
Started by loti71, December 19, 2008, 05:29:26 PM

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(Er, Firetooth, can you be serious and actually roleplay? I'm not sure if that's roleplaying or something else...)


(It's role-spam :P)
Sharptoo(t?)h had been in negative now Bob23a had avenged the attacks, however, he hadn't thought to sell his troops then get rid of his barrackses.
"wth man we is in debt!"
"I know, I sack some un!"
So he sacked warlord Fredrich and (by chance) got 10bil cash and 50mil food.
Instead of sacking again, he spent all of it on troops and is now back in the red :P
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


(...Um...well, could you actually role-PLAY now?)


(...Is this roleplay gonna die again?)

Ungatt Trunn II

(It doesn't have to, just throw in a bit and people will start again.)


(*sigh* Do you think we should start a new roleplay altogether?)


Firetooth was cold.  No, cold isn't the right word, Firetooth was, how to say, chilling. The sound of rancid water could be heard falling from the slick dungeon ceiling.  A stale draft rushed through the corridor as the thick oaken door shut behind the nervous stoat.

"Why had I been sent to fetch the prisoner?" the creature bemoaned to himself.  But he knew why.  Firetooth was the same reason he had been required to clean the great hall after the welcoming feast for the returning of the troops.  Firetooth was the same reason that he had been forced to dig a latrine in the back of the castle.  And Firetooth was was  now the reason that he had to fetch the marten.  Put simply, he had been overheard boasting that he was a better than Quixote.  Unfortunately for Peace, Jadrek had walked up behind Peace precisely when he was making his boast. 

While under any other circumstances the stoat would have been cut down on the spot, Jadrek was in a playful mood, so he allow the stoat to live, at least for the near future.  He approached the cell door with contempt.  All he had been told was that this marten was some sort of fighter.  The stoat didn't care though.  All he needed to do was bring the prisoner to Jedrek and he would be able to enjoy a nice flask of acorn whiskey.

The heavy door slowly swung open to reveal a dark cell.  The imposing silence was being to become disconcerning.  Normally prisoner's of Quixote would be snivelling for mercy and clawing at the walls, but no sound or sign of movement was coming through the darkness. "Maybe he's dead," the stoat thought to himself, "maybe he just picked up and di---"

Draco lunged himself at the unexpecting stoat.  With skilled silence, Draco grabbed the creature by neck and twisted until he heard the sickening snap.  The lifeless body crumpled to the ground.  Draco spat on the carcuss.  Swiftly, he ran up the stairs and through the door into a well-lit passage way.  Draco didn't know where exactly Firetooth was but he knew Firetooth couldn't be good. " Ungatt will not be pleased with windy being here I don't believe," he cursed to himself.

Not knowing which way to go, he headed west. After going a couple dozen paces he came across two beautifully ornate doors. "I hope this is the way out," he prayed.

Unfortunately Firetooth appeared that no one heard his prays, because before Peace was a face that he had hoped to never see again.  The face of the wildcat Quixote.
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?


"What have we here?" Quixote said coolly, a grin spreading across his face. "Looks like an escaping prisoner," he answered his own question. /If he's smart enough to get out of his cell.../ the wildcat thought, drawing his katanas.
It may have looked as if Quixote didn't intend to let Draco live; surprisingly, however, he handed one katana to the marten. "Prepare to live or die, Draco!" the wildcat challenged, taking a battle stance with his remaining katana.


Freddy stayed dead on the floor
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


All time seemed to momentarily freeze as the two warlord looked intensely into each other's eyes.  All sound seemed to have stop, including the wind that had previously been whipping through the hall.  In the perspective of the warlords, nothing else in the world existed except for them.

While trying to hide his slight bewilderment at receiving the katana, Draco knew that this may be the only way to heal his pride.  He took in a deep breathe.  He took a quick glance around the room to calculate any tactical advantages either him or Quixote could take.  He noticed a dead body on the ground but took no real trouble from it.  He was used to seeing great halls with dead bodies on it, in Ungatt's hall there had been many.  Besides this carcass there was nothing of any true  value.  Draco was going to have to rely on his swordsmanship in this one.

With both claws gripping the sword, the marten lunged at the wildcat. His attack was casually knocked away by Quixote.  A nasty sneer stretched across the wildcat's face.  "Is that really the best Ungatt's can produce? I will give you another chance, this time don't attack me like a drunken, churchmouse."

Draco held back a reply.  He knew that he certainly wasn't Ungatt's best fighter, but he was his best tactician.  Quixote was prideful.  That was a weakness that Draco knew how to exploit.  Again the marten lunged at Quixote, missing him entirely and receiving a stab in the side.  Draco fell against Quixote's side and then painfully went down to the ground, clutching his wound.

