
Started by loti71, December 19, 2008, 05:29:26 PM

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(( I didn't kill all of them. And you're still alive, so come back do something.))

Ungatt Trunn II



All the Redwall beasts huddled together in the cellar.  The dibbuns were crying. "Hush now, little ones.  Help is coming soon" cooed Thomasina.  All the Redwallers could hear vermin turning over tables and throwing statues to the ground.

"As long as we don't make a sound, they won't find us"

Unfortunately, that was exactly when one of Volg's scouts looked into the cellar...
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?

Matthew Bellamy

Shadow      12:32:45 PM     Nothing, or nothing you can see...

Quote from: Night Wolf on June 16, 2009, 06:02:34 PM
Angry Playboy Bunny Night Wolf!!!!! :D
Quote from: Mr.Grimm on June 17, 2009, 11:44:27 AM
Firetooth is cooler.
I know. I try my hardest, but I can't keep up


Somehow, Quixote and Jadrek had managed to get back into the trees without any truly serious injuries; they were some distance back, away from the Abbey and the road. The wildcat did have to get his left forearm bandaged by Jadrek to stop the bleeding. "It's all over," Quixote muttered. "There's no way to get in there and go after Firetooth."

"And why, may I ask, do you need to go after Firetooth immediately?" Jadrek asked, finishing the bandaging; it wasn't professional, but it would have to be good enough for now.

"You should know, Jadrek!" Quixote growled, glaring at the wolf. He shook his head, looking back down. "Nevermind, it's not your fault."

"Would you pull yourself together, already?!" Jadrek growled back, grabbing the wildcat's shoulders and shaking him. "I'm starting to get tired of you going about like there's nothing more important than kxlling this guy! There /are/ more important things, Quixote Katana. One example is that Abbey there. They can't have found /all/ of the Redwall-beasts, can they? I think not.

"Now, I don't know if you're coming," the wolf continued, letting go as he stood up, "but I'm going to go in there and look for survivors."

"After what you just did?" Quixote replied, standing up as well. "I don't think so. Not without me."

Quixote was still wearing his studded leather armor, minus a few pieces. He had lost two of his four katanas before, leaving him with only two. Jadrek still had his chainmail and longsword, but the shield had been lost. They were still ready to go.

The duo snuck through the trees, toward the Abbey wall, as quietly as possible, which wasn't very; Jadrek's chainmail kept rattling. "Can't you just take it off?" Quixote asked quietly, stopping and turning to the wolf. "With that rattling, everybeast from here to the Badger Mountain could hear us."

A little while later, the duo continued toward the Abbey; the chainmail armor had been left behind, leaving Jadrek with only the longsword for combat. He could still fight, even if he had to do it without the sword.

A few minutes later, they reached the Abbey wall; when Quixote tried the little gate, it stood firm, like it was locked. "Can't open it without making a noise," the wilcat muttered. "We'll have to climb."

Matthew Bellamy

Firetooth awoke.
All three creatures were umasked now. One was seriously creepy. A black rat, black eyes, black robe, and huge claws. The other one was a weasel. He had a mask covering his whole face, with nails coming out of it. He had knives strapped all over his body.
Then there was Slafe...his disturbing red eyes, and two long knives. He gave Firetooth a grin
"Diddums, nice to see your awake"
Firetooth was too smashed to even give a response. He just pulled himself to his feet, nursing a bruised arm, and said "What do you want from me? I have nothing. My army is gone. My status is gone. My castle is gone. Hades, I threw you out a tower window, I'm suprised to still be alive"
Slafe snarled "Personally, I hate your guts. But we need your help."
"What could I possibly offer you?" Firetooth snorted
"Your a ferocious soldier, and a brutal tactician. We will need your help."
"Help for what?"
Slafe gave an eery pause, then the creepiest of whispers "Exterminating all life in mossflower mood"
"What?!" Firetooth snarled "Why? Give me answers if you expect my help!"
Slafe turned to him "Very well. I was rescued by these two after my fall. They recognized me as the infamous Slafe. They healed me. They're Shade and Perry, two reknowned fighters, part of something bigger"
"That is?"
"The army of Lord Makaridis of the south. He has an army, three thousand strong, mostly rats, with a few stoats and weasels. Us three are his elite secret force, spies, assasins, murderers. His deputies, but secret."
Firetooth nodded "carry on"
This time the Weasel with the terrifying blood-coated mask turned to him and started speaking to him in a deep, violent voice. A voice of a killer.
"Our job is to scout out, kill any threats. Officialy. But we're planning to kill Makaridis and take control ourselves. When he invades, we'll kill him in the battle as if it is an accident"
Slafe nodded "It's true. We'll kill all opposition, using that Redwall place as a base. Then we'll be kings of the south and Mossflower. Only the northen tribes will be left, and they'll soon die"
Firetooth laughed "Brilliance, sheer brilliance, count me in!" He was already formulating a plan.
He could be powerful again, all he had to do was kill off his opposition after Makaridis dies.
Slafe looked into his eyes with his piercing glare "Good. Follow us. We leave for our masters camp south. Mostof his troops are with him, save five hundred defending his castle. They're not stupid enough to try taking control" He snorted "Off we go"
They all pulled their hoods over. Firetooth was in for a fight for his power, these guys were seriously good fighters.
And seriously messed up.
Shadow      12:32:45 PM     Nothing, or nothing you can see...

