Regular so far, a report of sorts.

Started by Juska, December 16, 2008, 09:18:12 PM

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I know this makes for a lively discussion and fascinating reading, but as a general comment to all, please reduce the flaming. The swearing variations aren't appreciated, either, whether you shorten them or replace certain words.

Now, on with the bickering!

Holby, modding.
I will not deleted this


Quote from: Wolf Snare on February 17, 2009, 03:25:48 PM
For instance, I bet you want to prove something, don't you marell? ^_^
What more do I have to prove? Please explain.

Quote from: Wolf Snare on February 17, 2009, 03:25:48 PM
As for your claim that we will never achieve anything of your standard, well, I'd like to see you prove anything that you are saying. Call me egotistical if you may, but I happen to know that I could mop the floors with you all day long one vs. one. You too tend to lean on your role model to carry you through just as badly as volky  ;). The only one holding you together is shadow, and he is the only worthy competition out of the lot of you. without him coordinating for you, I don't think you'd even bother checking your accounts anymore.
LOL! I see you've got your talk:walk ratio set at about 95%:5%, as per usual. I have never seen you achieve anything significant while solo, in my two years here.
Lean on my role model? Sure I have whooped you and your clan plenty of times while working with Eire (and thanks to Kyle and Kell for the guidance they have given me to get to where I am), but I've held the lead in reg for weeks solo, as well as won turbo rounds solo leadering. Not that I want to brag, but your comment is purely incorrect.
Besides which, your anger obviously got ahead of you when reading the part where I said "you will never achieve anything of our standard"...I hadn't been referring to my personal achievements, I had been referring to last round of reg. When I said "our", I meant Ereptors clan (although I barely helped them, I was more on their side than yours)...I find it likey that the defeat and jealousy you felt last round is the reason for you trying to prove yourself this round.

As for this floor mopping...When two players of almost eqaul ability (just improve your indying a bit (message me for tips)), go against each other, one does not usually mop the floor with the other  ;)

Apologies Holby if any of the above is out of line.


Quote from: Marell on February 18, 2009, 05:52:45 AM
Quote from: Wolf Snare on February 17, 2009, 03:25:48 PM
For instance, I bet you want to prove something, don't you marell? ^_^
What more do I have to prove? Please explain.

Quote from: Wolf Snare on February 17, 2009, 03:25:48 PM
As for your claim that we will never achieve anything of your standard, well, I'd like to see you prove anything that you are saying. Call me egotistical if you may, but I happen to know that I could mop the floors with you all day long one vs. one. You too tend to lean on your role model to carry you through just as badly as volky  ;). The only one holding you together is shadow, and he is the only worthy competition out of the lot of you. without him coordinating for you, I don't think you'd even bother checking your accounts anymore.
LOL! I see you've got your talk:walk ratio set at about 95%:5%, as per usual. I have never seen you achieve anything significant while solo, in my two years here.
Lean on my role model? Sure I have whooped you and your clan plenty of times while working with Eire (and thanks to Kyle and Kell for the guidance they have given me to get to where I am), but I've held the lead in reg for weeks solo, as well as won turbo rounds solo leadering. Not that I want to brag, but your comment is purely incorrect.
Besides which, your anger obviously got ahead of you when reading the part where I said "you will never achieve anything of our standard"...I hadn't been referring to my personal achievements, I had been referring to last round of reg. When I said "our", I meant Ereptors clan (although I barely helped them, I was more on their side than yours)...I find it likey that the defeat and jealousy you felt last round is the reason for you trying to prove yourself this round.

As for this floor mopping...When two players of almost eqaul ability (just improve your indying a bit (message me for tips)), go against each other, one does not usually mop the floor with the other  ;)

Apologies Holby if any of the above is out of line.
Get used to it lol. Whenever snare cant/isn't win(ing) he starts throwing insults about how much better he is. Just search up stuff from when smile is around or when he is usually in some form of competion and you will see. (eg. Below)

Quote from: Wolf Snare on December 22, 2008, 05:06:33 AM
I hate to be blunt but I imagine it's the only thing that will get through to you both.

Back off now or you will suffer.

EDIT: might aswell deal with this publicly. originally addressed to volkov and juska.

juskas egotistical attitude will be the downfall of your schemes, if you really want to elaborate. plain and simply, if you two are going to attempt to bully spaceman on the forums, and twist your hostility into his problem, I will not hesitate to take you guys into the ground. I don't care if you take this warning lightly or not, just know if you keep it up I will not hesitate to destroy you guys. I have no problem going into a full blown war if you want to come into the situation as an innocent bystander. you should know better than to twist stories against an 11 year old kid. so what if he doesn't want to work with you, I dont blame him. You've both made it very clear that you have a problem with spaceman, and you've both murdered him. do it again, and I will come down on you both hard... and I'll bring an army of 15+ to humiliate /you/ for a change.

