Good by (possibly forever)

Started by thomaskreisman, September 24, 2008, 02:46:59 PM

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 As you know I was killed by Snowpaw, this was because I sacked him allot, the reason for this is because I'm leaving and wanted to go out with a bang, but I figured that I shouldn't kill him so I stole $10billion and 1 billion food from him, good by; hopefully I will come back some day, I will check in on the forums every now and then but my playing days are over, if you wish to contact me I will remain active at Vulpine.

Note to my students: This was why I trained you, to take my place when I leave, I give rights to the Armada to the greatest student I have ever had to privilege of teaching (and now is greater than me despite it only being his 3ed round), if he accepts I would like to turn the Armada over to Hells Militia.

Oh and a special thanks to:
Pippin and Firetooth who where my teachers and my best online friends. (despite being much younger than me)
Shael, Peace, and Wolf Bite for making a great game.
All my students especially Hells Militia who made my last rounds rather fun.
Feng Kestrel for giving me a great enemy and being such a good sport about it.
Sharptooth who gave me a new job and another future online home at The Roman Empire.

Oh and my real name is Tom Leatherwood and I'm 19
Good by to all of you, and maybe (hopefully) I will come back some day

Good by!


Starfish love you


...with a bang?
You killed off 40 mil net, and I hold you responsibe for the 60 mil more that was lost following your attacks, you crippled my leader defenses, allowed Shade to get an espionage, and made me waste a run. 
You also encouraged an ally to sack me... which was perhaps the tipping point.

And you really didnt benefit all that much from it

I dont really care, Snowpaw wasn't trying to win, but dont act shocked that I killed you.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

pippin the mighty



He'll be back  ::)

I just don't know when.