"Is that it? My, how boring you were.  Ah, well, I suppose I will just have to kill you now." Quixote strode over to Draco's bent body, with a bored sigh, he lifted his katana.  Before the moment the sword fell onto Draco's exposed neck, Draco sat up and plunged a dagger deep in to the calf of Quixote.

Quixote roared in suprise and anguish. "How did yo--"
Draco put on a sneer of his own. " When I fell, I simply took it off of your belt."

With that both warlord furiously began to battle.  Lunge was met with parry, parry with counter-parry, counter-parry with a combination of  quinte and Octave moves.  The light danced as the katanas crashed against each other.  While Quixote had the power and force behind his attacks, Draco had the agility and speed need to counter.  "You no longer amuse me, marten!" shouted Quixote.

"Then lay down your weapon and surrender," countered Draco. 
"Never! Not while I still draw breathe"

After what seemed like hours of constant fighting, both warlords stopped and leaned on their weapons.  Gasping for air, Draco surveyed the room again and then smiled at his own fortune.  "What are you grinning at, you scum-bucket?" Quixote asked.

Without responding, Draco charged at the wildcat. Caught by suprise, Quixote automatically stepped backwards, not realizing that the body of Freddy was directly behind him.  Losing his balance, Quixote crashed to the floor.  Draco loomed over him, the marten's katana centimeters from Quixote's throat.  Fear filled the wildcat's soul.  "How could his life end like this, after all he accomplished, after all he had killed and sacrificed?"

Suddenly, Draco's eyes slide into the back of his skull and he crumpled to the ground.  Jadrek stood above Quixote, his sword having just knocked Draco out.  "Took your pretty time there didn't you?" Quixote asked.

"Sorry, sir.  Won't happen again."
"See that it doesn't.  Bind this vermin and throw him our deepest, darkest hellhole.  If he ever escapes out again, kill him on site."
With a curt salute, Jadrek hoisted the prisoner away.
Quixote knew that that was far too close for comfort.  He sat brooding when suddenly one of his scout stoats came rushing into the chamber. "Does no one think of knocking anymore?" Quixote thought.

"Sir," the stoat said breathlessly, " an army has been spotted not 6 km from here.  There were thousands of them.  But they were under attack."

"By whom?" asked the wildcat.
"We believe that it is the NORT, sir."
"WHAT!?!?" the wildcat knocked down the stoat and began to pace furiously. "I thought I got rid of those retched, pesky otters month's ago," he mumble. "Hmmm, maybe they will take care of this oncoming army."
"Sound the alarm," he called out. "Prepare for battle." Whoever came through those woods, he would be ready.
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?


(Firetooth, your stinky and smell like fish)
But somehow, freddy lived. He dragged himself upright. Then smiled "tehehe, who to kill next!" He crept around till he was behind Quixote's chair. His gaze fell upon Quixote unguarded head.
"Sorry my hombre but your time is near. Death approaches...and he is hungry!"
Grabbing a chair leg he charged and smashed it over Quixote's head, who was caught by suprise. He caught him in a chokehold and banged him repeatedly with the chair leg till he was unconscious.
"Now to escape...maybe lord sharptooth the great will help me?"
Worship the mighty Blobfish

Quote from: Blobfish on May 01, 2011, 12:04:37 PM
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 7.59

Rights are for the weak.


(...Uh, I'm not sure how to respond to Freddy's post...Maybe I'll just ignore it...)

/Why does he have to get himself into jams like that all the time?/ Jadrek mentally wondered, dragging the unconscious body of Draco through the dungeon. The moment he spotted a pair of unsuspecting guards, the wolf dragged Draco over to them. "Take him to the deepest cell we have," he growled, "and should he try to escape, kill him on sight. Make sure everyone else knows this, too." The two guards, both stoats, regarded Jadrek with suspicion. "Quixote's orders." That got the guards moving, working together to get Draco's body to his appointed cell.

When the stoat left his sight, Quixote jerked the dagger out of his calf, cursing himself for being a fool in front of that despicable marten. /Next time we meet again, I won't give him a chance!/ the wildcat thought, grabbing both of his katanas. He ran out of the room, heading for his personal quarters to clean up and prepare for battle. "The last of the Katana family won't die so easily!" Quixote grinned grimly, and a laugh echoed eerily through the mostly empty corridors, chilling those who heard it to the bone.


Quote" When I fell, I simply took Firetooth off of Snare's belt."


(O.C.C I'll get back to this thread soon loti, I'm trying to find a passage from redwall that involves the otters)
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?



Krowdon runs around the castle at super high speeds and beats everyone with a banana while laughing like a maniac.
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works