Quote from: Night Wolf on June 16, 2009, 06:02:34 PM
Angry Playboy Bunny Night Wolf!!!!! :D
Quote from: Mr.Grimm on June 17, 2009, 11:44:27 AM
Firetooth is cooler.
I know. I try my hardest, but I can't keep up


<<This is what happens that day a day's march away...>>

Roan sniffed the trail. He scented the badger's heavy musk scented with blood and the subtle tinge of hares. He wrinkled his nose and continued toward the wounded badger lord.

"Redwall has fallen!" Doran snarled. "What do we do now? We're alone against these vermin!"
"We are not alone, Lord," Colonel Thistle chirped. "We now of this warlord that was against Firetooth. Quixote Katana was his name. We may be able to secure his help in driving these vermin from Mossflower. Also, the woodland creatures, otters, squirrels, and shrews. They may help us as well."
Doran turned and massaged his brow. "A thousand vermin reside over there. They are against us, a few hundred warriors. How do we survive? Prepare the mountain for seige! Thistle, leave me. I need some time alone..."
Doran dismissed his soldiers and went for a walk by the stream.

Roan grinned. His prey was getting close.

Lorkun Farrow the badger hefted his bow over his broad shoulder. A broadsword was strapped onto his belt. In the distance, he saw something, some shadow trailing a group of wounded hares and a badger.
He had seen that badger in his dreams, tall and majestic, ever since he traveled south from the bleak north. In the shadow, he sensed malevolence. Quickly, Lorkun dashed down the ridge he was perched on toward the group.

Roan smelled the scent of the badger's blood. He let out a guttural groan of sadistic pleasure. Blood was what drove him, and fueled his ramblings. The demon let out a hiss and lunged at the badger lord from the shadows of the bush.
They both crashed onto the river mud. Claw ripped fur, teeth ripped flesh as they tangled on the banks in a furious whirlwind of fighting fury.
"Time to die!" Roan grinned as he pinned Doran against the mud with his massive arms.
There was suddenly a hiss and a thunk. Roan collapsed on top of Doran.
A tall badger, with a longbow and sword stepped out of the trees. "Sir, are you all right?"
The wounded badger pushed Roan's limp body off. Doran struggled to stand but collapsed on the mud again. "No, he injured me to gravely. I'm afraid, i will die on the banks of this river."
Lorkun furrowed his brows. "No, you will survive, lord."
"I'm afraid not," Doran smiled.
"I've been seeing you in my dreams," Lorkun said, unbidden. The words just flowed from his lips. "Can you tell me why?"
"And you, mine," Doran answered. "I believe you will take the place of ruler of Salamandastron. Go Lorkun Farrow and drive the evil from this land."
With that, Doran's breath expired and the badger lord died.
Colonel Thistle and Colonel Bramble rushed to the scene. When they saw the dead badger lord, the young badger with the bow, and the wounded unconscious demon, they understood what happened.
"My lord," Bramble bowed deeply, "I pledge my allegiance to you of badgers."
One by one, the hares bowed to Lorkun.
Nearby, Roan stirred. The arrow was lodged deeply in his back. He crawled toward the safety of the shadows, away from the menacing hares that would end his thousand season span life.
Bramble drew his sword.
"Leave him," Lorkun growled. "He will do no evil. He is destined to die in this forest."

