Regular so far, a report of sorts.

Started by Juska, December 16, 2008, 09:18:12 PM

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Ew, Bob on vacation? You guys really are playing dirty.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I dont know which game you've been playing

Mine stats -
Defenses     728 (30%)
Attacks    284 (100%)

Seven Hundred and Twenty Eight Defences.  Usually my defences lead my attacks by just a little, as per my playing style.  But no.  Now its 2.5x.  And I never have 30% defences.  It means 218 attacks have failed against me, the vast majority of them suicides as I dont tend to keep a massive army and when I'm holding army I dont tend to get attacked in the normal way. 

No.  A billion or two worth of net has been destroyed this round between the two sides
Its a war, sure. 
But these arnt minor suicide and murder sprees.  Each side is wiping out the other each run.

Though it looks like Tattoo Vampire is trying a different strat now
Slight abuse of the code...  but eh.  I was asleep when they ran, I had no part in that...  nor did Sticker for that matter.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


Notice how I put minor like this "minor"
No sides been creamed enough to give up, or not pose a threat, thus no one's mopped the floor with anyone (according to me)
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Different definitions and different attitudes expected
With some of our players getting wiped out makes them want to seek revenge, not give up.
We've got quite a few players who can make very good comeback runs, so there's not really a point you could put them where they wouldnt pose a threat.  Killing works, but only for a few days while they wait on turns.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


I dunno, going on vacation is basically saying that you aren't good enough to play it out fairly, that you need the security of no attacks between runs in order to get anything done. Any fool with an organized clan can do that.

I think Snare's motto going into this war was: "No kills, just skills." Vacationing doesn't take skill. Motto failed. Although I give you credit for the no kills bit.

And yes windy, I know you had no part in that, so don't take that as directed at you. You've taken a hell of a beating lately and you've probably complained the least about it. Kudos.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Gen. Volkov

As to Volkov, honestly, adorable attempt at sounding ruthless and important, you even puffed your chest out a little bit....

Well aren't you just the condescending creep. I expect this out of Peace during a war, but you?

QuoteAs I told you ingame, your threats don't worry me in the slightest, and neither do your little egotistical rants about being in command.

You didn't tell me jack in game. I was the one who said I wasn't afraid of you, as I never make threats. You do though. You threatened to kill me after the first take down. I just said I was coming for you after the last series of murders. You laughed it off. To your regret. Mister "I switched to indy after getting thoroughly owned by Volkov and Woof."

It's really cute when you attempt to boast about nothing; prove that you aren't just a puppet that shadow is propping up absent mindedly in his little spare time.

*Blink* Boast? I haven't boasted about anything. If I was boasting, I'd talk about how nearly every take down of anyone you have tried to stick on top has been due to me. Including you and peace. That'd be boasting, but I have not said anything about that till now. Before this, I was simply stating fact.

Now, is shadow, as asst. leader, taking an active role? Yes. He's more active than me in general, but then he isn't taking 5 classes plus a lab at school. If I was a puppet though, this war would have begun much earlier.

QuoteSo far you've done nothing significant other than try to brag about your commanding rank.

What the heck are you talking about? I haven't bragged once up till just now in this post. I merely told you that if you have issue with how the clan I founded is operating, then take it up with me.

QuotePerhaps you should try to contribute your your clan and you may find yourself not be stuck in the same position everytime you run turns. I am trying my hardest to hold back my laughter, but Volky, you just make me smile.

Yes, because kicking your clans butt every time I run and making cash for the indiers is contributing so little.

Shadow, your team was the first to even attempt to lock land, so don't try to play the innocent vigilante looking out for the games best interest. Other than that, I've personally failed to see any effective strategy work to hold any ground at all. Keep trying.

Bullcrud Snare. You guys were going for emp. We only tried a landlock after taking BlackFly down for the first time.

You misunderstand me Shadow, I was implying that Volkov is using you to make himself appear tough while he brags. You are the brains behind the operation, Volk just likes to ride your coattails, take it as you will.

*Rollseyes* Yes, because I am far too unintelligent to combat you on my lonesome. Gimme a break Cody.

As for your claim that we will never achieve anything of your standard, well, I'd like to see you prove anything that you are saying. Call me egotistical if you may, but I happen to know that I could mop the floors with you all day long one vs. one. You too tend to lean on your role model to carry you through just as badly as volky The only one holding you together is shadow, and he is the only worthy competition out of the lot of you. without him coordinating for you, I don't think you'd even bother checking your accounts anymore.

