
Started by loti71, December 19, 2008, 05:29:26 PM

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(Briar my problem is his charecter is stupidly overpowered in every way)
Firetooth let go. Skipper fell, twisting in midair. He landed on his back, somehow suriving, but landing with a sickening crunch. He cackled with laughter. He turned to Scringe, wiping tears from his eyes.
"Storm the abbey. Oh, and just incase news has reached any of our not so friendly rivals, I've paid some cheap rat mercenaries to burn the forest. I am the king, yes?"
"Completely!" Scringe saluted as he organized the troops.
The troops broke through. The first two lines were slaughtered by Javelins, all save Scringe, who threw himself to the floor. Three wildcat brothers by the name of jeelbawa, Sharpclaw and Lethal charged in, breaking through the first three barracades, sending redwallers flying. They were quickly slain, but Scringe's remaining troops were heartened and charged. Soon all the abbey dwellers were dead or (per the majority) being horded away.
Scringe turned to the Wildcat captain Sirrod "Firetooth wasn't expecting so many slaves...oh well. The more the merrier!"
Worship the mighty Blobfish

Quote from: Blobfish on May 01, 2011, 12:04:37 PM
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 7.59

Rights are for the weak.


((...Is Redwall finally going to fall? I wonder...))

Quixote had signaled for the Guard to stop and climbed up a nearby tree, until he could see at least part of what was happening inside the walls. No wonder Firetooth had been able to penetrate his own fort twice; that warlord seemed to have enough troops for such invasions. Whatever had Redwall done to Firetooth, anyways? Quixote had left the Abbey alone, on grounds that they left him alone, so why shouldn't he?
Either way, this must be Firetooth's army.
Quixote climbed back down the tree and jumped onto the ground. "We're going to attack the ones near the main gate," the wildcat said to the Guard.
"Which ones?" someone asked.
"Firetooth's soldiers, that's who," the wildcat answered. "If you can, leave the Abbeybeasts alone. They never did anything to us, so we'll try leaving them alone. Let's move!"
They snuck through the trees, parallel to the wall, until they reached the path that led up to the main gates. As Quixote looked over the Guard, he noticed that there were only a few scores left, at the most. Still, they weren't in the Ninja Guard for nothing; they were all highly trained, the best out of all the troops in his now-dead army. The wildcat still had one bodyguard left, another wildcat, who was trained to be better even than those of the Guard.
"This is it," Quixote muttered, drawing his dual katanas.
They all burst onto the path, weapons drawn, rushing at the vermin that were still around the main gates, Quixote at the head of the charge. If only Firetooth was by the main gates, as well.


Commander Grunge the weasel pushed through the fleeing fores until he reached the gatehouse, locking out the enemies. Firetooth was enraged "how dare that Weasel abandon my forces! Never mind. I have a plan. Owlhook!" The huge owl who was the leader of his army of a score of rooks came to his side. He turned to the huge bird "I want you and your rooks to wipe out those attackers. Now."
Quixote's forces were caught off guard and driven back as several of them fell under the divebombing, those that weren't gored flewn up by rooks and dropped from great heights.
"Fall back, fall back!" Quixote ordered as he thought of a new plan
Worship the mighty Blobfish

Quote from: Blobfish on May 01, 2011, 12:04:37 PM
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 7.59

Rights are for the weak.


Lord Doran charged toward Redwall with the black steel sword that gave him his name. ""tis death to you vermin!"
With one paw, the massive badger swept dozens of vermin aside and with his sword, he slew another five. He was an unstoppable armored juggernaut, heading straight toward firetooth.

Roan narrowed his eyes. Who was this strangebeast that equalled him in strength and size?
Volg spied Quixote retreating. "Easy pickings," he grinned.
"I want to fight that strange beast," Roan growled, ignoring Volg. "What is he?"
"Lord Doran Nightblade of Salamandastron," Volg replied. "A badger lord."
"Badger lord, eh?" Roan said, letting the word roll on his tongue. "Doran!"

The badger lord heard someone call his name. He turned to see a strange beast with red eyes. The beast was dressed in a white wolf skin pelt with the legs wrapped around his broad shoulders and midriff. A chain mail tunic covered his chest and greaves and claw gauntlets armored his extremities.
"Who are ye, beast?" Doran roared back.
"Roan Strygwyr," the beast replied. "Last of the blood seekers!"
"Blood seekers, eh?" Doran growled. He batted a weasel aside, ignoring Firetooth. "If you are friend, then i will not harm you. If you are foe, prepare to make your makers!"
Roan licked his steel claws. "What if i am something worse than foe?"
"I will take care of you!" Doran roared and charged at Roan. They clashed, blade against claw, steel against steel, strength against strength.
Roan let out a surge of strength and knocked Doran back a few steps. He snarled, saliva dripping from his mouth.
The other vermin held back, transfixed by two mysterious titans battling.
Doran still wondered. How was this strange beast best his stregth?
"Well come on, badger lord," Roan grinned. "Don't disappoint me."
Doran lunged again and dealed a nick through a chink in Roan's greaves. Roan growled as he grabbed the sword with his gauntleted hands and pushed Doran off.
"This is not your true strength," Roan hissed with distaste. "Show me, badger lord. Show me the power that you have!"
Roan laughed maniacally.
A red film clouded Doran's vision. He felt the Blood Wrath take over his body. Foam flecked his mouth and his eyes were as scarlet as fire. With a savage howl, Doran charged forward like the khamsin wind and knocked Roan to the ground, dealing a angular slash to the demon's chest. Scarlet sprayed everywhere.