Roan cursed at his futility to end the badger's life. The arrow gave him a sharp paroxysm of pain every time he moved a muscle. Roan's will kept him alive that first night. He would not be damned back to the Dark Forest for the atrocities he committed.
Suddenly, the bushes moved, and a wildcat and wolf stepped out.
The wildcat's fur was a silvery gray, turned white from the moon light. Tear-like markings run down across his cheeks from his emerald green eyes. He was lean and muscular with a melancholic air about him. The wildcat's face expressed no emotion. He wore a white robe that was made whiter by the moon's light. Tucked away in his sash was a standard sized katana with a green hilt, handle, and sheath. The hilt has two long extensions from both sides,  giving it and eye-like appearance. A broken helmet-like bone perched on the left side of his head.
The other wildcat was the opposite of the first wild cat. He was tall, and his fur framed the massive muscles rippling beneath his pelt. Icy blue eyes peered out of sockets. The cat's fur was tinged a sky blue. His dress was an open front white shirt with a sword. The sword hilt resembled a crooked "s" and the sheath and handle were light blue. Surprisingly, there was a black hole in the middle of his abdomen. A bone resembling a right jawbone covered the right side of his face.
"Ulquiorra Cifer," Roan groaned. "Grimmjow Jaegarjacquez...Help me!"
"Ahh, quit your whining, Roan Strygwyr," Grimmjow, the second wildcat grinned. "It's been a long time..."
"We come on the order of Lord Aizen, since you abandoned him for this pitiful world," Ulquiorra spoke in a depressing monotone. "We have been hunting you, demon..."
Roan's red eyes showed fear. "Please, Ulquiorra, let me go for once again."
Ulquiorra nodded to the wolf. Grimmjow grinned and threw Roan down, exposing his chest. Ulquiorra stripped off the tunic with a flick of his katana, revealing a hole set on the center of his ribcage. Pointing a claw at the hole, Ulquiorra said, "Good bye."
A blast of energy erupted from his finger and Roan disintegrated into nothing, leaving a hole in the ground.
"Come, Grimmjow, let us leave this pitiful world."
Ulquiorra extended his hand again, but instead of destructive energy, a black rip between dimensions opened. The two mysterious beings stepped into it and disappeared.

<<OOC:ulquiorra looks like this

Grimmjow is this

info from these

Matthew Bellamy

Firetooth was at the camp. He surveyed the sheer magnitude. Glorious empire, soon to be mine he thought.
Soon they were in the tent, before a heavily cloaked figure, surrounded by cloaks. He was huge. Even bigger then Firetooth.
He turned to them. In a deep voice he rumbled "Is this the one you call Firetooth?"
They all bowed on one knee. Firetooth quickly joined in.
"Yes my lord" Slate said, not raising his bowed head "he is heere to help"
"Firetooth" grunted Makaridis "are you willing to lead one of four grouops of troops consisitng of 300 troops? I wil charge with the rest. We attack now. At redwall first, then fort Quixote."
"Yes, your greatship" Firetooth growled "I want to fight"
Makaridis grunted "good. Get your troops. You'll be waiting for us to launch the attack, then come in from the east when Slafe launches his attack force from the west, behind the abbey. Perry will come from where the attack is launched and Shade will come from the south. clear?"
"Yes, sire" Firetooth nodded
"Then go. Slafe, Shade, Perry, you do the same"
They followed their orders. Soon the troops were on the way to redwall.
Shadow      12:32:45 PM     Nothing, or nothing you can see...

Quote from: Night Wolf on June 16, 2009, 06:02:34 PM
Angry Playboy Bunny Night Wolf!!!!! :D
Quote from: Mr.Grimm on June 17, 2009, 11:44:27 AM
Firetooth is cooler.
I know. I try my hardest, but I can't keep up

David Motari

One of Ungatt's scouts ran into his throne room out of breath. "Sire, a huge battle has taken place at a nearby abbey. It seems our foes have other interests." Ungatt took a sip of some wine. "Do you know how many armies were present?" The scout shrugged. "More than one, but the exact numbers are unknown." Ungatt sighed. "your all useless, you know? Can't even see how many banners are being flown in a battle." Ungatt sipped more wine. "Forgive me sire, does it matter?" The wildcat glared at him. "I would kill you, but you know the location. Go back and find me the number of armies present, and don't return until you do!" The scout saluted. Because the scout was Lance Corporal David Motari.

