some of our more interesting conversations about strategy. I know you don't like Firetooth or Sharptooth as much as you let on. No offense, but they're rather useless strategists in this game. A year ago or so, when we still worked together, we used them as little more than drones. In effect, they and others were of little use, and their own happiness as a result from your plans, my plans, or our plans was an often unfortunate and unintended consequence. I can't remember a time that they ever said "no". Let's face it--they were vulnerable and they were handy. I started to dislike you when I saw you do things that I thought harmed Redwall overall. [haties]--the major reason that I abused code a few months ago was because I saw that Ereptor had no intention to stop with the death-grip. It scares away newer players, who we especially need to at least keep Redwall surviving. If I would have had my full way, the opposition would have taken the land and started murdering and subsequently releasing Ereptor's land and networth into the rest of the game. That didn't happen--oh well. I didn't think out the plans too closely and so it was my fault. But through it all, I didn't feel that you were doing anything good for the game. You can make the argument that nor do I--what do I do? I try teaching. When I can't teach, I use my prowess to keep newbies out of harms way. OH was never a threat to you last round, yet "your side" intended to crush them. Beyond Ungatt's occasional help and Briar learning directly from me, the rest of OH's members were of no consequence to you. Until just a few days ago even, Briar and everyone else was not involved in BlackFly/U, or whatever you want to call our organization.

This is why I left this forum, no one seems to care for me (or even notice I'm there) then when they do I just get &*^($ from them like I just got from you, bob I'm making a special post just for you, get a life get some friends and learn to be modest.

If anything when we worked together I remember you were actually pretty bad at everything apart from takedowns, but then I suppose my opinion doesn't really amount to much here.

And on that bombshell I leave, (if anyone noticed I was gone in the first place)


Modesty is not my best quality. I'm irritable, I'm critical, I'm quite abrasive, I'm ambitious, I'm competitive, I'm unsentimental, and I'm frank. I know that--I'm sure you've experienced quite a bit of that. It's part of who I am, and I'm not changing. I have no reason to change, especially when for all of those "offensive" qualities, I'm quite good analyzing, I'm competent, innovative, and rather creative. I'm a rationalist; I will only ever act like someone else for my own devices. If I think it'll be fun, odds are I'll do it. Beyond that, I know that I'm assertive and in many ways authoritative. Is that a coincidence? I think not: I lead people who want to have fun playing. [haties]--half the reason I constantly fight is because being friends with everyone is no good. Now here's a revelation: I'm an INTJ. Here's some informative reading.

QuoteINTJs apply (often ruthlessly) the criterion "Does it work?" to everything from their own research efforts to the prevailing social norms. This in turn produces an unusual independence of mind, freeing the INTJ from the constraints of authority, convention, or sentiment for its own sake... INTJs are known as the "Systems Builders" of the types, perhaps in part because they possess the unusual trait combination of imagination and reliability. Whatever system an INTJ happens to be working on is for them the equivalent of a moral cause to an INFJ; both perfectionism and disregard for authority may come into play... Personal relationships, particularly romantic ones, can be the INTJ's Achilles heel... This happens in part because many INTJs do not readily grasp the social rituals... Perhaps the most fundamental problem, however, is that INTJs really want people to make sense.

I'm modest: it's my best quality, just behind my classic good looks, witty remarks, and my fabulous sense of humor. And enjoy my presence while it lasts: I won't be here to irritate you forever. On top of all that, my antisocial behavior manages to drive away quite a few sorts of people. It's so awesome though; they can't stand me, I can't stand them, everyone wins! So my dear Sharptooth, Firetooth, Shadow, and to some extent even Marell, I love you all. Hugs and kisses all around.

Forever yours,


EDIT: Oh, Marell, I think you deserve a bit of a response, with less sarcasm.

QuotePeople work with Shadow because he is a good team player, is friendly and charismatic. He does not take advantage of anyone. People like him, people don't like you. Its as simple as that.
I remember Shade tried this old arguement a year or so ago. Tried to convince me that Shadow was using Kell and myself as pawns back in the time of Eire. Even sent me doctored messages trying to prove it. Sure, using psychology like this to try to split a good team up can work pretty well sometimes, but its not the most respectable tactic.

Btw we never intended to harm OH unless we thought they were helping you guys (which at times it seemed they were). Where does this talk of us intending to "crush" them come from.
I'm not saying he's using you or Volkov as pawns, but I know all too well that a year ago, Firetooth and Company were pawns for the both of us. Now then--the reason that I perceive for people wanting to follow me are because I'm rational under fire, I push efficiency and teamwork, and I'm dedicated leading. I don't take advantage of others either--you stick around long enough, and you'll become the center of some plan or plot, so long as you are active. And enough people dislike each of us to give us competition. I was not sarcastic when I said I'm an INTJ: I'm a rationalist and commonly a mastermind. We have different tools for leadership, but it's leadership none the less. I have no shortage of allies and I have no shortage of enemies.

Gen. Volkov

The assertions that Shadow was using me as a pawn was Snare trying to get under my skin. I asked Shadow to join Woof, and I made all the major decisions in Woof. It's true that Shadow handled many details of leadership for me as Asst. Leader, because I just couldn't be there that much, but every major move Woof made was made at my decision. Woof was my clan, Shadow was my Assistant Leader. Even when I was out of the clan, trying to lock land, he still was conferring with me about what the clan should be doing.

Just for the record.

Also for the record, we didn't use Firetooth, he was a big help to us, and he got helped out by Woof in return. He and his clan did amass a huge NW under cloak on Wiseclaw.

Firetooth, don't leave, it's true that you used to annoy me at times, but since you've been here, you've become a valuable forum member and a good player. I'd be happy to work with you any time.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Quote from: Gen. Volkov on April 14, 2009, 09:57:58 PM
The assertions that Shadow was using me as a pawn was Snare trying to get under my skin. I asked Shadow to join Woof, and I made all the major decisions in Woof. It's true that Shadow handled many details of leadership for me as Asst. Leader, because I just couldn't be there that much, but every major move Woof made was made at my decision. Woof was my clan, Shadow was my Assistant Leader. Even when I was out of the clan, trying to lock land, he still was conferring with me about what the clan should be doing.

Just for the record.

Also for the record, we didn't use Firetooth, he was a big help to us, and he got helped out by Woof in return. He and his clan did amass a huge NW under cloak on Wiseclaw.

Firetooth, don't leave, it's true that you used to annoy me at times, but since you've been here, you've become a valuable forum member and a good player. I'd be happy to work with you any time.
Reread what I said. I don't consider you or your more experienced compatriots as "pawns". If memory serves, I never once said it, especially as time passed. Now then--the other half of my decision to "switch" sides was I found the players to be more tolerable to work with. I'm not going to lie and say I get along perfectly with everyone. I get along well enough and I have more respect for them for various reasons. And what I was saying comparing Shadow's and my own leadership styles is that we're both leaders, though we have different qualities that make us such. I'm dry and I prefer to run a tight ship. If you want to have some fun and drama, hop aboard. I'm not afraid of consequence, especially when it serves my own purposes or a plan I support. I'm open to questions, suggestions, and general conversation from anyone I work with or teach.