
Started by loti71, December 19, 2008, 05:29:26 PM

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Roan led him back to camp and left a note at Firetooth's tent by raven: You have betrayed my trust, Firetooth. I will no longer serve you in your pitiful battles.
"The supply wagons are in the center," Roan grunted to Volg. "The major warlords here are Ungatt Trunn II, Firetooth with Bloodclaw, and Quixote at Fort Quixote. Now leave me. I need to gather strength for tomorrow's problems."


Worship the mighty Blobfish

Quote from: Blobfish on May 01, 2011, 12:04:37 PM
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 7.59

Rights are for the weak.


((...Sheesh. This roleplay is getting, uh, messy.))

*Back to Quixote...*

The moment Quixote ran out the exit of the tunnel, he bumped into Jadrek, who was just about ready to go back into the castle to search for the wildcat. "Take it easy, will ya?" the wolf muttered, rubbing his head. When he looked back up at Quixote, though, he started getting /really/ concerned. "Are you all right, sir?"
"No," the wildcat hissed, gripping Jadrek by the arms. "Where is he?"
"Who, sir?" the wolf replied, blinking. This wasn't good...
"Firetooth, that's who!" Quixote snapped, letting go and storming back to close the tunnel's exit door. "He's the one! The one that got me started in the first place!"
Jadrek knew now; somehow, his commander had figured out that Firetooth was the one he talked about at times, from the attack of fifteen years ago.
"Not only that," the wildcat continued, pacing back and forth, "but he also took my brother's sword. His /sword/, Jadrek!" he finished, staring at Jadrek, breathing heavily.
"Take it easy, sir," the wolf advised, "we can't just charge in there. We'd get ourselves kxlled if we did such a thing. One, we've lost the fort and the castle, whether or not the others are still there. Two, the Ninja Guard is all we have left of the army, and not even /all/ of the Guard is with us."
"Three, I'm going to kxll Firetooth, no matter what!" Quixote snapped, glaring at his second-in-command as if it was all Jadrek's fault.
Jadrek sighed. "Come on, sir," he said, "we don't even know where he is, now. Come, we need to set up somewhere." The wolf took Quixote by the arm, guiding him to the front of the group.
All the members of the Ninja Guard had already been told in the past what was "wrong" with their leader, so they stayed silent, awaiting orders.
By the time they'd reached the head of the group, Quixote had calmed down enough to start thinking again. Still, if he ever did meet Firetooth again, whether it was days or years from now...
...then one of them would die.

((So, yeah, the fort and the castle are either deserted, or there's still soldiers from the other armies inside the fort.))


Quote from: Freddy Mercury on June 09, 2009, 01:51:48 AM

i'm not invincible
you can still kill me
i told you i am a demon :P back


Volg went into Roan's tent. "What's the plan? Me and my troops are ready to move and we want to do it now!" Volg smashed his fist into the ground. "It has been long since we killed and we must do it soon lest my troops go soft like Black Gut. So what do we do? My sword is ready to spill blood."


Daryn, reading my mind is WAAY OVERPOWERED. It makes things boring. And unrealistic.
I don't have problems with you finding out my plot, but please make it original, intresting and realistic.
Worship the mighty Blobfish

Quote from: Blobfish on May 01, 2011, 12:04:37 PM
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 7.59

Rights are for the weak.


((agreed...let's try to stick to reality and don't do too much to other characters without their permission))

The otters arrived at Redwall Abbey long after the battle had ended at Quixote's fort.  Out of breath from the long journey, Skipper rushed toward the tall front doors.  "Let me in! Let me in if there is any goodbeast who is breathing, please let me it!"

Friar Thomnus, the gatekeeper, awoke with at start at the Skippers loud banging. "Just a moment, just a moment," he called out as he lifted his old mouse bones from the ancient chair.

Quickly, he shuffled over to the gate and unlocked it.  Skipper tore into the enterence, knocking the friar to the ground.

"Oh, sorry there," Skipper said, lending the aged mouse a paw.
"What is all the ruckus about, Skipper?  We haven't seen you in seasons and now you come in like you have the hounds of hell on your back"
"Quickly, I must speak with the council of Redwall.  It may be a matter of life and death to all good beasts."

((feel free to continue with your guys  blood bath...I just kinda left this story thread open so I thought i might continue it))
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?


Daryn I'll play along, but if you go overpowered in future I won't bother. Nothing personal.

Firetooth snarled as he read the note. He lashed out savagely at two nearby rats, sending them sprawling. He grabbed his nearby lieutenant, Scringe, by his mouth with both paws and spoke directly to him in a dangerous voice.
"Amass my forces into three groups. Scrap fort quixote, it's not worth the trouble. I want a smaller group to charge the front of redwall abbey and attempt to smash down the doors. Next, I want another Small group to run a fake ambush  trying to scale the side walls. Whilst this is happening, order our largest group to scale the back. The few birds in our army will attack any creatures who'll still be at the back of the abbey at this time-although I expect we'll be over the walls before they put up any real offensive. Clear?"
Scringe nodded and scurried away. Firetooth was dangerous when in these moods. He left Firetooth to gear up.
Soon Firetooth was dressed in full battle armour. He planned to lead the back ambush, and let his second in command Ratflank lead the frontal charge. He orginized his score of rooks into an offensive line and told them and 10score out of his 20score army to follow him.
Soon Ratflank was charging at Redwall's gate's, followed by five score of rats, weasels, stoats and two or three wildcats. One thing Firetooth had told them before the attack was that their opposition were brave and competent warriors. He reckoned warning them adn tryign for a surrender was the worst thing to do. He decided a sophisticated, brutal and deadly fast three-pronged attack was the best way to catch them off guard and capture the abbey. Firetooth was a smart one, that's sure!
(Plot twist and a half hey:P)
Worship the mighty Blobfish

Quote from: Blobfish on May 01, 2011, 12:04:37 PM
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 7.59

Rights are for the weak.