Actually Cody, Marell is quite a good player. I'm not so sure that you would mop the floor with him. As for the rest... see above, except for the coordination bit. Shadow and I both guide the clans strategy, but as far as actual run coordination, there isn't much. About the only people that run together on a semi-regular basis are Shadow and I. Other than that, we just provide general instructions.

Lastly, nice move with the vacationing landlock. I guess you decided that the only way to prevent us from taking down Bob is to put him in vacation. I'll just remind you of one thing though. You can't take emp in vacation. And well, if you pump him up and then stick him in vaca in between runs, until he's too big for anyone to feasibly take down, that's just code abuse. So much for your vaunted "skills" I guess. We've played honorably this whole time, and you just keep resorting to ever dirtier tricks. Peace, windy, this does not apply to you. You have played honorably from the start. As shadow said, kudos. I'd apologize for all the suicides, but I'm sure you guys know as well as I do, it's part of the game. We suicide you, you suicide us. If I thought for a second that Snare would actually obey a prohibition against them, I'd agree to your no suicides proposal Ollie.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Cool it, kids. I've got a bunch of stuff I need to take care of over the next few weeks. Marketing group paper and presentation done alone and presented alone. Two more speeches to go in the next 3 classes, including the last being relatively impromptu. I have a 10-page paper due to Economics as well as a presentation about that. Then I can round it off with my Law class, which we're pulling into the final parts about now. Needless to say, I have a bit on my plate. Term ends a week Thursday, and I may just stick away for about 10 days past that. Until then, I still left you with ~87% of the land in Reg. Feel free to play with it and any new land that comes in. Anyways--on the funny "skills v. code abuse" thing, I was looking forward to Woof and related warlords taking me down during the first 12 hours. That seems not to have happened, so in a few ways, this was a fair sentence. Oh well.

By the way--I finally decided to go on vacation because of one important aspect of my life. My last run took me far too long. I was sitting around most of the night and giving directions while I should have been sleeping. So I'll have to block Redwall off for a bit. While I'm gone, be sure not to complain too much about taking 100k land out of circulation. It'll be back eventually. And in the meantime, why don't you spend extra turns scouting?


Hey we're all busy bob, want my list too? or volk's? Marell's? Stop being lame and play it out.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: Shadow on February 17, 2009, 09:32:32 PM
Hey we're all busy bob, want my list too? or volk's? Marell's? Stop being lame and play it out.
Too late for that, don't you think? I'll pop back and play regularly again in a few weeks. Play it out. You can be prepared to stomp me 2 minutes after I return if you really want to, which is a much better use of your time and energy. So set that up--I'd love some healthy competition. By the way--props for taking me down a few times before. The only thing I dislike is the (clueless) people who you decided to have help you.

Gen. Volkov

Coby, I have 16 credits of classes this semester. The school only lets you take a max of 18. I am in class every day of the week from 10 AM to 2PM or later, except for Friday, when I have class from 8:30AM to 10:00AM. When I'm not in class, I'm doing homework for them, or writing one of multiple papers, or doing research for my Senior Seminar, which is the climax of my undergraduate work. I have to write a 15-20 page scientific research paper, and give a 35 minute seminar on that topic. To my professors, several of whom are nationally recognized experts in their fields. Not to mention Genetics, which has a multi-page homework assignment every week, or my History course, which requires me to read 40-50 pages of material before every class. AS well as the two 7 page papers and three 2 page papers I have to write for it. Then there is physics, which has homework every week and has given me two tests within 5 classes of each other. Plus physics lab, which I have to write lab reports up for. Oh and lastly, I have Developmental Biology, which has me reading large papers and writing summaries of them basically every week. Add in all the tests I am taking, and the fact that I need to get an A in every class if I want to have even a prayer of going to Grad school, and I've got one heavy freaking workload. And I'm STILL finding time to get online and run when I need too. I've blown off RWL for less in the past. Oh, did I mention that I'm also holding down a job while I do all this?

QuoteI was looking forward to Woof and related warlords taking me down during the first 12 hours.

