
Started by loti71, December 19, 2008, 05:29:26 PM

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Daryn decided whose side he should fight with. he decided that the first person to ask him to fight shall be his ally.

OCC: Someone, talk to daryn!


Ungatt's troops came out of the woods and saw that a battle was already taking place.  "Quickly, form ranks" Ungatt shouted.

One of his corporals came running over, "Sir, a messenger has just arrived from one of the other camps.  There leader, Daryn, would like to join forces with us."

Ungatt Trunn II mulled over this proposition. "Tell him we will have an alliance."  With that the corporal dashed off.

"This may be quite the battle," mused Ungatt to himself.  "Alright you sorry excuses for pond-scum. Ready, Aim, FIRE"

A volley of arrows and stone flew into the air directly at the vermin posted on the ramparts.

At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?


"Charge!" Daryn roared as they stormed Quixote's castle.
The NHs burst out of the surrounding trees and began firing volleys of arrows. Vermins screeched as hissing arrows found their mark.
"Lord Ungatt," Daryn bowed his head respectfully, "My soldiers require the use of grappling hooks. May we lend some of yours?"


Ungatt Trunn II looked down at this creature standing before him.  "That is Lord Ungatt Trunn to you" he answered venomously.
Turning away from the warlord, Ungatt surveyed the battle.  It appeared to be going in his favor.  His troops had began to fashion ladders against the castle walls and were in the process of climbing them.

Looking past the present scene, Ungatt heard a distant commotion.  It appeared that another army was attacking the stronghold from the southwest.  He beckoned one of his soldiers over to him, "Go and see what is happening on the far wall. Quickly!"
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?


Quixote suddenly heard other screams of pain, and the wildcat turned back to see that another army had appeared. /This can't be happening again!/ he though wildly. "We need to fall back," Quixote said to Jadrek; they started ordering their troops to fall back to the castle.
The wolf saw the look on Quixote's face. "Something wrong, sir?" he asked, meaning something other than the attacks. All he got as a response was a shake of the head.
So, the remains of Quixote's army fell back to the castle, fighting back as they went.
/I will not let it happen again!/ Quixote thought fiercely.


Meanwhile, as Quixote was busy with the southwest wall, Daryn took his attack force over the wall using grappling hooks.
"Intruders!" the guard screeched as he was felled by Daryn's phase blade.
"Quick!" Daryn cried. "Lock the gates so that his army might not some in! Lord Ungatt's party is climbing over in now! Quixote is finished!"
Zhua, Daryn's stealthy sergeant, ducked and weaved to the gate to do his bidding.


((...Hang on a minute...Sorry if I confuse you, but I thought that Quixote and his army were inside the fort already...
Something I forgot to say, the castle is inside the fort.))


Quote from: loti71 on April 20, 2009, 09:24:15 PM
((...Hang on a minute...Sorry if I confuse you, but I thought that Quixote and his army were inside the fort already...
Something I forgot to say, the castle is inside the fort.))

(( He is. Daryn is just saying that he is busy defending the SW wall of the fort I guess...))
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?


((...I'm not sure what's going on anymore.))

Soon, Quixote and his army were positioned in various places of the castle, the wildcat up front with his two bodyguards and Jadrek. He had also gotten the Ninja Guards positioned, so there were some reinforcements.
"How could this happen?" Quixote muttered, frowning at the advancing armies; this looked sickeningly similar to what had happened years ago. /Maybe I should try and call a truce or something,/ the wildcat thought.


Memories flashed in front of Quixote's blue eyes, and the black wildcat thought back to that day...

*Fifteen years ago...*

Quixote tried to block it, but the wooden katana changed course and swept his legs out from underneath him, sending the wildcat, in his teens, to the ground. "You never watch out for that," the other wildcat said, standing over him; Jamal was his older brother, a young adult, but still as close to Quixote as two brothers could get. His pelt was a smoky grey, his eyes a bright green. Jamal still stood out in the mind of the present Quixote, even when he'd forgotten the names of his other now-deceased family.

Quixote growled, getting to his feet and vainly trying to get Jamal back with his own training katana; his brother simply deflected the blow and smacked Quixote on the arm.
Ever since Quixote had been old enough to carry a weapon, his father had Jamal, among others, train him in the practice of sword-fighting, mainly with katanas, along with all the other aspects of being a traditional ninja.
Their family was living in the ancestral castle of Florin, which belonged to the Katana bloodline; the fort built around it acted as the horde's residence, where they would do things that armies usually do. Quixote's father, the main warlord over the horde, led a personal battalion of specially-trained soldiers called the Ninja Guards.

