
Started by loti71, December 19, 2008, 05:29:26 PM

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*tries to go back on topic :o*

Meanwhile, outside the fort of Quixote the forces of sharptooth had amassed. But this time, Firetooth had sent them 5million stoats in aid as well as 10million rats. They were all banging shields, howling n00bish war cries and making a very loud noise. Sharptooth struted out, inspecting his troops, then he turned to Filch, the head of catapults.
"Three, two, one, fire!" he ordered. All but one of the launches fell short. But this was still a result, and he danced with joy, saying "lol, we have them now lol"
"Charge!" he commanded and his troops began to charge. However...
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


((... *waiting for Briar to reply*
I'm not sure if or when I'll reply to you, Firetooth...))


While Sharptooth's troops were massing around Quixote's castle, a different battle had been raging several kilometers way.


    The Skipper of Otters stood by a dying fire warming his worn paws.  Looking around he saw his mates preparing for the on coming battle.  Skipper stamped his paws in rare frustration.  He knew that he shouldn't have allowed that foolish pup to fire that arrow at those vermin, but the pup was so hot-blooded.  Skipper didn't want to fight.  All he wanted was a nice warm bowl of Hotroot Soup from the welcoming, peaceful halls of Redwall Abbey.  He could almost taste the the pepper on his tongue. Skipper sighed.

"Ahoy, come gather in mateys, I think I 'ave a plan," Skipper called out. "Now, the way I see it, ya'll are the best crew any Skipper could ask fer.   As ye can see, the good ole sun is rising, which mean we'll all be gearin' up fer battle against those vermin soon. The way I figure it, we're outnumbered, but 'hat's never stopped a crew of NORT before.  All's we got to do is  keep our distance.  Now 'ere's the plan..." And with that Skipper explained everything to the surrounding otters.

Ungatt Trunn II looked out over his camp as his army was sharpening their gear.  Ever since that arrow had landed in his camp his men had been on high alert.  As he saw the red sun begin to rise above the trees, he knew that today would be a great day for battle. 

One of his lieutenants rushed over to him. After saluting, the vermin stammered "S-s-s-ir, we've f-f-found the camp of the a-a-attackers."
Ungatt eyed him. "And did you kill them?"
"Fear crept into the lieutenants eyes, "Well, s-s-sir, there we-w-were a lot o-o-f-f-"
"Of WHAT!? You blundering ingrate?"
"Of o-o-otter's s-s-s-sir"
It took all of Ungatt's will not to pick up the vermin right then and strangle him. "Are you trying to tell me that my men couldn't even fight off a few mangy river dogs??"
"Y-y-es-s, s-s-sir."With that, the lieutenant rushed off before Ungatt went into one of his mad fits.
"Who have I surrounded myself with?" Ungatt asked himself.
He began to make his way around the camp, when suddenly one of his stoats fell down dead in front of him.  Ungatt looked wildly around for the source.  Suddenly a volley of stones began raining down on the camp.  His troops began to scatter for some sort of cover.
"An extra pint of ale for whichever vermin brings me the most otter head!" he shouted.
Immediately, the vermin fell into place and began to to fire back at the invisible enemy. 

"Stand strong Mateys!!" cried Skipper. "Hold yer ground."  Arrows flew around the otter crew.  Skipper knew that he would not be able to have his crew stand for long.  "Alright boys, pull out" As quick as the battle had started it had ended.  Skipper had to get to Redwall Abbey to warn them about this new band of vermin.  All he had wanted to do was send a message to Quixote that the NORT were still out there. He was sure that, seeming that he was so close to his Castle.  Silently, Skipper and his crew slipped into their boat and set their paddles toward Redwall.

((OCC: NORT stands for Norther Otter Tribes btw))
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?


((Okay, thanks, Briar.
By the way, what is Sharptooth?))

Quixote stood on the wall above the main gate, now closed and secured against attack. The wildcat now wore a set of studded leather armor, with no helmet; he also had a pair of katanas on his back as well as one on each side. Slightly behind and to the left, Jadrek stood silently, wearing a set of chainmail armor, complete with longsword and shield. Quixote's two bodyguards, both wildcats, were nearby; they had the same equipment minus two katanas. Lined along the battlements of the fort were archers, mostly painted ones, with arrows ready to fire; however, there was one spot on the wall that was missing a chunk of itself. Inside the walls, the rest of Quixote's army, mostly stoats, were lined up and prepared for battle. Their weapons: katanas. The Ninja Guards, Quixote's personal battalion, were back at the castle, ready in case the battle got there.

