Some things never change

Started by Craby, October 11, 2007, 09:27:32 PM

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The trivial battle still continues regardless of the warlord sending many chivalrous letters to the silly boys about a truce.  The warlord thinks to himself that those boys just don?t understand that they can?t kill him.  ?All they do is waste their turns when they could be bettering themselves,? the warlord mutters.  With a few magic words, half the armies and half gold of the silly boys is gone in a moment. ?Will they never learn not to pick on people they think are weak??

Looking over his accounting, the warlord figures he has sent over 6 billion gold and 1 billion food to the new comers to town.  ?Is this all worth it?? he questions.  He looks at the town?s population and sees that many travelers have decided to stay.  This is because they had the economics to become happy in a new place.  Looking down the road, he notices wagons of more moving in.  ?My plan is working,? he smiles.  ?My donations must increases with all the new people.?

What to do about the silly boys trying to stop him?  ?Just rocks they can throw, nothing that can hurt me.  Next time they try to trespass on my land, let them meet my freshly hired armies,? he laughs.


After a few days of rejuvenation the warlord from the Southern shores re-embarks on his mission to help out Crabby.  Sending out scouts to mark who his next target would be he unleashes his leaders upon them with a flurry.  Taking everything in sight to show them how quickly all they have stolen can easily be taken back.

"They believe that they are strong!  However, the fates be not with them."

With a striking force somewhat small at the time he nearly quadrupled his armies once the assault ended for the day.  There would be no end to this until these wicked beasts were unable to do much of any harm.
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
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The warlord has been out in his fields for a week with his large army of mercenaries stopping on his turnips with no sign of the silly boys.  A crumbled note arrives that reads that the tribe will no longer attack the lands of the warlord for any other reason than he has higher land than those around him.  A truce.  The warlord sends a note to the tribe to remind them that he is allied with just about everyone else in the game and if they break it, he will do more than just the warning shots he had been doing.

He tells his mercenaries to head off to the Obliterator?s land to make up for the murdering  the warlord had done to one that ended up being innocent of any wrong doing.

Much thanks to those that stood behind him.

To date wagons have been sent to 16 newcomers to town, 5 more people are about to stake a claim, and another 5 can be seen in the far distance.  As the warlord plows his fields he thinks ?Who knows, if the tribe keeps the truce I may just send them some wagons too.?

wolf bite

Talking about keeping players, I should talk about Craby the Great.

As you should all know by now that I was that peaceful account. I joined for the only reason to send aid to those new people there were getting discouraged with the game because of lack of cash.  Slightly off topic was that when a new player clan randomly picked Craby to pick on, I did not want to fight back because I could easily wipe out new players who would leave, thus defeating the reason I had the account.  When I had to defend myself, Shael had to take over the admining of the game since I was reluctantly playing and can't admin when I have a non-peaceful account. I made those whinny posts about it to shame them into leaving me alone so I could go back to admining.  Also I had Craby send the link to TK-kids site for the tutorial.

Anyway, I have just sent out Christmas/holiday bonuses to all the players in Regular (except the top 2 because they are out of reach).  I guess my point is that moments after sending aid to one person, they went inactive.

I know that no one wants to see people leave, sadly I have the best view of the graveyard.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles