
Started by loti71, December 19, 2008, 05:29:26 PM

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Quixote and Jadrek soon had as many of the Ninja Guard with them as they could find on a short notice, plus other soldiers of their own they happened to find.
Quixote's mind was frantic. /What could have happened to bring all this about? Wait,/ he thought sarcastically, /three different armies attacked me at the same time, that's what happened!/
Suddenly, the wildcat remembered something. "Jadrek, I'm going back!" he said to his second-in-command. "I forgot to get something; it might not be too late. I'll take my bodyguards and a regiment of the Guard; you take the rest and get out!"
Before the wolf could protest, Quixote had already rounded up some of the Guard and his two bodyguards, and was now running back toward the castle. "Slay only those who try to attack us," he ordered curtly. "Leave those who are only passing by; I don't want effort spent unless it's spent protecting our lives."


The rats had reached a broad doorway. Firetooth quickly smashed ones head in, then pulled the other rat's throat out with his teeth. Kicking the door open, he strode in, sword at the ready. Ungatt Trunn was seated on Quixote's old throne, observing a curious looking object.
"Come and fight me, Ungatt trunn" Firetooth grinned.
Ungatt Trunn looked up in suprise, which turned to agression "I thought I'd kill you along time ago, Firetooth. Ready to die again?"
"Your confidence is your weakness" he snarled. He lunged quickly, Ungatt ducking just in time, then kicked out, sending Firetooth sprawling. He put the object aside and grabbed his own sword and made a stab at Firetooth, who parried, using his strenght to force Ungatt back. Ungatt came in again, quicker, more agressive, counter attacking with skill. Firetooth just held him off, finally, Ungatt trunn had him corned. Using his surroundings, he kicked out at Ungatt trunn twice, sending him flying. Ungatt quickly was back on his feet, but this time on the defensive. Firetooth used to his advantage the fact that he had a longer sword, constantly stabbing at his foe. As the fight continued...
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Ungatt Trunn II

Ungatt began to feel fatigue gripping him. He hadn't had a real one on one battle in almost a year. After about 30 seconds of blocking, he felt Firetooth's sword cut into his forearm. Grabbing it, he jumped back. "Get back, lord!" Said one of his guard as they came to inspect the noise they had heard. " Took you idiots long enough! Kill him, capture him, show no mercy!" As they surrounded him, Ungatt Looked at a strange spear laying on the ground. If had a barbed tip, coated with poison.

Firetooth had killed two of Ungatt's guards when Ungatt rejoined the fight. "Back, he's mine!" Ungatt held both sword and spear, swinging wildly as one of Quixote's bodyguards entered the room.


Suddenly, three huge wolves lept into the room from the window.
"Lord Ungatt, we are of the Night Hunters, who have come to save you!"
With savage blows, Quixote's guards were slaughtered mercilessly.
"Yarrrr!" the largest wolf smiled showing his fierce canine teeth. "I am Sanshar, of the Iron Wolves Clan. I serve Ulquiorra Schiffer in Daryn's group!"
"Your wish is my command!" the wolves bayed to ungatt.

Ungatt Trunn II

The newcomers distracted Ungatt completely. "What, how did you..." Firetooth swung an uppercut at him, knocking him out. "Blast! Get Ungatt's wildcats in here!" Yelled a ferret. "We are here!" They came running in, 6 of them all armed. "Wolves, form up behind and kill all of Firetooth's force, or die trying. You lot, get Lord Ungatt to a safe location. Do not let this idiot disgrace the Trunn bloodline!"

As they attacked, Ungatt's vision darkened. For a moment he blacked out, then pain engulfed his entire head. "Let me down, this is my battle!" He jumped off the stretcher and threw the barbed spear at the enemy as a new being entered the room. 


Dazed by all of the smoke, Draco had accidentally ran back into the castle and now found himself back in the main throne room.  He had entered just in time to see a barbed spear bury itself in the right shoulder of a rat.  As he looked to see who had thrown the spear, his eyes landed on Lord Ungatt.

Not expecting to see his Lord here, Draco's immediate reaction was to pull out his sword and salute. With that formality out of the way, he lowered his sword and stood in his battle stance.  He knew that if he didn't fight ruthlessly, Lord Ungatt would have his head.

((This should be fun ;) ))
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?