No, Im not flaming snare, or paticulary insulting his ability, but he always brags about how he will win and how is he great. Not saying he isn't a good player (better then me), but the constant bragging gets tedious.

And for the record, Marell is awesome :P
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


I don't even think Marell was ever my student - most of what he learned is self taught as far as I know. We just work well together. Snare, get your facts straight before bragging, the only thing worse than a braggart is a clueless one who can't accept a loss.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

The Obliterator

Just for the record marell Wrath has wooped your clan several times as well.
And for everyone i think insulting each others abilities isn't going anywhere cause everyone does things in team runs that the other side knows nothing about.
Both Marell and Cody are great players i would be very interested in a duel between you.
Other than that i think we should keep the fighting ingame.
Watching people fight is fun...
...but getting involved is so much better


Quote from: windhound on February 17, 2009, 04:14:36 PM
I dont know which game you've been playing

Mine stats -
Defenses     728 (30%)
Attacks    284 (100%)

Seven Hundred and Twenty Eight Defences.  Usually my defences lead my attacks by just a little, as per my playing style.  But no.  Now its 2.5x.  And I never have 30% defences.  It means 218 attacks have failed against me, the vast majority of them suicides as I dont tend to keep a massive army and when I'm holding army I dont tend to get attacked in the normal way. 

No.  A billion or two worth of net has been destroyed this round between the two sides
Its a war, sure. 
But these arnt minor suicide and murder sprees.  Each side is wiping out the other each run.

Though it looks like Tattoo Vampire is trying a different strat now
Slight abuse of the code...  but eh.  I was asleep when they ran, I had no part in that...  nor did Sticker for that matter.

  If you're holding net get used to being attacked, this is a war game afterall what more could you expect?


Quote from: Sharptooh on February 18, 2009, 03:14:12 PM
Quote from: windhound on February 17, 2009, 04:14:36 PM
I dont know which game you've been playing

Mine stats -
Defenses     728 (30%)
Attacks    284 (100%)

Seven Hundred and Twenty Eight Defences.  Usually my defences lead my attacks by just a little, as per my playing style.  But no.  Now its 2.5x.  And I never have 30% defences.  It means 218 attacks have failed against me, the vast majority of them suicides as I dont tend to keep a massive army and when I'm holding army I dont tend to get attacked in the normal way. 

No.  A billion or two worth of net has been destroyed this round between the two sides
Its a war, sure. 
But these arnt minor suicide and murder sprees.  Each side is wiping out the other each run.

Though it looks like Tattoo Vampire is trying a different strat now
Slight abuse of the code...  but eh.  I was asleep when they ran, I had no part in that...  nor did Sticker for that matter.

  If you're holding net get used to being attacked, this is a war game afterall what more could you expect?
Oh and Oblit thats how things should work but never seem to lol. Besides, the arguing is (sometimes) funny.

-EDIT- Firetooth, I have already posted in reference to bad language. This is your first warning.

Holby, modding.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Wolf Snare

All of you who wish to bash my skill have obviously alot to learn. I've learned from all of the greatest, taken the salvageable information they had to give, and compiled it into my own series of strategies. Many seem to think that because I've floated away from RWL in the past year that it is fair to assume that my skills have gone away with me. Heck, I've even had little noobs try to take stabs at me ^^. The fact of the matter is, marrel, is I do see you as a fairly good producer in the game, but your skills are far from extraordinary. I found it amusing that you tried to say you were better at everything but indying, which I've mastered inside and out along with every aspect of leader math this game has to offer. I think many of you have taken my cocky post and have taken the opportunity to toot your own horns. The fact of the matter is, marrel, I've seen you play, and I know I can produce the same as you absent minded, with you playing full tilt. Not to even mention other aspects of the game, like indying, which I've never seen you do above average, and your offensive intuition could use a bit of improvement as-well.
As far as I can tell most of you think Snare is just an average Joe, which is fine. Those who have been around long enough know what I'm capable of; I suppose I'll have to put in some effort and "prove myself" again.

