Emperor Ublaz Has Fallen!

Started by CobyCopper, March 29, 2009, 08:27:45 AM

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When I say exploirts i dont mean cheats. i mean your day-to-day play. I mean that we don't need to hear about how you used every turn, basically. I wasn't suggesting that you are cheating, relax. If I mean cheating, I'll say cheating. Look at the context of what I say. My suggestion was that you stop justifying yourself and just enjoy the play. We knoe you are a good player, it just gets annoying when you draw our attention to it at every turn. The reason people seem to bash you for cheats is because you enjoy finding code exploits, which is fine and dandy as long as you don't use them to get ahead.

And yeah, your modifications are obviously pretty good, but building on a strat and inventing a strat are different things, and people get annoyed when you try to take credit for creation. Be careful with that horn of yours ^_^

Topic unlocked, members are not supposed to have that ability anymore anyway as far as I know.

However, a warning to people who are looking to turn this into a flame war - don't. Disagree respectfully if at all.

Mod duties
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I'll be mean to him in a nice way ;) Afterall Bob, Im annoying but I have my uses eh? :P
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Ok. I misread what you said. Anyways--I've done a fair bit of adapting and refining for strategies, new and old. It's just I've asked who did or when did and it seems that the aid-all version originated when I remember making the recommendation to try it. Oh well--I don't have my chat accessible so I have no clue, if that'd even be in there (and it's not worth researching).

Now then--Firetooth--you do have your uses. Like giving me 4._b food to help you suicide with. ;-) And then help me indy with.


I just read some things here that I feel need clarifying
Feng didn't pioneer poo
you gotta watch him, he sucked at Valhall but that didn't stop him going around to other promi's giving some illusion that he is some great old vet.

Indy strat relying solely on aid within the clan was around since before I started QMT back in early 2003

it's nothing new
Bob is pretty wily though, I'm sure he came up with some crazy adaptation
but the strat is time tested and true
Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.


Thanks for clarifying, Gorak. So it WAS around a lot longer than I thought. That's fine though. I know Kyle didn't teach it to me (we were too balled up in Wildcat, which was basically a lot of everything) and I know that the spend+aid strategy was around. At least a few of us have developed a strategy that worked well and already existed, without ever knowing what the "original" was. Anyways--whatever. This round really should have ended on the 28th (IMO). It's getting a bit stale now overall.