
Started by loti71, December 19, 2008, 05:29:26 PM

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"Redwall has fallen, Lord Doran!" Bramble the hare cried as he ran in with his tunic torn and charred. "They set the Redwallers on fire and catapulted them at their enemies!"
Doran shot straight up from his bed in horror. How could one beast do this to another?
"Prepare my armor, Bramble," Doran snarled. "This time, i want it full armor, greaves and all that! I'm not getting injured like before now!"
Yes, sah!" Bramble answered.
When Doran came out of the tent, he was a fearsome sight. A steel helmet and visor covered his striped visage, leaving red eyes peering out of the slits. Greaves and gauntlets covered him like scales. He wore a breastplate with a tunic bearing the crest of Salamandastron and under the metal was a chain mail tunic.
Doran picked up his black steel sword. "Prepare! We will rid the land of these vermin!"

Roan picked idly at some roast fish. He had slaughtered scores of enemies already, finally tiring himself out. Suddenly, a burning mouse landed on his plate with a thump, sending his fish flying.
"What the...." Roan growled. He doused the flames with his wine. The mouse was lucky. His habit took most of the burns. Otherwise he would not live to see the moon rise.
"Thank ye, sir," the mouse bowed. "My name is Brother Alfred. I owe you my life."
Roan growled. "Save that for later. Who did this?"
"The warlord Firetooth," Alfred replied. "He set the survivors on fire."
"Firetooth, eh?" Roan scratched his head. "Not bad for a fool like him. As for you, you owe me no debt. Go far from this place if you wish to see next dawn."
"Thank you sir," Alfred bowed again and left.
"Must be getting soft in the past hundred years," Roan hissed bad-temperedly and pulled on his armor. It was time to join the fray again.

Volg looked in horror as burning creatures along with forks, knives, and spoons crashed into his troops. Then, a mighty roar came out of the forest and the Salamandastron armies crashed into the sea of battling beasts.

Roan observed the badger lord. This time, he would take the beast's pelt as a trophy. The wolf one was getting old.   


Firetooth snarled from the battlements.
"Damed badger warlord!" But his look turned to a grin as he observed roan charging at him. "I can kill two birds with one stone!" he chuckled. He turned to Commander Bushtail the fox beside him "I'm going outside. Throw me down a rope to climb up when I give you the signal." He demostrated with a flick of his fingers. Bushtail saluted and nodded. Firetooth jumped over the walls, unarmed, and pelted on all fours towards the melee between Roan and the badger. He tackled Roan down forcefully, and whilst he was still suprised, rammed him into the badger warlord, knocking him over. Smasing Roan aside with a powerful kick, he grabbed Doran with both hands and started throttling him mercilessly, shaking him violently. He threw him aside into a tree as he heard Roan get to his feet. He turned, unsheathing and sheathing his claws, grinning.
"Come on then, demon. Let's settle this the old fashioned way!"
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Volg got over the shock of the burning bodies. He yelled to his troops "Push forward me boys! Show Firetooth it takes more then few dead bodies to scare us away! The first one to in the Abbey get an extra share to the loot! ATTACK!" Volg's troops swarmed the Abbey's doors.  Grabbing a fallen tree, they used it to break down the Abbey door. Volg's troop rushed inside. "I want no prisoners!" Volg bellowed. For the first time, Volg just saw Daran and his troops charging behind him. "Block the doors you fools! Block the bloody doors!" The doors were closed and the tree was pushed next to it. "Lets see them get through that!" Volg thought to himself. Looking around his troops Volg gave orders. "Find Firetooth's troops and kill them all! Klug, you and a few guards stay here to make sure the badger lord doesn't through. If he does give a shout and we'll comeback to help. The rest of you come with me. I have things to do..." Volg's  troops started to do what they were bid. They were so close to winning the fight and the riches that came with it....


