killed already

Started by The Illusionist, August 24, 2008, 01:29:20 PM

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The Illusionist

hello people. I just re-joined your little game here. I'd signed up before about half a year ago but got confused, left the site, and forgot about it, but lately I've been really bored and thought I'd give it another shot and actually take the time to learn how to play this time around. you'd think the people at this game would a have a little respect for the people who are just learning, I'm sure all of you know how confusing this game looks when you just start so you'd think people would be a little more helpful and not kill you on your first day playing. Whoever this Shade guy is is a total piece of Sh...t and I think people should probably do something about this situation. Shade sent me a letter after killing me which I thought was really nice. this freak seems to think he's the good guy in the situation, but I doubt anyone else considers what he's doing a very nice thing at least not the Firetooth guys, people need to take him down.

here's the nice little message from our little hero:

"I apologize for the damage you have recieved, you have been the victim of a war that should not concern you. Unfortunately the actions of other players have made this sacrifice necasary.
If you have any complaints about the situation, Sh (#30) is the player responsible for your death.


wolf bite

I don't really get into the drama of the games, and don't know all about what is going on. But there is only a few times a kill should be used. Welcome back anyway.

Oh, and our forum is PG -13 rated. Using "Sh.... t" is still swearing. Please don't. A thoughtfull person as well spoken as you seem to be can surely find other words to use.

Wolf Bite
(Admin Duties)
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Shade has taken it into his head to kill new players because I refuse to waste my time fighting him this round. If you need some help learning the game I can teach you, but most people here just ignore Shade, he goes away eventually.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..