
Started by loti71, December 19, 2008, 05:29:26 PM

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Well I've seen a bit and read a ton about it-Ulquorria is a ledgend-he pwns Ichigo first time they fight. Can't believe his end, Ulquorria is the best :) I hate him
Ulquorria should be the best one, not 4th seeing as he is the only one with a secret form and who can heal. But oh well
Well yeah. Keep going, we'll see how it goes :)
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Quote from: Firetooth on June 20, 2009, 09:26:23 AM
Well I've seen a bit and read a ton about it-Ulquorria is a ledgend-he pwns Ichigo first time they fight. Can't believe his end, Ulquorria is the best :) I hate him
Ulquorria should be the best one, not 4th seeing as he is the only one with a secret form and who can heal. But oh well
Well yeah. Keep going, we'll see how it goes :)

k...Grimmjow is alright even though he has a ego problem like bob sama


Quote from: Daryn on June 20, 2009, 09:27:58 AM
k...Grimmjow is alright even though he has a ego problem like bob sama
Yeah he has ego problems. Ulquorria is the coolest anyway.
Ichigo is weird >.<
All the espada are pretty cool though.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Quote from: Firetooth on June 20, 2009, 09:33:51 AM
Quote from: Daryn on June 20, 2009, 09:27:58 AM
k...Grimmjow is alright even though he has a ego problem like bob sama
Yeah he has ego problems. Ulquorria is the coolest anyway.
Ichigo is weird >.<
All the espada are pretty cool though.

i agree
i never like any of the good guys most of the time in mangas
the bad guys are usually cooler


Even out of magna, villains are alwayd the coolest
A few immense villains:

Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.




...I'm not sure what to say...))


Quote from: loti71 on June 20, 2009, 11:39:34 AM
...I'm not sure what to say...))

<<Continue on the roleplay loti97!>>


<<This is the longest running roleplay in RWL history lol>>


<<Can we give Firetooth and the other warlords temporary magical powers?>>

Ungatt Trunn II

Ungatt Trunn wasn't sure what was going on. These new abominations of lesser orders telling him what is going to happen! Just as he was about to start furthering his fortified positions, Lance Corporal David Motari casually strolled into the throne room . "G'day sire. The amount o-" Ungatt Trunn grabbed him by the throat. "I don't care about that anymore. Because you have seen more of these lands then anyone else in my army, I want you to be in charge of recruitment. I will leave training to Draco, where is he anyway? Never mind, search the surrounding lands for all possible recruits, regardless of their species. But i want you to pay most attention to seers, gypsies, and other magic users. I want to surround myself with as many as possible. GET TO IT!" The strange creature known only as Motari saluted. "Of course sir! Y'know I served some time in the mari-" Ungatt picked him up and hurled him out the throne room.  


Quote from: Daryn on June 20, 2009, 07:13:17 PM
<<Can we give Firetooth and the other warlords temporary magical powers?>>
<<if ya want>>
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


"Warlords," Lorkun growled. "Shall we unite to fend off this evil?"
<<Answers here?>>

Wonderweiss Margera chased after a butterfly in the meadow by the conquered Redwall. He was a small wildcat, with golden fur and deep blue eyes that almost looked purple. A tiara shaped bone crown rested right above his eyes. Wonderweiss giggled as he caught a monarch butterfly. Even thought the other arrancars regarded him as autistic, he wasnt gonna let them ruin his fun. Then, it was better if he was in this world.
"Hey squirt!" a burly weasel of Firetooth's army. "What ya doin' 'round firetooth's place? Eh?"
"Awoagh!" Wonderweiss squeaked as he held the butterfly up to the weasel's nose.
"Butterfly, eh?" the weasel growled and crushed the butterfly with his paw. Wonderweiss' lower lip began wobbling.
"You kill butterfly-san!" Wonderweiss began. He burst into tears.
"What da?" the weasel began.
"What's all this commotion here?" a shadow loomed over the weasel.
The weasel, Brogat, turned to face Firetooth himself. "Nuthin', sah! Just some squirt playing in the fields!"
Firetooth scrutinized Wonderweiss. The little wildcat continued bawling.
"Shut yer trap!" Firetooth snapped.
Wonderweiss ceased his tears. "I wanna sweet stuff!"
The golden wildcat suddenly fired off a cero and incinerated the offending weasel.
The bone tiara caught Firetooth's eye. Children were easy to manipulate. He can turn this little arrancar to his side with the promise of food! He could almost think of the little wildcat charging into battle all for the sake of sweets.
"Wondy-kun!" another wildcat crawled up to Wonderweiss. She had tawny brown fur, with stormy gray eyes. A comical skull with a split rested at the top of her head. The little wildcat was dressed in a green tunic and a large scar ran down her face vertically. She talked with a lisp. "I found anotha butterflieth for you!"
"Thanky, Nel-chan!" Wonderweiss hugged Nel.
"No pwobwem Wonderweith!" Nel squealed.
Firetooth grinned. Two arrancars were better than one. Especially when they could be bribed with candied chestnuts!

Ulquiorra sighed as he rested his head against the chair inside his quarters. "It was surely a very eventful day...
"Ulquiorra-san!" Luppi, another ferret arrancar, strode into his room. "Have you seen Wonderweiss or Neliel?"
"No," Ulquiorra muttered. "Get out! You were the one supposed to be taking care of them...Aizen will have your pelt for his pillows if he found out they left! Especially with Wonderweiss being a vasto lorde like me..."
Luppi left cringing. Wonderweiss was vasto lorde? They were the most powerful of all hollow-turned arrancars, even if they were as autistic as Wonderweiss.. This could mean trouble.



<<Someone! Add to this!>>


(Did I lose the Abbey? Also I'll be your ally Trunn. I could use some help.)