Firetooth knew redwall was done for. He didn't want to let his foes get it though. He brutally smashed Darn in the face, sending him flying. Daryn fought back, repatedly punching and kickin him, until Firetooth got him in a headlock and threw him over. He grabbed a burning abbey-dweller and threw him into the gate, setting it alight. He ran on all fours, forgetting about Daryn and Doran, straight for Volg.
Volg turned just in time to see Firetooth knock him over. He pinned him to the ground, punching him twice in the face before grabbing his neck as he asked "I bet you thought you were smart, taking the abbey. You forgot I'm one very, very dangerous beast who doesn't like loosing, and who kills whoever beats him" He gave a chuckle as volg fought for breath underneath him.
"I've lost, my base, my army, everything. But I haven't lost my life. What good is my riches to you if you ain't around to enjoy them?" He tightened his grip savagely.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


"Go rot in heck!" Volg spat in Firetooth's eyes. Blinded for a moment, Volg kicked off from Firetooth's body. "Stupid beast! It will take more then that to kill me! You have nothing to live for! It brings me more joy to watck you suffer this defeat that you will have live with for the rest of your life then allow you Death's sweet sleep! Run Firetooth. Run far, far away before my guards kill you. Let this teach any beast foolish enough to try to beat me!"


In a rage, Firetooth's eyes clouded over. He launched a serious of violent kicks, volg catched the second one, pulling Firetooth over. Even more enragaed, he grabbed Volg's leg and pulled him over. Grabbing him off the ground with one hand, he started punching him mercilessly with the other, until Volg was spitting blood.
"Coward! Only a coward hides behind his guards. I won't even look you in the eyes!" As if to emphasize this, he threw Volg on the ground and trod down on his face. He failed to realize Volg's guards were surrounding him, all aiming arrows at him, waiting for the right moment. As volg tried to rise, Firetooth kicked him again, then picked himup, using him as a shield as he picked up a jagged sword from a  fallen rat. He pointed it to volg's neck as he saw the guards aiming.
"Shoot and he dies!" he snarled
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


"Stupid Firetooth! A fool attacks when he can other to do it for him!" Volg laughed at Firetooth. "Go ahead and try to kill me! You'll just end up dead and we'll just end up seeing each other Heck. And is this a bad time mention my best assassin has a dagger to your neck?" Firetooth knew that he would have to let go of Volg. He dropped Volg to the ground. Volg looked at one of his most hatted foes. "You know Firetooth, we would've made good team if I hadn't bumped into Roan. I guess we'll never know. Kill him." Arrows were unleashed on Firetooth. He dropped to the floor. Volg stared at him. "Is he dead?" He asked one of the archers. "No sire. Almost, but he's still alive." Firetooth made Volg think of himself. "Fix him up and give him food and water. After that, take him far, far away under heavy guard. "Yes sire!" His troops said. They looked at the beast as Volg walked away. They hopped he wouldn't wake up while they were here.


As the guards carried Firetooth away, one feel, unconscious. One guard turned "what's up with Fr-urggg!" a stone bounced off his head as he hit the ground. Several more fell under the volley of stones.
"You're surrounded, run away and we won't kill you!"
"We-darn, volg isn't paying us enough for this!" the guards dropped Firetooth and ran.
Three cloaked figures emerged. One crouched closely to Firetooth, looking him right in his face.
"It's him" he said solemly.
"Are you sure it's worth healing hi? Surely Ungatt Trunn isn' that much of a threat?" one replied as they turned to him.
The third nodded "we need his tactical skills, ferouscious strength and battle experience to stand any chance"
"It's true" the crouching figure said as he stood up "although he is dangerous...we need to get him to the cave now or he doesn't stand a chance. Move!"
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Volg was looking around his new abbey. Yes, they were things that needed to be fixed because of the attack, but that's why they had the Abbey slaves around. All of a sudden a stoat ran up to him. "Sire! Firetooth has gotten away!" Volg grabbed the stoat by the neck. "He what?! I ask you fools to do one little thing and it goes wrong! Idiots!" Volg let the stoat drop to the ground and started to pace. How could it have happened? Volg looked at the stoat. "What happened?" The stoat thought. "We were attacked sire! They came out of nowhere and we had to let him go! I swear lord, we tried to fight!" Volg thought. "He's gone that's all that matters. Where is Roan?" The stoat looked like he forgot something important. "Umm.... He on fire... Well he not on fire anymore but he's almost dead.... What should we do with him?" Volg thought about it. Killing the demon would be no trouble. But if he was as powerful as they said he was, he might live and all of them would suffer. "Find some blood and bathe him in it. Once he feels better bring him to me. I need a word with him..." The stoat nodded and ran away. It did no good to anger Volg if you wanted to live.