Firetooth saw the newcomer. He yelled "attak Ungatt, whoever you are. I'll help you. He'll die with in the hour!" He hissed in pain as a spear skimmed his arm, and turned to show it was from Ungatt Trunn. He charged and started attacking again, hopi8ng the newcomer would help him.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Draco chuckled to himself as the wildcat asked for his help to kill his Lord.  "Why would he ever do such a thing?" But now he knew who his target was and moved to block the blow that was being delivered to Lord Ungatt.
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?


OOC: I'm a wildcat thank you very much! >:(
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Ungatt Trunn II

(But Briar said the spear hit a rat, so unless the spear hit you, then a rat, it makes sense...)



/Idjits,/ Quixote thought, hidden and disappointed, as the soldiers he'd brought with him were taken out. /Anyways, there should be enough distractions and confusion now./ As the battle raged on, the wildcat crept onwards, staying against the wall and in the shadows; his black pelt and deep-blue tunic helped to hide him. It should be near the throne still...what? Quixote spotted the object near the throne; anger nearly filled his mind. /How dare they?!/ The wildcat dashed forward and snatched up the object.
It was a katana; a somewhat large emerald mounted the pommel, and the parts that were not blade were made out of smoky-grey stone that had been polished until it shone in the light, looking almost like obsidian (if that's possible). The blade itself was made of silver-colored steel, tempered until it could withstand the crushing weight of a boulder. The katana was, at the moment, held in a sheath colored obsidian, and two smaller emeralds adorned it, both near the opening of the sheath, one on each side. However, it was a battle-weary katana; a chip could be spotted here and there, the blade hadn't been sharpened for fifteen years, and the handle and the emerald shone only dully.
To Quixote, it was priceless; for someone to have handled it carelessly, it seemed, made the wildcat angry, but not enough to want revenge. Moments after he'd picked it up, Quixote darted back to the shadows, against the wall, and hurried along it, back to the small hallway where he could run freely back to Jadrek and the others.

((Anything wrong with what I typed?))


Firetooth tore the spear he realized was narrowly imbedded in his side him out, then threw it at Ungatt Trunn, pinning his shoulder to a wall. He smashed his face twice with his sword handle, then went in to stab his foe. Ungatt quickly lashed out with his tail, catching Firetooth paw. Using his foot, he kicked him backwards away. He pulled the spear out, then realized he was bleeding heavily. Throwing the bloodied spear aside, he charged and continued the duel.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Suddenly, as Quixote walked along the castle floor, he fell over a dead rat. The katana fell out his hand and slithered down the corridor into a drainage hole. He could only watch as it fell down (sorry for the power playing!)
Freddy was in the castle sewage system, looking for an escape. Suddenly, a shining object landed point-first infrontof him. He picked it up, realizing it was a sword.
"Nice sword, nice sword. Nice kill, nice blade" he chattered insanely as he wandered off rambling, still trying to find an escape, whilst waving his new weapon in the air.
Worship the mighty Blobfish

Quote from: Blobfish on May 01, 2011, 12:04:37 PM
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 7.59

Rights are for the weak.


"Oh, snappers," Quixote muttered, frowning. That meant it would take longer to get back to Jadrek, who might send soldiers after him. That also meant that he had to go down to the sewers; icky place. Hey, no sewers were gonna stop /him/ from going down there.
Quixote looked around, making sure that no one had noticed him yet, then got up and ran back down the small corridor, this time headed for the lower kitchens.


OOC: I think it's time I brought this back to life. ;)

Volg marched with his troops into unkown land. No one knew from where he came or why he was here. His clan knew that he would do whatever it took win in whatever he was doing.  They had been on the road for along time without rest. Volg looked at two younger member of the clan, "You two! Come here!" They obeyed at once. To disobey Volg ment death. "Yes sire?" They asked, "What we can we do for?' Volg looked around, "Where are we?" He asked. The two vermin looked at eachother, "Umm, we don't know lord..." Volg grabed them by their necks, "Listen up fleabags, I want you to scout ahead, find out where we are, then report back. Understand?" They nodded as fast as they could. They could hardly breath as he held them in the air by their necks. Volg smiled, "Good lads. Now run off and do what I said." He droped them roughly on the ground and they started off running as fast as they could. Volg smiled. He loved it when he won.