Concerning the vacation disagreement, you guys can argue about classes and workload until you are blue in the face, it won't change anything. Bob felt it necessary to vacate reg to get the highest marks possible. If I recall correctly, Ereptor did the exact thing last round, except he could not even come up with a legitimate excuse. Another example of how I believe Shadow hops from side to side on issues when they benefit him.

As far as everyone thinking that Woof has more skill than BlackFly, I fail to see how this can be legitimately proven. Sure, biased opinions in which do not matter (sorry firetooth) tend to come suck up when applicable, but realistically each side has done exactly the same each run. Yes, we haven't taken down Woof in our last clan run, but that does not mean we can't .
In all fairness I'd say each side is about equal. Whenever one moves, the other takes them down, and thus I'd say we are both capable of suiciding and casting with f5+enter. Other than that, taking a bystanders perspective, I haven't seen much else going on.
Marell, you can claim you guys are more skilled and better coordinated, and keep your unfounded sense of self accomplishment and superiority, but I will point out a few things.

It was stated that Woof runs consist of a few players. BlackFly does not run without at least 4, so the claim that we are unorganized is hogswash.

Sure, woof tends to destroy more networth, because we take the time to produce it. The funny thing about that is, if Woof produced more networth, we would probably deem it appropriate to destroy.

Don't be naive, friends, as shadow and I have stated several times... rank number one doesn't mean a thing. Suiciding and murdering is something a 4 year old could maneuver, so just because Woof is first does not give merit to believe they are far better than blackfly.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)

Gen. Volkov

QuoteConcerning the vacation disagreement, you guys can argue about classes and workload until you are blue in the face, it won't change anything. Bob felt it necessary to vacate reg to get the highest marks possible. If I recall correctly, Ereptor did the exact thing last round, except he could not even come up with a legitimate excuse. Another example of how I believe Shadow hops from side to side on issues when they benefit him.

Ereptor had already been dominating reg for weeks. No one had broken him, and he went on vacation for 2 or 3 whole days. OMG. He did not scrape up land, get net piled on him, and then go on vacation before anyone could react. He also announced he was doing so well before hand. Your actions here and Ereptor's have nothing in common. It's fine that Bob decided to vacate reg for awhile. What is not fine is how he went about it, which is very close to code abuse in my opinion. He didn't even bother to announce anything on the forums.

QuoteIt was stated that Woof runs consist of a few players. BlackFly does not run without at least 4, so the claim that we are unorganized is hogswash.

Who said you were unorganized?

QuoteSure, woof tends to destroy more networth, because we take the time to produce it. The funny thing about that is, if Woof produced more networth, we would probably deem it appropriate to destroy

This is just silly. Woof and BlackFly have been trading the top spot for weeks now. Every time we take your top guy down, we put one of our own, and he has about the same NW as the guy we just took down. The same thing happens when you take our top guy down. To be honest, if we are destroying more NW, it's because we basically have 1 indier, and you guys have 2, so you out produce us a bit. But we also work pretty diligently at taking down whoever you do put up.

As far as everyone thinking that Woof has more skill than BlackFly, I fail to see how this can be legitimately proven.

If we've poo-pooed your skills, its because we see you resorting to cheap tactics to try and best a clan that is not using those tactics. Woof has not clan-hopped, you guys have. Woof has not stuck anyone on vaca after scraping up land, you guys have. Woof hasn't pulled members from other clans to take emp when one of our own got taken down. You guys have. About all you can say about Woof is that we've recruited well and are fond of suicides. We've played more honorably from the start. That is even including the beginning of the war. You guys took me down without warning, then kept murdering me for no reason once I was out of first place, then after apologizing and saying the murders were at an end, you did it again! When I finally decided to do something about it, I gave you a full day's warning. Far from a surprise attack. And Woof still took out BlackFly, even when you knew it was coming.

Sure, biased opinions in which do not matter (sorry firetooth) tend to come suck up when applicable, but realistically each side has done exactly the same each run.

Woof and BlackFly are pretty much equal. That's why I objected to you claiming otherwise.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Quote from: Wolf Snare on February 18, 2009, 04:31:26 PM
All of you who wish to bash my skill have obviously alot to learn. I've learned from all of the greatest, taken the salvageable information they had to give, and compiled it into my own series of strategies. Many seem to think that because I've floated away from RWL in the past year that it is fair to assume that my skills have gone away with me. Heck, I've even had little noobs try to take stabs at me ^^. The fact of the matter is, marrel, is I do see you as a fairly good producer in the game, but your skills are far from extraordinary. I found it amusing that you tried to say you were better at everything but indying, which I've mastered inside and out along with every aspect of leader math this game has to offer. I think many of you have taken my cocky post and have taken the opportunity to toot your own horns. The fact of the matter is, marrel, I've seen you play, and I know I can produce the same as you absent minded, with you playing full tilt. Not to even mention other aspects of the game, like indying, which I've never seen you do above average, and your offensive intuition could use a bit of improvement as-well.

blah blah im great blah blah. Get over yourself already. We are aware of your opinion of your skills. Don't you ever get bored of hearing youself talk about yourself? I'm getting tired of hearing you talk about yourself.