Quixote tried to hold it in, but a small whimper still managed to escape. Jamal shook his head. "Stop your whining," he said, lowering his katana. "I went through the same thing, and I came out all right. It wouldn't do good to allow yourself to look like this in front of the soldiers."
"But it hurts," Quixote tried to argue, even though he felt it was true.

It was at that minute that it started.

Jamal opened his mouth to say something, but a distant, but large, thump interrupted. The grey wildcat frowned, turning his eyes to the direction that it had come from; another thump ensued. "Get to your room," Jamal growled, turning to head on out, then cut off his little brother's protest with a curt, "Just go!"

It was an hour or so that Quixote spent alone in his room, wondering what could make his brother act like that. Gosh, but it seemed like forever! The thumps had never stopped once; soon, though, the young wildcat started hearing traces of yelling, metal against metal, and he suspected that something bad was happening...
Quixote opened his door and peeked out into the hallway, long but narrow, a place where numbers shouldn't matter much in a battle. The noise was louder now, and not just because of the formerly closed door.

Suddenly, some wildcats, filled out in armor and wielding /real/ katanas, darted around the corner and were sprinting in Quixote's direction; he recognized his brother, and the other wildcat looked to be Guards.
"Get back in there!" Jamal hissed at his brother, shoving Quixote back into his room in front of him. The Guards stayed outside the door, seemingly prepared for a fight, while Jamal came into the room and bolted the door behind him.
"What's going on, Jamal?" Quixote tried to ask, but Jamal shushed him again as he fumbled along the base of the back wall; the noise had gotten louder again.
Suddenly, the older wildcat pulled up a trapdoor, hiding among the floorboards and, reaching for Quixote, pulled him over. "If you come out of there, then I swear I'll kill you!" he said in a low, urgent voice. Even though the words were not fully meant, Quixote got the message and nodded, quickly jumping down into the hole; he could look up through the cracks and see what would be happening.

It wouldn't be a pretty sight.

Only minutes after the trapdoor had closed above him, Quixote heard the crack of a door breaking open, and the sounds of a battle ensued above him; it was somewhat brief. After that, it was silent save for noise that made it sound as if there was somebody, or somebodies, looking through everything.

Soon, another figure came into the room, slowly walking about, eyes darting about the room for signs of any breathing enemy. The other vermin stopped their activities, averting their eyes from those of their warlord. He looked down on Jamal, then grinned wickedly. "Serves you right, cat," he sneered, kicking the limp body. Suddenly, his grin disappeared, and his eyes started darting around again; he thought he'd heard something rustling.
He grunted, signaling for the others to get out of there; they had other things to do. Just before exiting the door himself, he turned back to the room and said softly, "We'll meet again, cat."

Quixote waited for what seemed an eternity before pushing up on the trapdoor and climbing out. His eyes wandered around the room; just about everything was torn up or splintered. Then he saw Jamal; Quixote knelt on the floor beside the now-dead body of his older brother. Weeping, the wildcat stood up and rushed through the entire castle; everywhere he looked, there were dead beasts and no live ones. What he saw upon coming outside shocked him; the was unspeakable.
Quixote shuddered violently, racked with grief and a red-hot anger. "Yes," the wildcat vowed, "we will meet again."

((An idea that Briar gave me; a flashback of what happened in Quixote's past.))


Everything was moving into place.  Ungatt watched as his soldiers scampered up the wall to join their comrades.  "This is not what I came here for." he said to himself.  Both his troops and Daryn's troops were tearing through the fort's defenses.  By nightfall, this fort would be taken.

" Come on, you snot-fill, pea brains! Let 'em have it."  Firetooth raced across the rampart slicing through stoats and rats like butter.  "I love a good blood fest" he mused to himself.  "Quixote will pay for his families mistake." Sword flashing in the air, Firetooth's army began to charge toward the inner castle. "Soon this shall all be mine. At last."

Draco looked up groggily.  There was a loud commotion coming from the corridor above. "Finally," he thought. " Lord Ungatt has arrived."  He slid up to the door and peered through the bars. He knew that this would be his last chance. Taking in a deep breathe he began to shout "They're coming through the walls! Mercy, please! They'll kill me if they break through!"

One of Quixote's vermin moved close to the door. "What's that you're shouting about, eh?"
"Lemme out, Please lemme out!"
"Fat chance of that.  We're under strict orders to keep you locked up, or Juska will have our heads." Just as he was turning, Draco forced his arms through the bars and around the vermin's neck.
"No, you will let me out now, or you will die now."
Fumbling for his keys, the vermin opened the door, only to receive a quick jerk of the neck.

"What a second," said the stunned second guard, "I don't hear anyone coming through."
"Of course not you idjit," Draco leered. Swiftly, Draco picked up the dead vermin's katana and slit the throat of the guard standing before him.
Dashing up the stairs, he came to the same long corridor as before.  Looking around, he saw another door with a wooden sign reading "Cellar" over it. "Just what I need"

Quickly, he grabbed a torch from the wall and went through the door.  As soon as he saw the barrels he began smashing them, forcing the fermented liquid gush all over the floor. He noticed that gun powder was falling through the cracks in the ceiling. "Haha, it must be my lucky day." Climbing up the steps he looked at the pool of alcohol. "Shame of a waste, but oh well." Opening the door, he turned and tossed the torch onto the unsmashed barrels and then ran faster than he had ever run before toward the door.
Just as he broke through into the light he heard the first of what he knew to be several explosions.  "Now to find Ungatt."
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?


((Sorry if it should be obvious, but have you already decided who that one warlord was, yet?))

Everything was turning into chaos.

The forces of...Firetooth, it looked like, were coming from one direction, and two other armies were coming from another direction; a report came in that the outside cellars had suddenly exploded. The castle was all that was still under Quixote's command, and the front gates were at that very moment being attacked.
Jadrek shot a long-side glance at the wildcat's face before quietly asking, "What are your orders, sir?"
Quixote slowly shook his head. "I could try and call a truce," he replied, just as quiet, "I could retreat, myself, and leave everything behind. I could make a last stand and possibly die, myself. I don-"
A boulder, fired by a catapult, crashed into the wall not far from where Quixote and his companions stood. "You need to decide real soon, here," the wolf warned.


((yup, it's Firetooth as long as he can play along ;) ))

Fire began to burst out of the windows of Quixote's Fort. The hungry flames licked up the walls. "Sir, I would highly suggest that we retreat.  We can always gather forces elsewhere," Jadrek replied.

Quixote's mind raced.  This land had been in his family for generations, and now it had disappeared in mere hours. What would his brother say? Quixote could almost see him looking at him with disappointed eyes. What had gone wrong?

"Fine," he said. "Sound the retreat, tell the others to head for the tunnels and re-group in the woods."
With a curt salute, Jadrek went off to spread the word.

Quixote turned back toward his home, now with thick, dark smoke billowing out. He would return, he promised himself.  He would not let his brother down.
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?

Ungatt Trunn II

Ungatt Trunn II had decided to take out soldiers with his crossbow. For about 3 hours he was picking them off, far out of range of any enemies.

"Sir, they're retreating!" Said one of his captains.

Ungatt nodded and quickened his pace. He wanted to kill as many as possible.

When he noticed the ranks on the walls begin to disperse, he called to his personal guards. A group of Wildcats that had been trained by Ungatt Trunn himself to be able to take down any enemy with any weapon. "Stay behind me, when we enter I want six of you to spread out and kill anyone foolish enough to stay behind. The rest stick to me!" They all saluted as he began to approach the battered fortress, several battalions of troops began to follow their respective captains...


Firetooth's forces were pushing through.
He snarled orders
"Scratch, see if our inside man is still here. Pikebrain, take five score troops and pursue the survivors. Grath, stay here with the rest of my forces. I have...buisness, lets call it, to attend to." He turned around and paced off. As he turned a corner, he bumped into three rats, not of his forces. One slashed at him with his sword. In retaliation, hge grabbed it and slammed it headfirst into the floor, then used it's corpse to beat off it's two comrades. As they ran, he inspected a mark on the helmet on the dead rat he was still grasping. He spat out a name he loathed "Ungatt trunn." He stayed here, still grasping the helmet for a few seconds, then dropped it, drew his sword and started following the fleeing rats. "Bees leading me to the honey" he grinned "Though Ungatt Trunn is far from honey"
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.