"Seems like the NORT aren't here anymore," Quixote muttered. As the enemy troops started charging, the wildcat gave the command to fire; arrows rained upon the enemy troops. "Let's see how Sharptooth will handle this," Quixote grinnned.


Ungatt Trunn II stood still, eyes scanning the trees.  It had been almost an hour since the last rock had fallen upon the camp ground.  Red Fang ran up to him. "I believe they have retreated, sir.  We found there camp a little ways out.  What do you suggest we do now?"
"Move out.  We have wasted too much time already." Quickly, Ungatt turned and entered his tent.

Red Fang began to spread the word and Ungatt's army began there march toward Quixote's castle.  The vermin did not leave any trace that they had been there except for the few bodies from the battle.  The last to leave the camp was Ungatt himself. 

"Soon, I will have my prize, soon." He let out a fierce snarl and began trekking along the path left my his emense army. Quixote would not know who he had messed with, that was a fact.

At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?


"Omg wth break em like a doll l0l" sharptooth screamed as his troops charged and died. Firetooth facepalmed, then took his leaders to the back of the fort and started scaling the walls whilst sharptooth continued to fail standard attacking Quixote's forces. Soo, they were over the walls. Sharptooth ran for his life seeing as he had failed, miserably at that. But Firetooth grinned. Time to do some murdering and poisoning!
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


((Uh, what is Sharptooth?))

"That was easy," Jadrek remarked, watching the dying troops, which had been charging from the west.
"Too easy, in fact," Quixote muttered, frowning. Sharptooth must have something in mind... Turning to walk down the stairs, the wildcat suddenly spotted some distant figures, to the east. /Diversion, eh?/ Quixote thought before yelling, "We have intruders! To the east walls, you idiots!" The troops quickly acted, the archers running along the battlements while the rest stayed on the ground, running to the east.
"Three times in one day, eh, Quixote?" Jadrek grinned, therefore getting himself a knock on the head.


Sharptooth is my bro, and until he posts here again I'll keep posting him as a noob in roleplays :D

In the roleplay:

Firetooth turned and grinned. As the troops ran towards the archers, a new set scaled over the walls, landing behind them. Surrounded, they were slaughtered by the volley of arrows.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


so what's happening right now?
be hoping to add my part in soon :)

o hai firetooth!


Quote from: Daryn on April 11, 2009, 10:13:01 PM
so what's happening right now?
be hoping to add my part in soon :)
Go ahead, but PLEASE don't spam like firetooth sometimes does.

Summary thus far....(this is for everyone, for details read the whole thread)

Wolf Snare was captured by a group of Ungatt Trunn II's scouts to lead them to the legendary Redwall Abbey.  Unexpectedly, Wolf Snare escapes with Firetooth into Mossflower.  Draco (the head of Ungatt's scouting party) follows after them with the rest of the group.  When both groups confront each other in the woods there is a scuffle which is interupted by another warlord named Quixote.  Quixote wins the battle and takes Draco and Firetooth's band back to his castle.

Meanwhile, Ungatt Trunn II has sailed in to meet up with Draco and discover the treasures and secrets of Redwall Abbey.  When he arrives on the shores, he is infuriated to discover Draco and his band have been captured by Quixote AND Wolf Snare has slipped through the cracks (OCC:this happened because Wolf Snare stopped posting :( ) On his way to Quixote's castle he is confronted with members of the Northern Otter Tribes (lovingly refered to as NORT).  NORT barely escape with their lives and are currently on their way to warn the creatures of Redwall Abbey.

Right now there is a battle building between: Firetooth, Sharptooth, Ungatt Trunn, and Quixote.  That is basically where we have left off.  This is a REALLY REALLY brief overview.  There have been several battles that I didn't mention and several character storylines I have left out.  I encourage you to try to read the thread before adding anything.

At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?


Quote from: Firetooth on April 11, 2009, 02:11:50 PM
Sharptooth is my bro, and until he posts here again I'll keep posting him as a noob in roleplays :D



Hi Daryn :)
I'll post again soon
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