"Fortify all positions, get ready for a siege. It's unlikely, but we are going to be ready." Ungatt said to his council of Generals.
I did it a favor, get off my back!


(( Why do I have a bad feeling that Volg is going to be hit hard by a lot of warlords? I could use an ally. Not picky who, but I need an ally!))

Ungatt Trunn II

((Ally with me, everyone is ignoring my army now  :())

Matthew Bellamy

Soon the main attack force charged at Redwall with a battering ram, soon knocking the gates down, headed by the huge makaradis. They feell back as they were chased away, and soon the ambush squads fell in. Slaughter.
Soon Redwall was captured again. Makaradis wasn't happy
"I wan't their leader!" He snarled, sending Shade the rat flying. Perry grabbed him around the neck and slafe ran him through five times with his dagger. As horror crossed makaridi's face, Perry snapped his neck, just in case. As Shade got up, he grinned.
"Now we are in charge. All four of us"...he surveyed Firetooth, Perry and Slafe. He reached for his sword.
Perry was first. He grabbed Shade, using him as a shield as Slafe threw a knife at him. Slafe charged, stabbing Perry in the shoulder. Perry's masked face twisted in pain as he snarled, using Shade to batter Slafe. Slafe managed to avoid most of the crushing blows and slip the other knife through Perry's heart. He grinned. Now just to find Firetooth and get revenge-
He felt something crushing his windpipe. He knew what it was. He flailed around with his dagger, but the crushing paw grabbed it, stabbing it through his hand and shoulder. As Slafe collapsed, he heard a satisfied grunt as he recieved a brutal kick.
"This time, stay dead!"
Then everything went black
Firetooth was now in control of an army thousands strong and Redwall.
Shadow      12:32:45 PM     Nothing, or nothing you can see...

Quote from: Night Wolf on June 16, 2009, 06:02:34 PM
Angry Playboy Bunny Night Wolf!!!!! :D
Quote from: Mr.Grimm on June 17, 2009, 11:44:27 AM
Firetooth is cooler.
I know. I try my hardest, but I can't keep up


<<Hopefully, i can unite the all the warlords together with some other powerful allies to counter what happens here. I say i am not overplaying because there will be a powerful ally on the united warlord's side.>>'

Azula the wildcat watched the two beings disappear into the garganta. The young wild cat recognized the tall wildcat to be her brother, but what was he doing here? Grimmjow should be dead, slaughtered by the vermin that invaded their home five seasons ago, yet there he stood, as haughty and proud as he was in real life.
Azula was finely built, with the silvery blue fur covering her body. She wore a plain brown tunic, with a katana in the belt, and had the same icy blue eyes as her brother. The wildcat possessed an godly power to heal anything and repair lost limbs as well as being a master of the sword and bankai.
Azula was part of the order that countered the destructive forces of Aizen and his espada as they move from world to world, spreading discord and destruction and leaving each world a ruin of its former vibrant self. Now, Mossflower was their target...
The wildcat opened a rip in the dimensions and went in to warn her leader to help the Mossflower creatures.

