
Started by loti71, December 19, 2008, 05:29:26 PM

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((Thanks for the effort, Mr. Grimm.
Might as well post again...))

Soon, Quixote had found the lower kitchens, which were empty. On the way, he had taken out some vermin who'd tried to attack him; this castle was becoming overrun by enemies. After another few minutes of searching, the wildcat found what he was looking for; he opened the hatch, climbing down into the darkness after grabbing a torch.
First thing Quixote noticed: down here, everything smelled BADLY. Making a face, he quickly lit the torch with his flint-and-steel, lifting it up to light his surroundings. Another aspect of this place: in some places, it was wet, and wildcats hated getting wet.
/Might as well get on with it,/ Quixote thought, starting off down one passage of the sewers.


Bleeding heavily, Ungatt Trunn II not only battled Firetooth but also he tried to ward off unconsciousness. Both Ungatt and Firetooth had lost their weapons in the fray.  Now it was a battle of strengths, wildcat against wildcat.

Ungatt knew that he was far stronger than his opponent, but he also knew that he was unable to take Firetooth down in the next few moments, he would be unable to make it.

Firetooth also knew this.  While his side wound was painful, it was not nearly as severe as the blow he had delivered to Ungatt. 

"This will be you end Ungatt, lolol"
"You never did knoe how to talk sense, you pea-brained maggot"

With that Ungatt swung all his weight at Firetooth's head.  There was a large crack and Firetooth flew high into the  air before slamming against the stone wall.  His seemingly unconscious body lay slumped.

Ungatt laboriously stalked over to the body...

((OCC: I don't want to power play this thread, so one of you needs to finish off the battle))
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?


Firetooth's legs were far stronger then his arms in comparison to Ungatt. He pretended to collapse from exhaustion. Ungatt fell from the ruse, running to finish him off. As Ungatt neared him, Firetooth launched an explose kick, sending Ungatt flying into a table. He got up and threw the table flying. Ungatt launched a flying punch, which Firetooth caught, next snapping back Ungatt's wrist. He threw him over as he laughed "Strong but stupid. If fighting was all about random punches, you'd win." He pressed his foot onto Ungatt's neck, but...
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Ungatt Trunn II

One of Ungatt Trunn's elite guards noticed what was happening and threw himself at Firetooth. "You shall NOT kill the master!" The attack did not harm Firetooth, but it got his attention away from Ungatt Trunn. "Die you idiot!" Yelled Firetooth as he snapped the guards neck. "How about you die?" Said Ungatt as he got Firetooth into an arm lock. All fighting ceased and all eyes looked to the wildcat. "Put down your weapons, or he dies!" All of Firetooth's forces dropped their weapons where they stood. With a nod from Ungatt, his guards executed the unarmed soldiers. "I hope you can swim! Tie a rock to him!"

As a soldier tied a rock to Firetooth, Ungatt took every opportunity to insult Firetooth, he had the impression that this would certainly kill him. "I hope you don't have any last words!" And with that, Ungatt hurled Firetooth out the window into the deep pond below.


Draco looked on as Firetooth snapped the neck of his companion.  Anger rose within him.  He was about to launch himself at Firetooth when Lord Ungatt hurlded the pathetic wildcat out of the window.

Draco prostrated himself in front of Lord Ungatt Trunn II.  Ungatt gave him a swift pick, " Get up you fool, I'll deal with you later." And with that he strode out of the throne chamber, Draco following just out of paws reach.

* * *

Outside the battle had drawn to a close.  Stoats, Rats, and Ferrets lay all around. Black smoke slowly rose from the defeated fortress.  With the battle over, the warlords turned their attention to other things...
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?


"Where is he?!" Jadrek muttered worriedly for the umpteenth time.
The wolf and the remaining Ninja Guard had been waiting just outside the exit of the secret passage, located outside the fort, some distance away from the walls. "If he doesn't get here soon, then we'll have to leave."

/I hate this place already,/ Quixote thought, making a face as he one again splashed in a puddle. He'd been walking for some time, every now and then hearing commotion from above, where the ground was somewhat thinner than usual.
Suddenly, the wildcat noticed someone else in the sewers with him, just down the corridor he was in. "Hey, you there!" he called to the creature, who happened to be Freddy.

((Need a reply now, Freddy.))