The mighty galleon Flying Dutchman plowed through the stormy seas. The captain, a grizzled old otter, smiled as the spray of the foam and blowing gales caressed his craggy features. In the distance, he sighted dark cliffs rising up against the sea.
"'ey, Daryn!" the otter yelled. "Is this the land your goin' tae?"
A massive snow leopard pounced up onto the quarter deck. "Mossflower country," he murmured as he rubbed his eyeless socket. "I guess it is. The map also shows the cliffs, Cap'n Poseidon."
Poseidon thumped his tail upon the wooden deck. "Prepare to drop anchor, mateys!"
The crew, a disciplined rabble of otters sprang into action.
Daryn smiled at his old friend. It was a great favor he was doing the veteran by sailing him away from his past in the Eastern lands. There, he was forced to commit mutiny against his emperor and kill some of his former allies during the war.
Poseidon was in fact the sea god, in the form of an otter. He had powers over the sea and its inhabitants.
"Ehhh, I believe ye do have the need for a good ship, after we leave ye, is that nae right?" Poseidon queried.
"True," Daryn answered back.
The otter's dark eyes scanned the waters. "There is a ship layin' here, sunk a couple of years ago, but in good shape. Juggernaut 'tis called. The ship is intact. With a couple of repairs, she could brave any storm in the worst waters."
"I'll guess I'll take her then," Daryn agreed.
With a wave of a brawny arm, the Juggernaut exploded out of the water. Barnacles crusted its mighty hull. The mast lay in black tatters. The wood itself was black as if tar was poured over it.
"Get to it crew!" Poseidon roared. "Repair it!"
The otters dived into the water and swam to the ship with tools. Within a couple of hours, the ship was as good as new.
Daryn thanked Poseidon graciously.
"This is what I do," Poseidon replied simply. "Come, hot seafood soup is awaitin'!"

The Night Hunters, the Brooklyn Empire (another story, another day)'s former elite guard, landed on the shore. The sand was wet beneath their foot paws. A river rushed into the sea nearby.
Morvatius, Daryn's lieutenant, led a hunting party out to explore the land while Daryn set up a makeshift camp. Soon, the fox stumbled back, chased by some unknown predator.
"General!" Morvatius cried as his party reached the camp. "Attack!"
Daryn drew his phase blade. It was about 4 feet long, made of a reddish crystal, with the name "Grief" written on the blood channel.
Lanky hares burst out of the bushes, roaring, "Eulalia!"
   The leader of the hares stepped sharply out, and announced, "Who are you chappies, and what are you doing in these lands?"
Daryn drew himself up to his full height and pointed his sword at the ground. "We are Night Hunters, from the eastern lands."
The leader, stroked his whiskers and said, "And are you vermin?"
"We do not mean you any harm, if that is what you mean," Daryn replied.
"Welcome to Southern Mossflower country then, old lad," the hare announced. "If we find you doing any sort of mischief around and about, you can be sure that we will make your group scoot your boots out of here. I am Colonel Bramble Tamsworth, of the Fur and Foot Patrol in South Mossflower. Pleased to meet you, wot, wot!"
"I am General Daryn, of the eastern lands, and of the Night Hunters," Daryn bowed low. "We are wandering mercenaries for hire as of this moment. We will not be using our ship as of right now. Will you mind to take care of it, until we come back?"
Bramble raised an eyebrow. "A ship, eh? Well that will be mighty hard to take care of, but we will do nonetheless, general. What's the name?"
"Juggernaut," Daryn replied.
"Surely you don't mean that corsair vessel that sank a couple of years ago?" Bramble exclaimed in shock. "Captain Grushka was the worst pirate to pollute the sea. He stole the ship that my grand-daddy's nephew's cousin's grand-mater's uncle's brother-in-law, and renamed it."
"I don't know the history behind these regions, Colonel," Daryn responded. "You are welcomed at our camp."
The next day, the fur and foot patrol escorted the Night Hunters out of their territory.
Daryn decided to scout a bit around to get the lay of the land, with his scouts, Beranabus and Branard. Beranabus and Branard were brother wolves, and even thought they were young, Daryn believed that they were the best scouts he had ever had.
"General!" Beranabus cried. "There is a battle to the west!"
In the distance, the leopard saw a large fort of some sort. Observing closer, he saw some figures exchanging volleys of arrows.
"Well then, let's go see what they are up to..." Daryn muttered as he crept away silently into the shadows.


so then Daryn saw Firetooth and Quixote battling it out.
The leopard wondered which side to join


Quixote gritted his teeth. He, Jadrek, and his two bodyguards had started running along the battlements, toward the battle. "Cummon, I know ye can do better than that!" the wildcat shouted to his remaining troops. They started taking cover, the archers firing back at the enemies.
"Shall I go get the Guards?" Jadrek asked Quixote, concerned.
The wildcat shook his head. "No, I'm keepin' them at th' castle in case it gets to that," he replied. Now it appeared as if heavy losses were now on both sides, his as well as the enemy's.