As Quixote, Jadrek, and the remnants of the Ninja Guard were trekking through the forest, a scout suddenly burst from among the trees, skidding to a stop and saluting the wildcat. "Did I ever send you out?" Quixote asked, frowning.
"Jadrek did, sir," the scout, a stoat, answered. "I saw soldiers of Firetooth's army, sir."
"Where?" the wildcat demanded immediately, studying the stoat's face; no, it didn't seem like the scout was lying.
"Attacking the Abbey, sir."
"Abbey?" Quixote searched his mind for something that matched.
"Redwall, sir," Jadrek said.
"Right," the wildcat nodded, then turned to the Guard. "We're heading to Redwall, where we will meet opposition. Forward!"

*Some time later...*

"The Abbey's in sight, sir," the scout reported.


The abbey was caught unprepared. Skipper and any other ablebodyed beast rushed to the battlements to defend Redwall Abbey. They quickly retaliated. Skipper yelled to the defenders "launch stones now!"a volley of stones were realeased. He noticed them carying flaming torhces. He turned and yelled to the nearest otter "get foremole to get water, we'll need it!"
Meanwhile, brave abbeydwellers were holding off the wall scalers, until the score of rooks came from above and attack them with ferocity. Soon Firetooth was above the walls. He grinned his biggest grin as the abbeydwellers started running back to the safety of inside. He grabbed a spear and threw it at the retreating Skipper, catching him in the leg. He stumbled fowards. Firetooth's horde laughed as he grabbed Skipper by the throat and hung him above the battlements. He turned briefly to Scringe and told him to  have the gate opened, then turned his attention to the dangling otter.
"Tell me what I want to know, or I swear I'll kill you!" he snarled
"You won't get anything out of me!" Skipper gasped as he tried loosening Firetooth's grip.
"That won't get you anywhere" Firetooth grinned "unless you enjoy falls from several feet in midair...anyway, to my questions, how many able-bodied creatures will Redwall have?"
Worship the mighty Blobfish

Quote from: Blobfish on May 01, 2011, 12:04:37 PM
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 7.59

Rights are for the weak.


Roan stroked his chin. "Volg, we will attack the legendary Abbey of Redwall. You have heard of this place, i believe?"
Volg nodded. "It is filled with riches beyond anything imagined."
"That was my purpose coming here anyway, but unless you want to sack Quixote's fort..."
<<Mr. Grimm's Answer of who he would like to attack.">>

Far away, in the fire mountain of Salamandastron, Lord Doran Nightblade saw a distant figure in the dunes. It was a Redwall's resident hare, breathless and tired.
Doran welcomed the otter in. "Phiddipedes!"
The hare gasped as he fell into Doran's arms. "Lord Doran, Redwall is being attacked. Tell my ma i'm coming to her for supper!"
Doran beetled his brows in confusion. His mother was dead. Was he delirious?
Phiddipedes gasped and died of exhaustion.
Doran growled. Not these petty warlords again! He prepared the mountain for war.

Ungatt Trunn II

Ungatt Trunn Was enjoying his life in the large fort. He had cleaned it up and was well into having it in perfect condition. He had his scouts search the land for recruits, and manages to add on over 500 new troops in about a week.

The fort retained most of it's original features, but with Ungatt's personal touch. He had it made specifically to suit him and his army. Of course, he didn't get too conformable. He trained every day.


Quote from: Daryn on June 11, 2009, 02:40:17 PM
Roan stroked his chin. "Volg, we will attack the legendary Abbey of Redwall. You have heard of this place, i believe?"
Volg nodded. "It is filled with riches beyond anything imagined."
"That was my purpose coming here anyway, but unless you want to sack Quixote's fort..."
<<Mr. Grimm's Answer of who he would like to attack.">>

Far away, in the fire mountain of Salamandastron, Lord Doran Nightblade saw a distant figure in the dunes. It was a otter, breathless and tired.
Doran welcomed the otter in. "What is your name, young one?"
"Phiddipedes," the otter gasped as he fell into Doran's arms. "Redwall is being attacked."
Phiddipedes gasped and died of exhaustion.
Doran growled. Not these petty warlords again! He prepared the mountain for war.
An otter would not reach salamandstrom in time.
Change that post please
Worship the mighty Blobfish

Quote from: Blobfish on May 01, 2011, 12:04:37 PM
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 7.59

Rights are for the weak.


((now who's power playing Freddy?  >:( taking Redwall and trying to kill Skipper  >:( >:())

Abbess Marina gathered all some abbeydwellers together in the Great Hall.  "Quickly, go to the stores and gather  up all the weapons.  Otters, join your comrades outside as soon as you can gather some other beasts, there should be a large supply of stones by the pond, we'll send some to go get them. Hurry, get the dibbuns into the cellar, and tell the foremole and the cook we will be needing all the food and drink they can produce."

Abbey creatures scattered,preparing for a long battle. 

* * * * * *
Skipper tried to tear Firetooth's claws away from his throat.  "Get your Bloody paws off me, ye fowlbeast."
Firetooth tightened his grip, forcing a cry out of the riverotter.  Firetooth's troops chortled. "Just answer my question."
"Redwall Abbey will never fall to the likes of you, no matter how many good beasts are fighting."
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?


Volg thought for a minute, "I say we go to the Abbey. We can turn around and take the fort if worse comes to worse." Roan clapped his hands, "Right then. Lets move out now!" Volg went out of the tent, "Come you scum! It's time to move out! We're off to the Abbey for glory and plunder!" Volg's troops gave a roar of approval. It was time for them to kill again.