
Started by loti71, December 19, 2008, 05:29:26 PM

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Firetooth snarled "silence!" he paced arounds. His own troops surrounded the new arrivals with long spears. He inspected them closely, knocking a few over with his tail.
"They'll do" he grunted "now for my new plan. To take over fort quixote we must..."
Worship the mighty Blobfish

Quote from: Blobfish on May 01, 2011, 12:04:37 PM
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 7.59

Rights are for the weak.


Roan Stygwyr would not allow an insolent wet-eared pup to take his place.
"Firetooth!" Roan snarled as he pushed aside Bloodclaw. "My army is all professional warriors, from across the ever-frozen sea in the west. We can kill anyone, and we have not failed a mission before!"
Firetooth scrutinized both Bloodclaw and Stygwyr. Bloodclaw was a lean marten with cold eyes. Stygwyr was a massive wolf with a red tinge to his pelt. His fur rippled with muscles.
"Tell me your skills, Stygwyr," Firetooth said at last.
"I am the last of the Blood Seeker Shamans. Ancient power from the dawn of time has been passed down in my clan. I can incite blood lust and frenzy upon your army so they will ignore all wounds and fight to the death. I can heal fatal wounds from the blood of my victims. I can sense blood miles away and gain the vision of my target. I can deal blows that bleed so much that victims cannot move without dying. I can kill. Blood Seeker Shamans are professional assassins. We can kill anyone, even those who are immortal with our arcane knowledge. You see that fox over there?" Roan hissed into Firetooth's ear.
Firetooth trained his eyes on the target fox.
Roan pointed at the fox. He suddenly charged up to him and flicked the fox's neck.
"Run, my pretty!" Roan grinned. The fox tried to run, but after the first step, blood suddenly gushed out of a rupture on his neck in the same place where Roan flicked him. He fell instantly.
"That is the power of Blood Seeker!" Roan smiled. "I only require blood, and gold. If you do not offer me more than the other warlords, i will not join your army, i'm sorry to say."

<<OCC: An unusual hybrid of Demon and Orc, Strygwyr is an outcast amongst all mortal creatures. By thriving on and bathing himself with the blood of those he slays, Strygwyr can heal his wounds - even those that could prove fatal. Beware the fool who dares venturing alone, for Strygwyr can sense his blood miles away and gain vison through his helpless prey's eyes. Having ruptured the enemy with mighty blows in his bloodthirsty frenzies, Strygwyr corners his foe into making the impossible decision - bleed to death by trying to outrun the hasty demon, or be ripped to shreds in its awesome fury.This is from Strygwyr is a hero that i like to play and i copied Roan's abilities as Strygwyr's. >>


Firetooth grinned "there's hordes of treasure in that fort. You can get three quarters when we capture it, I'll get the rest and possesion of the fort. There'll be plenty of people to kill, too"
Worship the mighty Blobfish

Quote from: Blobfish on May 01, 2011, 12:04:37 PM
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 7.59

Rights are for the weak.


"I will have to find out what the others offer me..." Roan smiled showing blood stained fangs. "Glatt, Bultrum! Take two squads each to Quixote's camp and Ungatt's. Tell them of me and what they would offer."
Glatt and Bultrum the weasel brothers hurried off to do his bidding.
"I will return to this camp if i accept your agreement, Firetooth..." Roan grinned as he left with his escorts. Taking a deep breath, he howled a screech that sent shivers down everyone's spines. Tomorrow will be a day of killing."


The scouts had been walking for days. No food. No water. Only fear of Volg's wrath kept them going. "Brother. Why don't we just run off and never come back? Volg wouldn't be able to find us, and we could start our lives over again. What do ye say?" Blag looked at his younger brother. He somewhat loved him, but was afraid of showing it in front of others. "Listen Black Gut. We both know that Volg would march a round the bloody world if he had to just to find us. Ain't no running away from him. Remember Skid Tail?" Black Gut shudered at the memory of what happened to the run away troop Skid Tail. "Aye... I guess you're right. But what are we going to tell him? We haven't seen anything for days! If we go back now, he'll just kill us anyw-" Black Gut couldn't finish what he was saying because his brother brought him down to the ground. "Shhh, ye idjit! There's some beasts up ahead. Looks like a lot of them too. Lets see what their doing and then we can report back to Volg." And in the darkness, the two brothers crept up on the strange beasts.


Roan's ears twitched. He heard someone sneaking up on him. Taking his iron claw gauntlets, he turned around with a savage roar.


They were silenced forever by Bloodclaw's blades. "Well done" He turned to see Firetooth behind him he did a flip then landed behind Firetooth.


OOC: Please don't kill my guys just yet as I want them to meet Roan.


Quote from: Mr.Grimm on June 07, 2009, 07:05:13 PM
OOC: Please don't kill my guys just yet as I want them to meet Roan.

OOC: OK...i dont kill people without permission :)


OOC: I was talking about Warlord.



Ungatt Trunn II

Ungatt looked at the strange rabble of creatures that had sent an offer of yet another killer for hire. "Why, does it seem, that all these lesser orders want to work for me? Do I look like a bank over flowing with money?" The lead of the troop spoke, "We offer our services to you and Quixote, whoever offers the most gets a demon on their side. What do you say?" Ungatt Trunn laughed in his face. "I say nothing, your head will do." Before he could react, Ungatt tore off his head with his immense strength. "Kill them." He calmly said to his Elite Guard.

When all was done, he turned to a guard. "Get a catapult,  find their camp, attack a message of decline to one of their heads, and let them know my answer. Return when you are done."


Quixote groaned, reaching up to rub his head. That really hurt, what Firetooth had done to him. When he realized that he was lying in something wet, the wildcat scrambled to get up, putting his back against the wall. Still in the sewers...
Something finally clicked into place. Firetooth...that voice fifteen years couldn't be! When Quixote looked around, he also saw that the katana, which had been Jamal's, was missing.
"I will find you," the wildcat quietly said through gritted teeth, "and I will kxll you. For attacking my fort. For destroying my family. For kxlling my brother. I will find you!" he finished in a roar.
Quixote ran through the corridors of the sewer, back the way he had come, until he found the ladder back up to the kitchens. Smacking the hatch open, he climbed out. Not really stopping, the wildcat ran through the castle grounds, not stopping for anything, until he found the start of the tunnel that led out. He opened the door, closing it behind him, then dashed down the tunnel. At this point in time, there wasn't a lot that could stop him now.


Quote from: Warlord on June 07, 2009, 06:56:14 PM
They were silenced forever by Bloodclaw's blades. "Well done" He turned to see Firetooth behind him he did a flip then landed behind Firetooth.
Firetooth turned quickly, knocking his legs from beneath him with a strong sweep. He pulled him up with two hands, smacking him into a tree. The two blades were sent flying by the impact.
"You don't try to fight my, you listen to my offer. There's a beast who I want dead called Roan. Crazy demon. I'd take him myself, but I'm preoccupied. Kill him, and you get possesion of fort Quixote."
Bloodclaw nodded. Firetooth released him. He picked up his swords, gave a salute then left, muttering to himself "once I have fort Quixote, you're a dead cat!"
Firetooth grinned. Killing two birds with one stone. Assuming he only got one, he'd kill the other with his claws. Firetooth liked games.
Worship the mighty Blobfish

Quote from: Blobfish on May 01, 2011, 12:04:37 PM
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 7.59

Rights are for the weak.


OOC: So are my scouts still dead?