Why Rat isn't as good as you think it is

Started by Peace Alliance, January 08, 2008, 11:04:00 AM

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Peace Alliance

Complaints are made often about how rat is very hard to defend against leader attacks. But now that i'm looking at the state of things, i would like to re-explain why that is a perfect thing for the race.

You can make a lot of money and a lot of military with rat, and thats why it's a good burst damage, and NW race for indying. The counter to that, is that you are wildly susceptible to leader attacks. Thats means that if you want to defend against leaders you have to make lots of huts and towers. Thus, if rat is to be a sustainable race, you have to reduce your military production, for huts and then towers.

It's the kind of thing players would usually realize in a while (like it took a year before we figured out "NW massing"). But i'm hoping we could fast forward on this one, and you guys could start thinking of leader strategy's that incorporate attacking rats as the strategy. And rats to start thinking of sacrificing some of the industry in place of minor leader defense.


Even at 100% huts a rat can't hope to defend against a stoat at equal land in a leader battle. Sacraficing industry for leader defense should only be aimed at avoiding open atk op.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Peace Alliance

Right, but they can defend against most other leader massers. Keep in mind, average ratio's will be significantly lower now with the new academy spell, and with there being so many indy races now.


this is true, but most other leader massers use troop attacks. And since all the indiers are currently leaving holes in their troop defense, leader attacks for land become kind of foolish considering the damage they do to the attacker's ratio.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Peace Alliance

I haven't been leaving holes, and i'd say about half of the attacks against me have been leader-attacks.

Alazar is Back

I have been using leaders to attack for land cause most of the time i cant break people otherwise....it is a setback to lose your leaders that fast though :-\
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