Can I have my toast with the crust off?

Started by Shadow, January 30, 2009, 03:44:26 PM

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<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Ungatt Trunn II

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function text() {

text = new text();
number = 0;

// textArray
text[number++] = "Who says that i am dead<br>Knows nought at all.<br>I -- am that is,<br>Two mice withing Redwall.<br>The Warrior sleeps"
text[number++] = "Food to eat and games to play.<br>Tell me why, tell me why.<br>Serve it out and eat it up.<br>Have a try, have a try."
text[number++] = "Sala-manda-stron, look out here we come,<br>A thief a warrior and a mole.<br>Though the quest may take its toll,<br>We'll march until we reach our goal,"
text[number++] = "The more 'otter it is, the more 'otter otters likes it"
text[number++] = "Shake paws, count your claws,<br>You steal mine, I'll borrow yours.<br>Watch my whiskers, check both ears.<br>Robber foxes have no fears."
// keep adding items here...

increment = Math.floor(Math.random() * number);


<a href="">-Brian Jacques</a>

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<h3>Welcome to Redwall: Warlords</h3><br><br>
<p>Based off of the popular Redwall series by Brian Jacques. Redwall: Warlords (RWL) is a text based strategy game you can play on your web browser. RWL is for ALL ages, and can be educational, as well as exciting. </p>

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