
Started by Ungatt Trunn II, April 08, 2009, 08:20:17 PM

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Ungatt Trunn II

Fun new hoax apparently.

QuoteYet another virus has made its way onto the internet, aptly named "Biohazard". This one, like many others, opens via email and infects various files, most of them from your computer's hard drive. This one, unlike the others, is a bit more powerful. It seems to adapt so it can get around any type of virus protection by posing as a simple backup file.

The subject that the email has differs, most likely because a spread out team of skilled hackers worked on the project and are sending it to all the people they can find. But most common are "Confirmation required", "hello", "A friend has deleted you" or "A friend has replied." or something similar. DO NOT OPEN THESE EMAILS!!!! This will result in opening the virus! It will replicate itself as a backup file and before you can try to delete it, it will have renamed itself and destroyed many key components.

So far, no motivation has been found for the reason behind the virus other then destroying files. But many officials believe it is but a prototype that will soon be able to get personal info as well.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE forward this message in order to warn everyone before they get infected as well. In the mean time get the latest software to protect your computer and only open emails from trusted friends, and delete others that look suspicious. You can never be too safe.


I thought these things went out of style?



QuoteYet another virus has made its way onto the internet, aptly named "Biohazard". This one, like many others, opens via email and infects various files, most of them from your computer's hard drive. This one, unlike the others, is a bit more powerful. It seems to adapt so it can get around any type of virus protection by posing as a simple backup file.

ha ha ha
Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.


Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.