Saved roleplay from last turbo round :)

Started by Daryn, April 11, 2009, 10:16:18 PM

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As Quixote stood on deck, he noticed a few of his ships off to the side; the enemy fleet had probably been taken care of. The wildcat surveyed the deck from the top of the stairs, finally spotting Jadrek and Daryn by the mast. He strode over until he stood above the wolf. "Jadrek?"

Jadrek blinked, somewhat startled as he looked up at the wildcat before him. "You sure you should be up and about, Quixote?" the wolf asked, standing up slowly. "You do know what sleep darts can d-"

"I know, I know," Quixote brushed Jadrek's concern aside, speaking quietly. His eyes darted over to Daryn, then back to the wolf's face. "I'm just not sure about this journey, now."


"Shangri=la is a holy city," Daryn agreed softly. "I don't think we should be going against it."

"Hold the gates!" Daryn roared at his Night Hunters. They all wore crocodile leather armor covered with a tunic and kilt bearing Montu-Horus' sign. The warriors were armed with long spears and shields bearing the Pharaonic falcon device.
In the dstance, the ruined hypostyle hall of the Temple of Ra burned. Taun had been defeated.


Quixote glanced at Daryn again, but only for a second, and he turned back to Jadrek. "Have you seen any signs of him?" the wildcat asked. "'Cause I don't want him know..."

Jadrek understood; the wildcat spoke of the warlord responsible for the deaths of Quixote's family. "None at all," the wolf replied.

Quixote sighed, shaking his head. "Still," he muttered, "I just don't feel like this is such a good idea." The wildcat looked around the deck; there were too many others abovedeck for him to feel comfortable. "Daryn, you didn't see the other fleet burn the Night Cat, did you? 'Cause there's the possibility that they'll come back for another attack."


"Hmm..." Daryn scratched his head. "No in fact. I think Pewlet took your ship in fact. I can help get it back if ya like."


"Pewlet..." Quixote mulled over the name in his mind for a minute, then shrugged. "Eh," he replied quietly, can't match the name with anything. Yes, I would like it back, but I don't want to go after it without outright deserting least, not this time..."

Jadrek raised an eyebrow. "What are you thinking?" the wolf asked, just as quiet.


"It's your ship after all,"  Daryn muttered. "I'll go get it back in fact with Morvatius."


"Thanks," Quixote nodded to Daryn. When Jadrek started to say that the Night Cat wasn't that important, the wildcat grabbed the wolf by his tunic. "The way that ship was designed," Quixote growled, "it would take years to find even one person who could do it again. You got that?" When Jadrek silently nodded, the wildcat let him go and stalked back to his room belowdecks.

"I hate it when this happens," Jadrek muttered to himself, watching his superior walk away.


Daryn stealthily crept  onto a small longboat with his lieutenant Morvatius. The longboat's sails unfurled and they set sail toward Pewlet's fleet. No one noticed them except Jadrek and Quixote.

Daryn quietly snuck onto the deck of the Night Cat. The ship was elegantly craft, and a great vessel. It could be worth quite a lot. All the more reason to get it back for Quixote.


Jadrek sighed, watching Daryn and Morvatius leave from the deck's railing. /They might as well be commiting suicide,/ the wolf thought to himself.

Quixote was restlessly pacing back and forth in his room. One problem was how to do it without Ublaz catching on and taking him out before he could leave. Another was when to leave. By now, the wildcat had convinced himself that this journey was doomed to be a failure.
