Hey guys, returning player.

Started by Malus, April 02, 2009, 10:33:04 AM

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Hey guys!

I've played Warlords on and off for years, but the last few times I could never really get back into it. A friend of mine let me borrow "Thunder Oak" a little more "older" fantasy book that reminds me very much of Redwall and I remembered how much fun I used to have playing this game so here I am.

I do, however, have a question. It's been quite a while and I don't remember how everything still works. I created Empire of Welkin on the Turbo server and it seems I'm already in a clan. Clan Army. But I don't remember joining anything. How does this work?

Secondly, what're the real uses for cities? Towers?

Thirdly, What does moving to Mossflower (currently at Sampertra) or to any other place for that matter do?

Thanks very much for any possible help!  :)


I kinda made my Warlord name Welkin Empire but I meant to make it Malus. Any way of changing that?

[Edit:  Merged a doublepost, please use the edit button]


To answer your firt question: this round is a themed tuebo round where everyonee is forced into a clan. The object was originally to break the emp, but you joined at the end of the round so you missed that much of it.
Second question - if you send shael or peace's admin accounts a message about changing your account name, they will probably do it for you. But again, it's the end of the round and it will probably get reset soon anyway.

If you need some help getting back up to speed, message my account ingame (Shadow)

welcome back :)
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Yep.  Turbo generally resets on the 28th of each month, but our staff has been busy so its been pushed back a bit.
You can signup for reg too =)
Army's my clan, if you click the Forum link you can see basically what happened all round.  There's a quick tutorial in there too.  If you want more info the Help guide is much better than it was, though still unfinished.  And you can always just ask someone.

Cities are generally worthless for most strats.  They provide 1500 tents and 500 camps.  They can also be stolen fairly easily.

Location bonuses...
Sampertra is Northlands I think, Mossflower is Mossflower.  Locations should be reset to the standard Southsward, Mossflower, and Northlands next round

Also, please use the edit button if you need to make an addendum to your post and noone's replied yet.  Cheers.
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