QuoteAnother example of how I believe Shadow hops from side to side on issues when they benefit him.

Ereptor left for a grand total of about two days, and we had already shown that you couldn't take him down at that point so it made no difference. Bob claims to be leaving for several weeks, and is taking a lot of the land with him even though he is easily breakable. As for me hopping around, I seem to recall you whining about Ereptor going on vacation at the time, and now you are doing it on a larger timescale. Hypocrite? There's that word again. It goes both ways Snare. We have both used every dirty trick there is at some point. Bringing them up serves no purpose anymore.

QuoteIt was stated that Woof runs consist of a few players. BlackFly does not run without at least 4, so the claim that we are unorganized is hogswash.
Actually it's us that is disorganized, more shame to you. Who said you were?

QuoteSure, woof tends to destroy more networth, because we take the time to produce it. The funny thing about that is, if Woof produced more networth, we would probably deem it appropriate to destroy.

Don't be naive, friends, as shadow and I have stated several times... rank number one doesn't mean a thing. Suiciding and murdering is something a 4 year old could maneuver, so just because Woof is first does not give merit to believe they are far better than blackfly.
Sure, however, you have failed in your objective, which was to lock. I suppose you can call vacation locking, but we all know how it will play out - bob will come off vacation to a full blown clan run and end up on top and then you and he will brag about it and call it fair play, etc. Once more. Get over yourself. You're a good player, your problem is that you fail to acknowledge that there are others. RWL is not a mathematically demanding game, most of it can be figured out with grade 8 algebra.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: Shadow on February 18, 2009, 08:20:07 PM
Quote from: Wolf Snare on February 18, 2009, 04:31:26 PM
All of you who wish to bash my skill have obviously alot to learn. I've learned from all of the greatest, taken the salvageable information they had to give, and compiled it into my own series of strategies. Many seem to think that because I've floated away from RWL in the past year that it is fair to assume that my skills have gone away with me. Heck, I've even had little noobs try to take stabs at me ^^. The fact of the matter is, marrel, is I do see you as a fairly good producer in the game, but your skills are far from extraordinary. I found it amusing that you tried to say you were better at everything but indying, which I've mastered inside and out along with every aspect of leader math this game has to offer. I think many of you have taken my cocky post and have taken the opportunity to toot your own horns. The fact of the matter is, marrel, I've seen you play, and I know I can produce the same as you absent minded, with you playing full tilt. Not to even mention other aspects of the game, like indying, which I've never seen you do above average, and your offensive intuition could use a bit of improvement as-well.

blah blah im great blah blah. Get over yourself already. We are aware of your opinion of your skills.

QuoteAnother example of how I believe Shadow hops from side to side on issues when they benefit him.

Ereptor left for a grand total of about two days, and we had already shown that you couldn't take him down at that point so it made no difference. Bob claims to be leaving for several weeks, and is taking a lot of the land with him even though he is easily breakable. As for me hopping around, I seem to recall you whining about Ereptor going on vacation at the time, and now you are doing it on a larger timescale. Hypocrite? There's that word again. It goes both ways Snare.

QuoteIt was stated that Woof runs consist of a few players. BlackFly does not run without at least 4, so the claim that we are unorganized is hogswash.
Actually it's us that is disorganized, more shame to you. Who said you were?

QuoteSure, woof tends to destroy more networth, because we take the time to produce it. The funny thing about that is, if Woof produced more networth, we would probably deem it appropriate to destroy.

