Land Farm

Started by krazilec, February 27, 2009, 06:46:26 AM

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No no, keep the ideas coming, yours are actually some of the best thought out I;ve seen in ages. Let's debate them out. If we can hammer out all the kinks now that's less we need to worry about later when we actually have the coding tim to do it.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


well, for land, thats pretty much all I've got, along with the 12 hr thing.  I made a post about turning leaders into troops, but dunno if that would just further inbalance the game.

what I wanna know is why a mage can't gather land and run for the first 200 turns (and pick up a good amount of leaders), whip out a calculator (or the one on your computer), and divide his leaders by 175.  Then demo huts until he gets to that ratio, and use the rest of the land for foragers?  This way, demo-ing your land is worthless when you can make foragers :0


Not so, because if you have less land, your leader missions cost a lot less. So by ditching the extra land, you can raise your production by a significant percentage since it is cheaper.

Turning leaders into troops could actually be a really interesting strat variant - come to think of it, I really like the idea of that kind of hybrid. With a bit of work I think that that could be a great replacement race for one of the less used races.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: Shadow on February 28, 2009, 12:58:19 PM
Not so, because if you have less land, your leader missions cost a lot less. So by ditching the extra land, you can raise your production by a significant percentage since it is cheaper.

Turning leaders into troops could actually be a really interesting strat variant - come to think of it, I really like the idea of that kind of hybrid. With a bit of work I think that that could be a great replacement race for one of the less used races.
ah, I see, that does make sense (about the dropping land)
but on turbo, why do people not do two seperate runs?  (one for land and loyalty and leaders, the other for using the loyalty)
and now that I think about it... if you have a bunch of mages in the top ten with say.. 500mil net or higher, how are they ever going to get the land if it gets dropped back down to LF?


Some people do two runs, but it can be done profitably in one, it's all a matter of preference. Land tends to trickle back up to the top 10 since they are the most active and the biggest land grabbers, although it does get difficult sometimes.

Another big benefit to land dropping is the defense ratio you get.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


so there's another way we can weaken mages  :)
how does it trickle up?  doesn't 3% of their army run  ???


Mages don't use troops much, 3% losses are nothing. Just buy a few thousand more troops. Land trickles up because people low in scores tend to take less, so any land low in scores to begin with is taken up and up the ladder til it reaches the top. The higher smeone is in scores, the more land they are likely to take each run, so land finds its way to the top every time.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


we should make it that there are a 3% losses to leaders too then.
That'll make mages think twice before hitting someone very low in land.  I don't see how its fair for the indy to be forced to aid the land farm to bring up net while mages don't.  And what if you are ranked 2 with 500mil net and the land is being gathered by someone with 60mil net?

The Obliterator

I never aid the land farm.
One way to do it is once you have sold your troops for cash your net is low enough that even if you have desertions you hardly loose anything at all.
Watching people fight is fun...
...but getting involved is so much better


the prob with indy is that with 57 mil skiffs, I can only sell.. 48mil ish at once.  If I ran, I'd end up losing net, just like I did this round


In the end, the desertions you take on your 5-10 mil leftovers willl not affect your final net.

If you are on top and land is unavailable, consider clanning to get to it. That's a good balance to people sitting on top with tons of net - it becomes harder to get ahead without clanning, which opens you up in other ways.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


no, what I'm saying is that once I've sold that many and I run, i end up with 3/4th of my starting troops AFTER running with all that land... and yea, I did a solo clan so I could hit the people in knights that had the land...
felt bad about hitting people 300mil net lower than me tho

The Obliterator

Dont its war.
They had to attack someone else to get it so all you are doing is takeing it back off them.
Watching people fight is fun...
...but getting involved is so much better


my policy is to hit anyone I can to about 20k land
and they hit land farm to get it, meaning its just a chain

Peace Alliance

Ya, think about how land just gets shared. It's passed around and around. Really, anyone who has enough land for it to be worth it to hit them had to have gotten that land from somewhere. (except for the few times passive players have scouted a significent amount.