Roan was not dead. He wiped the blood out of his face and clawed Doran's legs viciously until another fountain of scarlet began pouring. The demon felt the blood from the small wound coursing through his fur and drenching him. He felt it rejuventaing him. The wound on his chest healed.
Doran could not believe what he was seeing. A fatal wound healing.
"You've not heard about the blood seekers?" Roan grinned sadistically. "Well you have a lot to learn"
He slammed his fist and crumpled the stunned badger's helmet. Doran crumpled to the ground.

Colonel Kangler Brushbillow rushed over to his lord as Roan prepared his finishing strike. A couple of hares knocked the big demon down.
"Quick!" Kangler cried. "Cover him!"
The hares battled until they got their lord to safety of their camp.

Roan growled softly. Too bad he couldnt finish that so called badger lord off. He would have dearly liked take the badger pelt instead of the traditional wolf pelt.

Doran's head pounded as he stood up.

Matthew Bellamy

Sorry, but this unrealisim is driving my head in...
Shadow      12:32:45 PM     Nothing, or nothing you can see...

Quote from: Night Wolf on June 16, 2009, 06:02:34 PM
Angry Playboy Bunny Night Wolf!!!!! :D
Quote from: Mr.Grimm on June 17, 2009, 11:44:27 AM
Firetooth is cooler.
I know. I try my hardest, but I can't keep up


cregga rose-eyes reached redwall in a day full run


Volg watched Roan attack the badger lord. "If he wants to get killed who am I to try to stop him?" he thought. Looking at Quixote's retreating troops, "ATTACK!" Volg yelled at his troops. Volg's troops made a full on attack against Quixote's troops. It was swift and bloody. A few of Quixote's troops lived. Volg walked up those lived, 'You have a choice mates. Join me or die." Only two wouldn't join. Volg cut off their heads quickly. "Everybeast! Head to the Abbey! I want it's treasure by night fall!" Volg's army ran to the Abbey. Volg laughed. This was to easy.


Doran growled as he woke up. Who was this strange beast with unearthly powers. His legs were bandaged where Roan had scratched him. Still they burned with pain. Doran swore that he will defeat this beast, demon, or whatever  it was.

Roan glanced bored at Volg's troops charging toward Redwall. He scratched his head and observed the fray with disinterest. Quixote seemed to be losing, unless Firetooth or Ungatt decided to help him. Foolish mortals, he thought. All they believe in was plunder. Even thought the demon was hired for gold, he did not necessarily need it. Roan did killing for the pleasure of taking lives, but the bonus was good.


Quote from: Daryn on June 13, 2009, 01:00:14 PM
cregga rose-eyes reached redwall in a day full run
That so, the news did not reach her in a few hours!
And this was not a day, it was less then an hour!
Worship the mighty Blobfish

Quote from: Blobfish on May 01, 2011, 12:04:37 PM
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 7.59

Rights are for the weak.


Quote from: Freddy Mercury on June 13, 2009, 01:46:28 PM
Quote from: Daryn on June 13, 2009, 01:00:14 PM
cregga rose-eyes reached redwall in a day full run
That so, the news did not reach her in a few hours!
And this was not a day, it was less then an hour!

then my bad...
anyway, how far is redwall from the mountain?
my 7th grade friend can run 5k in 20 min in comparison so fisically fit warriors can get there fast!


Well it took martin gonff and dinny weeks to reach salamndstrom from mossflower, where Redwall is based.
Cregga was probably at a full out sprint for a whole hour, even then it's still exaggerated.
Worship the mighty Blobfish

Quote from: Blobfish on May 01, 2011, 12:04:37 PM
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 7.59

Rights are for the weak.


Quote from: Freddy Mercury on June 13, 2009, 01:51:35 PM
Well it took martin gonff and dinny weeks to reach salamndstrom from mossflower, where Redwall is based.
Cregga was probably at a full out sprint for a whole hour, even then it's still exaggerated.

idk then lol
it takes everyone different periods of time getting there and back


Worship the mighty Blobfish

Quote from: Blobfish on May 01, 2011, 12:04:37 PM
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 7.59

Rights are for the weak.


A rat scout ran out up to Roan. He fely small and afraid next to this strange beast. He cleared his throat. "Ummm... My lord? I don't wish to bother you, but my master Volg would like some help with defeating the other warlords. So maybe you could help us...." Roan sent the rat flying in the air. "Is your master too weak to destroy some foolish mortals? Very well I will help... But you have bothered me and you will pay for that." Roan's blade went right into the rat's body. Roan went off to help Volg in his battle.

Elese where, Volg was having trouble. Quixote's troops where easy enough to break, but Volg then ran into Firetooth's troop. Both armies were a bit shocked to see eachother, but quickly got over their surprise a might battle began. Volg's troops were tied with Firetooth's. Firetooths birds had been trouble in the begging but arrows had delt with them. Night was falling fast neither side could see well. Going against his training, Volg would not let the battle end in tie becuse of the night. Volg's blade flashed in the moonlight as his sword struck an unlucky weasel. Volg had tasted his favorite drink. Blood. And now he wouldn't stop until the other army laid dead. He gave a might roar. He would rule this house of red stone!


Firetooth snarled as he saw his birds fall. He turned to grunge, seizing him in the air with one hand
"Looks like it's come to this. Start setting the slaves on fire and catapulting them at the enemy, along with plenty of kitchen utensils and barrels of rum."
Grunge gulped "y-yessir!"
Firetooth let him go and give him a kick as he scurried away "and be quick about it!"
Soon Volg's troop were suprised to see burning creatures flying at them. They realized with horror these were the old inhabitants of Redwall.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.