"So, we captured Firetooth?" Roan growled as he stepped into Volg's tent.
"Yes," Volg grinned. "We also got an abbey to boot!"
"What about the badgerlord?" Roan growled. "He is mine."
"Unluckily for you, he escaped back to the mountain."
"Ridiculous!" Roan hissed. "He wouldnt have moved a step after my blow!"
"Well, badger lords are magic beasts," Volg grunted. "I'm sorry, Roan."
The demon narrowed his eyes and left silently. "Well, now you've got yer castle, i guess ill be gone for awhile. I want to hunt down that badger lord. Watch, because i might be under different form next time. This time i am Blood Seeker, next time, who knows?"
Silently, he disappeared into the night.


((just posting here to let you all know someone else can take over the redwall story line....this has gone too far away for me to do anything))
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?

Matthew Bellamy

Firetooth woke as somebeast tipped water into his mouth, mixed with crushed herbs. he tried lifting his head, but was pushed down by a firm paw. He heard a voice. "Don't move, or your wounds will open again. Drink this, it will help you."
He did as he was told. He blinked his eyes several times, adjusting to the light. Looking into his eye was a creature he thought he would never see again.
Slafe the stoat. His old partner in crime.

2years earlier...

Firetooth and Slafe were arguing.
"We need a full agressive!" Firetooth yelled as he looked at the nearby village. "It's the best way to catch them off guard!"
Slafe the stoat turned around, his red eyes slitted. "I suggest a few of us sneak in, then set everything on fire and whilst the villagers flee, they'll find out they're surrounded by an ambush force"
"We only have three score troops! This is madness!" Firetooth replied back in an angry voice.
Slafe licked his favourite knife "trust me, Firetooth. We've worked together for so long, and we've always been fine. We both have good ideas, but your wrong this time."
Firetooth slammed his fists on the table "Fine then!" he replied. "We'll do it your way."

After the attack, which was a sucess...

Firetooth and Slafe were climbing to the village watchtower's top. Half of the top had been knocked off by a catapult stone.
"So, we'll position the watchmen here in our new village?" Slafe queried.
"I concur" Firetooth nodded, but he had no intention of setting up a village. They didn't have the forces. Slafe was getting to strong, only one thing to do now.
As Slafe turned around to survey the damage, Firetooth said "say goodnight Slafe."
"What?" Slafe replied as he turned around. His eyes glazed in shock as Firetooth clubbed him in the face with his arm so hard he fell over backwards, falling out of the whole in the tower and landing with a sickening crunch on the ground below.

"B...but, how did you survive?" Firetooth spluttered.
Slafe just looked at him "I was saved by the guild. We need you"
"What guild? What the hades is going on?" Firetooth demanded, completely confused.
"You get information on a need-to-know basis. You don't need to know anything until you're in a fit condition to. Now rest, we can't have you dying. We need your help. The herbs we gave you should put you back to sleep again. We will bring no harm to you."
Firetooth vision blurred and he wondered if Slafe would uphold this promise.
Shadow      12:32:45 PM     Nothing, or nothing you can see...

Quote from: Night Wolf on June 16, 2009, 06:02:34 PM
Angry Playboy Bunny Night Wolf!!!!! :D
Quote from: Mr.Grimm on June 17, 2009, 11:44:27 AM
Firetooth is cooler.
I know. I try my hardest, but I can't keep up


...I wonder if I should try getting back into this or not...))


Quote from: loti71 on June 15, 2009, 11:14:49 AM
...I wonder if I should try getting back into this or not...))

((attack us or something))


((Right. Several posts later, after Quixote's troops were apparently taken out. Oh, well, I guess I wasn't checking in often enough.))