Lord Sousuke Aizen observed the little battle with silent amusement. These squabbling creatures...
The pine marten was at the head of all his espada, the lieutenants to his army of arrancars. Their mission was to spread discord and chaos to every world they come across.
Ulquiorra stood to Aizen's right, missing his left eye. He could replay what he saw by crushing his left eye, but since he had high speed regeneration of all non-vital body parts, he did not seem to care about his empty socket. Aizen had just finshed watching the execution of Roan Strygwyr, the ex-decima espada.
"Interesting..." Aizen-sama smiled. "All caught up in their little thing, right?"
His espadas were arrancars, but the most powerful of them, ranked in numbers. The highest number was closest to zero while the lowest power level were lower numbers.
Stark the wolf was half sleeping. He had jet-black fur and his blue eyes were narrowed into lazy slits.
Barrigan Luisenbarn was a stout old badger, with a bone in the shape of a five pointed crown resting on his head. Bushy fur crowned his eyes and and lips. A scar ran down his face.
Tia Harribel was an otter, with her robe covering the bottom part of her face. She had honey colored fur and sea blue eyes.
Nnoitora Jiruga was a thin fox, with a permanent trademark grin spread across his face. His eyes were little more than slits. The fox sported an eye patch covering his left eye.
Szayel Apporo Granz was a owl, with white bone glasses perched on his beak.
Aaroniero Arrurier had a mask covering his features and a suit.
Yammy Rialgo was a massive walverine, with a jawbone resting on his chin and his hollow hole in his muscular chest.
"Well, shall we begin?" the pine marten smiled. "Prepare a meeting between all of their leaders, Ulquiorra. Tell them they are to resist us before we conquer their pitiful world and hopefully, they can provide us some fun."

Lorkun Farrow, the new badger lord of Salamandastron was plated in a cuirass and chain mail, with a badger war mask perched on his striped visage. Below him, a massive army of shrews, hares, mice, moles, otters, badgers, and hedgehogs spread below him.
Shaggan Luisenbarn the badger chief of the Northern Hills stepped up to him. "Lord, we have gathered all we could..."
Lorkun nodded and dismissed the badger. He raised a paw for silence. Instantly, the halll grew unearthly quiet.
"We have a menace in Mossflower!" he announced. "Many of you might know of Firetooth, Quixote, Volg, and Ungatt Trunn II who have been quareeling with eachother as long as they've been alive. Now, the unspeakable has happened. Redwall Abbey has been captured by vermin! With this as their base, they can undoubtedly conquer us! But we will not step down and let them do this are we?"
"Aye!" the army roared.
"We will fight!"

Ulquiorra prepared the meeting between the warlords. He had made them place all of their weapons outside and had given his katana to Grimmjow for awhile until this meeting is done. Aizen stood at the head of the table. The melancholic wildcat stood beside him.
Firetooth glared at the other warlords. He was decked out in the armor of the type his new army provided.
Volg observed the other warlords icily.
Quixote and Ungatt sat silently, watchful eyes apprehensive of all the others.
Lorkun Farrow did not like this meeting, he knew something was about to happen. Something bad....
Abbot Logan, formerly of Redwall, watched calmly from his seat by Lorkun and his guards. He sensed something within Ulquiorra, that was missing, to cause him to act so...sadly.
"Greetings, warlords and rulers," Aizen spoke, breaking the silence. "I am Sousuke Aizen. Let me just say, that this place is about to become a barren wasteland."
This statement was met with roars of anger and rage from the warlords.
"Work together, and i might decide to let this world go," Aizen smiled. "Or you can continue squabbling, and let this be what i said it will be."
Firetooth signalled a hidden assassin to attack Aizen. He knew any warlord would always have warriors guarding when in a meeting of enemies.
Ulquiorra the wildcat moved with lightning speed. He countered the assassin's blade with surprisingly, his forearm, and then slammed his fist through the assassin's stomach.
"Trash..." he muttered.
The warlords were amazed at what they saw.
Ulquiorra opened a garganta, and the two mysterious duos left.

As they left, Azula and her commander, an elderly wolf Genryuusai came in from another rip. "Inhabitants of Mossflower, we are going to help you. We have hunted Aizen and his army for a long time, long before you were born. To fight him, we must unite!"


That's all bleach stuff, especially Ulquorria calling someone trash :D
Sorry, but I don't think bleach and redwall fit together, mainly because redwall involves no magic, and Ulqourria can shoot cero's out his fingers. As well as transforming aand other stuff
I could try I guess...
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Quote from: Firetooth on June 20, 2009, 09:20:42 AM
That's all bleach stuff, especially Ulquorria calling someone trash :D
Sorry, but I don't think bleach and redwall fit together, mainly because redwall involves no magic, and Ulqourria can shoot cero's out his fingers. As well as transforming aand other stuff
I could try I guess...

omg u know bleach????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
well,,, i can take them out somehow but it seems fun to add something new that unites everyone together ;)

if you dont like it, aizen contracted some strange disease from Mossflower and the attack was called off
we can do that instead lol