New Attack

Started by The Obliterator, December 23, 2008, 10:08:10 PM

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The Obliterator

Me and space were talking and we came up with an idea for a new attack.
It would be like capture but more powerful and it would destroy the leaders instead of giving them to you.
It would be kinda like the leaderers murder but for indies instead.
This would make leaderers think twice before murdering indies because they could hurt them back.
It might be a good idea for a round just to see how it would work.
Watching people fight is fun...
...but getting involved is so much better


Interesting, but you still don't solve the problem, because the leaderer would lose those leaders anyway if they had lost land, and leaderers dont depend on troop sales for their cash the way indiers do. It's a neat idea, but it wouldn't be as effective as murder the other way like you have in mind.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


True, not as effective, we lose net directlly while they just lose short term efficacy. Still, it gives options, a direct retal using troop strength as opposed to leader strength. I look at it this way, theres a mission to knock off troops, why isn't there one that works the other way. 
Like the steal and poison vs sack options, its able to be done both ways, and im sure there would be leaderes out there who would find some way to use it to aid themselves against an enemys ratio.

And thats not to say im still thinking about this, as oblit said mabey we could give it a burl and see if there is any obvious modifications that can work with it, for example if it kills loyalty as well?
Look up!


I'm thinking that if you want a balance to murder, sack is the way to go, but with as boosted percentage. I'm  not sure if troop trainig survived the attack system changeover, but I'm sure some balancing will be done as time goes on.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


What if it didn't take away land? Like on FAF if you attack for cash/food you dont get land, that would balance out the loss anyway from ratio thing.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Then it would be completely useless, because an indy would do far better gaining land and making extra troops than killing a few leaders that won't even set a leaderer back at all.

The only purpose it would serve is to make suicides easier for indiers, but since they are already easiest for indiers to do, it wouldn't change much.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Peace Alliance

On reg a long time ago every leader player used to depend on capturing. Basically there was a float of leaders that would go around because everyone was capturing. At the time, there weren't many indies, so that float was being used by everyone.

Then wolf bite came along as an indy, and started using capture. Of course, he didn't have many huts so all the leaders would die off. This essentially killed the float, and was an effective way of evening out the playing feild...

We don't really have that float these days. I think it's because there are a lot of indy's... Still, i don't think capture gets used all that much at all anymore. I used to almost /only/ get captured, now i hardly ever do.