Don't be naive, friends, as shadow and I have stated several times... rank number one doesn't mean a thing. Suiciding and murdering is something a 4 year old could maneuver, so just because Woof is first does not give merit to believe they are far better than blackfly.
Sure, however, you have failed in your objective, which was to lock. I suppose you can call vacation locking, but we all know how it will play out - bob will come off vacation to a full blown clan run and end up on top and then you and he will brag about it and call it fair play, etc. Once more. Get over yourself. You're a good player, your problem is that you fail to acknowledge that there are others. RWL is not a mathematically demanding game, most of it can be figured out with grade 8 algebra.
Just a quick response...
1) How could Ereptor only leave for 2 days? Yes, he was already locking, but vacation has a 72 hour minimum not including the 12 hours leading up to that point. And why would he go on vacation in the first place?
2) I can't run when I leave vacation. Unless it's been changed, I don't receive turns while on vacation. That means that I will have 144 turns when I leave vacation, which is hardly a full run.
3) The real issue of skills is who understands the code best. In some ways, exploiting it for an unfair advantage is what we all do already. I can name a few glitches or other issues that haven't been taken care of or were taken care of and now apparently reversed. I won't, however, as that could give an unfair advantage to those that don't realize what the problem is. The other aspect is one of the glitches in particular, I've gone beyond the benefits into the drawbacks. I'm taking a good bit of a hit for it.
4) As to particular comments earlier, what I mean is I would love to see continued competition. So by all means, keep it going. I won't be around, so just pent up your frustration for when I am back. And thanks for the idea--BlackFly could stand to add $1b NW to me when I leave vacation.
5) Anyways--I don't have time to dedicate hours of my time to a petty game. I enjoy it, but I prefer to cop out and do better academically than stick around and get lower grades.

Das ist das leben. I'll see you all in a few weeks, when finals are done and I'm not on vacation. Till then, alles gute.


Quote from: Wolf Snare on February 18, 2009, 04:31:26 PM
All of you who wish to bash my skill have obviously alot to learn. I've learned from all of the greatest, taken the salvageable information they had to give, and compiled it into my own series of strategies. Many seem to think that because I've floated away from RWL in the past year that it is fair to assume that my skills have gone away with me. Heck, I've even had little noobs try to take stabs at me ^^. The fact of the matter is, marrel, is I do see you as a fairly good producer in the game, but your skills are far from extraordinary. I found it amusing that you tried to say you were better at everything but indying, which I've mastered inside and out along with every aspect of leader math this game has to offer. I think many of you have taken my cocky post and have taken the opportunity to toot your own horns. The fact of the matter is, marrel, I've seen you play, and I know I can produce the same as you absent minded, with you playing full tilt. Not to even mention other aspects of the game, like indying, which I've never seen you do above average, and your offensive intuition could use a bit of improvement as-well.
As far as I can tell most of you think Snare is just an average Joe, which is fine. Those who have been around long enough know what I'm capable of; I suppose I'll have to put in some effort and "prove myself" again.

Concerning the vacation disagreement, you guys can argue about classes and workload until you are blue in the face, it won't change anything. Bob felt it necessary to vacate reg to get the highest marks possible. If I recall correctly, Ereptor did the exact thing last round, except he could not even come up with a legitimate excuse. Another example of how I believe Shadow hops from side to side on issues when they benefit him.

As far as everyone thinking that Woof has more skill than BlackFly, I fail to see how this can be legitimately proven. Sure, biased opinions in which do not matter (sorry firetooth) tend to come suck up when applicable, but realistically each side has done exactly the same each run. Yes, we haven't taken down Woof in our last clan run, but that does not mean we can't .
In all fairness I'd say each side is about equal. Whenever one moves, the other takes them down, and thus I'd say we are both capable of suiciding and casting with f5+enter. Other than that, taking a bystanders perspective, I haven't seen much else going on.
Marell, you can claim you guys are more skilled and better coordinated, and keep your unfounded sense of self accomplishment and superiority, but I will point out a few things.

It was stated that Woof runs consist of a few players. BlackFly does not run without at least 4, so the claim that we are unorganized is hogswash.

Sure, woof tends to destroy more networth, because we take the time to produce it. The funny thing about that is, if Woof produced more networth, we would probably deem it appropriate to destroy.