We might have been able to do it in 12 hours, had we known, but we didn't anticipate you guys being that lame.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Quote from: CobyCopper on February 17, 2009, 09:36:36 PM
Quote from: Shadow on February 17, 2009, 09:32:32 PM
Hey we're all busy bob, want my list too? or volk's? Marell's? Stop being lame and play it out.
Too late for that, don't you think? I'll pop back and play regularly again in a few weeks. Play it out. You can be prepared to stomp me 2 minutes after I return if you really want to, which is a much better use of your time and energy. So set that up--I'd love some healthy competition. By the way--props for taking me down a few times before. The only thing I dislike is the (clueless) people who you decided to have help you.

It's hardly worth it. We have fought fair up to now, and you guys reward that with something that could be called code abuse. You aren't busy by the standards of anyone here, so come back and play or stop hogging the land until you find a way to cope.

Also, those 'clueless' people are the ones who have kept your clan down for the last few weeks, so I think you are being pretty cocky there. You sound like wolf snare. When I taught you all that leader math I was hoping you would use it for fun instead of to prove a point.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


wow, this is turning to quite the little thing

thankfully, I'll be more active starting next week, as things are calming down a bit
(busy schedules tend to make me forget about this game)

and I apologize to Wolf Snare for my inactivity
it will change, and I'll give times I'm online soon

Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.


Quote from: Shadow on February 17, 2009, 10:23:29 PM
It's hardly worth it. We have fought fair up to now, and you guys reward that with something that could be called code abuse. You aren't busy by the standards of anyone here, so come back and play or stop hogging the land until you find a way to cope.

Also, those 'clueless' people are the ones who have kept your clan down for the last few weeks, so I think you are being pretty cocky there. You sound like wolf snare. When I taught you all that leader math I was hoping you would use it for fun instead of to prove a point.
Interesting attempts at trying to suicide me, including recruiting a newb without even the decency to tell him to use Attack? I wasn't the target of that particular "assault", but it shows you're going to be filled with a bit of BS on that. As for OH--I did my job as best as I should have. I was there to manage clan affairs, keep us out of wars, and teach a bit too. The most I do to "harm" OH is keep them out of harms way. I don't ask them to do my dirty work or anyone else's dirty work. I'll leave that up to those who know what they're doing. By the way--my particular stance is and always has been to let my students make their own decisions on allegiances, unless what I'm teaching them requires something else. What I've been doing specifically is teaching people by providing structure, clear and specific feedback, and also providing opportunities to increase knowledge and build competence. The only challenges I set for my students are challenges that are realistic and potentially successful.

The difference between my "busy" and your "busy" is I recognize where I'm overextending myself and make an effort to correct the issue. I can't realistically keep playing this and do well on my finals, so why bother trying? The only person I'm hurting then is myself.

By the way--what I expected out of you was that you would do what's best for the game. I've learned all that I really can from you months ago, which has led me in a different direction than you.

Gen. Volkov

QuoteThe difference between my "busy" and your "busy" is I recognize where I'm overextending myself and make an effort to correct the issue. I can't realistically keep playing this and do well on my finals, so why bother trying? The only person I'm hurting then is myself

That doesn't make doing what you did any better. As far as I'm concerned, all this amounts to a cop-out. You took much of the land in the game and locked it up, completely out of reach. That your clan then sent you a bunch of NW doesn't help your image. A player who really cared about the game and being an honorable player would not have gone on vacation with that much land, unless he had already shown that it couldn't be taken even when he wasn't on vacation. Doing that in conjunction with your clan sending you all that NW just makes this look like a cheap tactic.

Oh, and I played this game during finals last semester. Aced 2 out of 3 too. Heck, I was part of TBV last semester.

QuoteSo set that up--I'd love some healthy competition.

I fail to see how Woof repeatedly smashing you into the ground doesn't qualify as "healthy competition". No call for this attitude at all. Maybe if you had held your land and NW without resorting to going to vacation, you might have a point here. That, and being in first place when you said that. Seeing as that spot is currently occupied by Marell, a Woof member, you really don't have much of a point here at all.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Master vs mentor *grabs popcorn* :D
What do you teach your students, get people to mass aid you, leave clan then go on vaca?^^ hehe, I am a mean person
What do you mean by "best for the game?" If either clan wins, the common player will have limited acsess to land and thus lose. I wouldn't say there is a right thing to do for the game short of playing by the rules, which you aren't exactly doing yourself...
A nice fact for blackfly: Who's in first without hopping or going on vaca? Now, it wouldn't just happen to be woof, would it?
This topic is mainly about who's ego is bigger, I dont know why Im bothering reading it*stops reading*
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.