Freddy turned, and started to chatter "eeh, you know who me am?"
Quixote shrugegd "not really"
Before he knew it, Quixote was sprawled across the ground with his own sword at his throat as Freddy laughed. "Hey, that's my sword you son of a-" before anything else could happen, there was a splash and a thud and Freddy turned to observe a huge ginger wildcat being washed in, coughing blood. Quixote kicked out, unbalancing the stoat, who quickly went into a fighting stance. Firetotoh stumbled towards the two of them, regaining his compusure and throwing Freddy to the ground. The katana went skidding through the slime. Firetooth smacked Freddy twice, then threw him into a wall. He picked up the katana, impressed. Then he turned to Quixote.
"Nasty critter, isn't he? After made him!" he turned the katana on the suprised wildcat "my spies reported this monstrosety was living in your cellars." He grinned, exposing his razor sharp teeth "what was your plan, to use him as some sort of super-weapon or something? He's nowhere near that. Life at it's most pathetic." Frustrated, he kicked out, sending water flying. "Tell me!"
Worship the mighty Blobfish

Quote from: Blobfish on May 01, 2011, 12:04:37 PM
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 7.59

Rights are for the weak.


Quixote backed away a few paces, glaring at Firetooth. "That's not yours, you know," he snarled, angry. "How did you manage to break in, anyways?!" /This guy sounds familiar,/ the wildcat thought, eyes narrow. "And who are these spies of yours, anyhow?! Plus, that katana in your grubby little paws belonged to my brother! I swear," he continued, "if you leave with it, I'll hunt you down and kxll you with it!"


Firetooth grinned "Quit evading my questions." He tossed the sword aside and drew his own knife.
"I don't care about that toy. We need to work together to escape. But you're dead if you don't tell me what you have to do with that creep"
Worship the mighty Blobfish

Quote from: Blobfish on May 01, 2011, 12:04:37 PM
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 7.59

Rights are for the weak.


OCC: well the daryn thing didnt work so im trying to do something else...

Roan Stygwyr was a wandering mercenary/assassin. Oce he had ruled an empire in the northlands, but now it was reduced to the faithful followers that trailed behind him.  Now, he gave his blade to the highest bidder. Roan now would decide who he was giving it to, for he had heard about the legendary strength of the warlord, Ungatt Trunn the II, Firetooth (one whose teeth were afire), and Quixote, ruler of the southern strongholds. But who would he bid his allegiance to? All of these warlords were well known and powerful, but to whom would he pledge his blade.
He decided, in the time honored way of mercenaries, to give it to the most reward offered.


Quixote stared Firetooth in the eye, slowly sidestepping toward the katana. "One," he started, "he was some freak vermin that I ordered to be exterminated. Two, I didn't have any idea he would still be alive. Three, you sound really familiar, for some reason. Have we met before? Besides in the forest."
/Gonna get yourself kxlled,/ the wildcat thought.


Firetooth noticed his foot movement and charged fowards, barging him over. He grabbed him by the throat with both hands and slammed him against the wall, violently choking him.
"You seem familar to. Nice try going for the katana though Almost fooled me." Quixote passed out and slumped on the floor, unconscious. Firetotoh threw him down, kicked him savagely in the guts, then picked up the katana and left.
"A broadsword is much more useful then this thing...still, that idiot will go beserk when he sees it's missing!"
Soon Firetooth was swimming. He'd reached the moat. As he crawled onto the land, he gabe a broad grin. He turned towards the fort he'd failed to capture "Next time Ungatt. Oh, I forgot, you're still under the impression I'm dead..."
And with that Firetooth turned back towards mossflower woods and started walking towards his camp.
Worship the mighty Blobfish

Quote from: Blobfish on May 01, 2011, 12:04:37 PM
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 7.59

Rights are for the weak.


As Firetooth entered the camp, he noticed some new arrivals.
"Who is this rabble?" he snarled at his captain.
"They are mercenary and wish to serve whoever gives them the most reward," His captain replied. "They number five hundred and are led by warlord Roan Stygwyr, the Blood Seeker."


Firetooth noticed a marten stride into camp " Who in the blazes are you?" "Ah.." the young marten said " I'm Bloodclaw Twinblade, a warlord from the Northlands " Firetooth looked at Bloodclaw " What do ya want " The marten licked the tip of one of his razor sharp blades "I wish for a truces, My numbers are six hundred and five "


Firetoth grinned " I need more troops to  kill Ungatt II, do you have any assasins?" The wildcat inqiured, The marten yelled to his troops "Cluny! Blart! get your mangey hides over here!" A rat and a wolf they ran to Bloodclaw "Here." they said together