Don't be naive, friends, as shadow and I have stated several times... rank number one doesn't mean a thing. Suiciding and murdering is something a 4 year old could maneuver, so just because Woof is first does not give merit to believe they are far better than blackfly.
You trying to say something there, snare?
Let me sum it up: Im good because I say so.
Prove it ingame. All I've seen your account do so far is, *drumroll* nothing worth mentioning. Im so sick of everybody and their opinions of how great they are...
Also, you try to make your clan look good by bashing other clans and their playing ability. It's cheap and degrading.
Quote from: Shadow on February 18, 2009, 08:20:07 PM
RWL is not a mathematically demanding game, most of it can be figured out with grade 8 algebra.
Yeah, as far as Im concerned if you can only play using one set of promi code you're not a legend, there's several other types far more challenging then rwl.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Quote from: Wolf Snare on February 18, 2009, 04:31:26 PM
All of you who wish to bash my skill have obviously alot to learn. I've learned from all of the greatest, taken the salvageable information they had to give, and compiled it into my own series of strategies. Many seem to think that because I've floated away from RWL in the past year that it is fair to assume that my skills have gone away with me. Heck, I've even had little noobs try to take stabs at me ^^. The fact of the matter is, marrel, is I do see you as a fairly good producer in the game, but your skills are far from extraordinary. I found it amusing that you tried to say you were better at everything but indying, which I've mastered inside and out along with every aspect of leader math this game has to offer. I think many of you have taken my cocky post and have taken the opportunity to toot your own horns. The fact of the matter is, marrel, I've seen you play, and I know I can produce the same as you absent minded, with you playing full tilt. Not to even mention other aspects of the game, like indying, which I've never seen you do above average, and your offensive intuition could use a bit of improvement as-well.
As far as I can tell most of you think Snare is just an average Joe, which is fine. Those who have been around long enough know what I'm capable of; I suppose I'll have to put in some effort and "prove myself" again.

Snare I know you are an excellent player. When you said you could mop the floors with me however, I decided to turn the tables completely by saying that I was better than you...simply because I knew it would annoy you, as your post did to me. I'll openly admit that you have the edge over me due to your experience, though I'd like you realise that that edge is much smaller than your boastings make it out to be, certainly nowhere near a floor mopping.

Quote from: Wolf Snare on February 18, 2009, 04:31:26 PM
As far as everyone thinking that Woof has more skill than BlackFly, I fail to see how this can be legitimately proven.

Marell, you can claim you guys are more skilled and better coordinated, and keep your unfounded sense of self accomplishment and superiority, but I will point out a few things.
It was stated that Woof runs consist of a few players. BlackFly does not run without at least 4, so the claim that we are unorganized is hogswash.

When did I claim that we were more skilled, or more organised? Certainly not in my last post. In fact:
a) I'd say that you guys have the skill, if skill were to be measured in the number of expereinced players: Snare, Peace, Windy, Kell, Bob, Oblit, Space, (though I realise all are not active)...I don't think anyone in my clan would be offended with me saying that you have a greater number of expeienced players, cos its the truth.
b) Shadows already explained before that we are not overly coordinated. Due to our variety of locations and busy schedules, we rarely do clan runs. I certainly haven't taken part in one yet. Sure Shadow and Volk usually run together, with one or two others if available, but thats about it. The other day I watched 4 of you run together, or at least one after the other.  :P

Quote from: Wolf Snare on February 18, 2009, 04:31:26 PM
Sure, woof tends to destroy more networth, because we take the time to produce it. The funny thing about that is, if Woof produced more networth, we would probably deem it appropriate to destroy.

For an obvious reason really. You guys have a majority of indiers, we have almost all leaderers. Our clans counter each other. Blackfly, having more indiers can produce more rapid net, but Woof, with more leaders, is then able to destroy it.

Now I don't think I flamed you once in that entire post, so I expect a fair responce if there is one  ;)


  From what I understand

-Wolf Snare is boasting about his *skills* again
-Bob was conveniently *busy* whilst holding a lot of net and land
-And Bob sent me a message threatening me and my clan members if I decided to help woof, and yes bob I do know what's going on at the moment, even if I have been on vacation for a few days.

  Wolf snare, modesty is a good quality, and sometimes the person least willing to accept power is the best suited to have it. Bob you may have actually been busy in real life (I do not know) but threatening me and my clan is pretty weak.

  Wolf Snare if you want to impress people do it ingame, boasting over these forums is getting you no where.

  I'm going to leave it at and let my in game actions do the talking for me.


Quote1) How could Ereptor only leave for 2 days? Yes, he was already locking, but vacation has a 72 hour minimum not including the 12 hours leading up to that point. And why would he go on vacation in the first place?
He thought he needed to leave for a while, and most of the clan was unavailable due to various bit of real life, so went on vaca in an unbreakable position. He got back after about two days, though, and took it off vaca right after the term was up. What he did not do was set himself up with a lot of land but nothign else and go on vacation because he was afraid he would lose it, as in your case. If we were ever in a position that we could not have played for a few weeks, we would just have declared the game owned and released the land.

As for the rest, I know how you think, I didn't give you any ideas you didn't already have. You play at the edge of the code rules, by the letter instead if the spirit, and it's pretty lame.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..