Olde Ingame Messages

Started by windhound, December 15, 2007, 06:59:51 PM

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...From Windhounds #116

I was poking around one of my old computers the other day and came across two text files, one named messages.txt, the other messages2.txt
In them I found a substancial amount of correspondance from my first account, Windhounds #116, in RWL's First Era.  I wish I had my responses as well, but finding and reading through these again was fun.
People were much more in character playing the game then than now.  Heck, even the clan invites were in char for the most part.
I scrolled through and randomly copied those that caught my eye.  Some of them would have been concidered classified at the time, but I'll assume noone cares now

At Wed, 20 Nov 2002 16:07:24 -0600, a messenger from The Sovereign Guard (#237) brought this to you...


What did I ever do to you, in the, what, four days I';ve been in the game? You could've waited at least a week, surley, before launching the ''master stroke'' which has irreperably crippled the military & construction industry of a newbie?


Commeander Raine Valthurak

QuoteAt Sat, 23 Nov 2002 23:34:14 -0600, a messenger from Hair Raisers (#121) brought this to you...

I know you would have had heaps of other offers, bribes, etc. From other clans, but would you consider joining mine?

I created it yesterday and don't have a single member.

Thanks for your time,



QuoteAt Mon, 9 Dec 2002 13:12:25 -0600, a messenger from Ratimics Tribe (#4) brought this to you...


I am afraid that my attacks cannot stop, as I have much land that I must recover. Bogfoot attacks me daily and takes over 10,000 acres. Fortunately we shall soon be rid of Lord Kalagon's Tyranny, as he is to be destroyed by Stormclaw.

~A Message From Ragefur

QuoteAt Mon, 9 Dec 2002 20:32:11 -0600, a messenger from Black Plague (#196) brought this to you...

I like to take this time to ask, do you wish to join the Clan of Winter. Be a protecter of the high ranks members. This clan will never disband.

May the power of winter always protect you

QuoteAt Tue, 10 Dec 2002 16:38:13 -0600, a messenger from The NY Invaders (#377) brought this to you...

Hi. Would you please take out Number 189 for me? 

QuoteAt Wed, 11 Dec 2002 15:46:08 -0600, a messenger from The NY Invaders (#377) brought this to you...


I am from the Juskawong Clan, and I am inviting you to join one of the best clans out there, that u actually can get into. If you would like to join our clan, please contact 189, bobs Corsairs. He will give you the password to join.

Brig. Gen. BrIaN

QuoteAt Mon, 16 Dec 2002 11:04:20 -0600, a messenger from Sin (#394) brought this to you...


will u join hells minions {§§§}?


QuoteAt Mon, 16 Dec 2002 19:23:48 -0600, a messenger from Deathclaw's Horde (#653) brought this to you...

Okay, fair enough. I hope for sure if either it isn't EO. I am plotting to when I get powerful enough, me and other strong clans rid EO from the game.

QuoteAt Wed, 18 Dec 2002 07:29:57 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...


TBV is back. We could use warlords like yourself. If you are interested in joining the brotherhood please contact me. thanks


QuoteAt Wed, 18 Dec 2002 18:00:18 -0600, a messenger from Saranna Vahsian Horde (#417) brought this to you...

Advertising! Yay!

You aren't in a clan and you aren't pooling your defense with anyone-if you want, you can join our clan, -TBV-, a.k.a. The Brotherhood of Vermin. We are currently: the fourth most powerful clan and we are also currently recruiting members to build up our defense pool to even greater heights. If you want to join, just send a message saying so and I'll give you the password!


P.S. there are two diplomatic positions left-I may fill one, but you never know.... there'd still be one open, correct?

QuoteAt Wed, 18 Dec 2002 19:42:39 -0600, a messenger from The Bladewakes (#637) brought this to you...

Leader of the Windhounds I'd like to offer you admittance into my clan to strive, and be protected from those who might cause you harm...My clan is the Clan of Evil Blades. If you wish to join us, please let me know.

QuoteAt Thu, 19 Dec 2002 09:12:00 -0600, a messenger from Ratimics Tribe (#4) brought this to you...

RIM protects no-one but our clan members. WSB has lied, and I suggest you pound them into the dust.

~A Message From Ragefur

QuoteAt Thu, 19 Dec 2002 21:00:30 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...

The new code (of the Beatles clan) states that I must retaliate for every attack made upon me, exactly the same number of times. In your case, this means 1 attack(s), regardless of success of either side; which will be executed promptly. Please understand this.

~The Beatles,

Professional Horde

QuoteAt Thu, 19 Dec 2002 21:20:15 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...

I got you viewing my stats. Stop, please. And reply, 'cause I see you're online.

QuoteAt Thu, 19 Dec 2002 21:22:54 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...

I will tell you, but with one condition: peace between us. That is, you, and me. 116-458 peace treaty. It's a foru-pronged strategy, and the explanation is simple.

QuoteAt Thu, 19 Dec 2002 21:28:17 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...

Ok, then. Staots have OP 5, DP 3. So, that's why. My strategy is:

1. GO stoats only. Management should be: 5-10-70-15.

2. As many huts as barracks.

3. Wildcat species.

4. No savings, no extra food - all on stoats.

In a nutshell, that's it. I'll tell you more later.

Top secret, of course. And darn simple.

~The Beatles

QuoteAt Sun, 22 Dec 2002 21:05:43 -0600, a messenger from Sanguis Rogues (#531) brought this to you...


Would you like to join clan §§§?


QuoteAt Mon, 23 Dec 2002 03:31:49 -0600, a messenger from TarsonisII (#583) brought this to you...

i made a clan, the tag is imperial, the pass is woohoo

i hope you'll join... 
QuoteAt Wed, 25 Dec 2002 04:58:59 -0600, a messenger from blackravens (#506) brought this to you...

ahhhh 386 is attacking me!! help hes #8 you number ten you could help cuz im gonna die if you dont he took 250 land a few hours ago plz help just to get him off killing me


Valued member of EVTF who no1 wants to see dead

excluding 386

by the way im on ally defence while im on vacation

QuoteAt Wed, 25 Dec 2002 19:22:19 -0600, a messenger from Deathclaw's Horde (#653) brought this to you...

Blueeyes attacked me 6 times!

QuoteAt Thu, 26 Dec 2002 10:36:17 -0600, a messenger from The cello (#781) brought this to you...

Marry christmas.
QuoteAt Thu, 26 Dec 2002 16:07:47 -0600, a messenger from TarsonisII (#583) brought this to you...

looks like i'm keeping it.... for now at least.. no other clans can help me out.. if i join evtf it will limit my attacks.. once im ake it to top 10, i'm protected by EVERYONE except ratimacs mua ha ha

QuoteAt Thu, 26 Dec 2002 16:15:02 -0600, a messenger from TarsonisII (#583) brought this to you...

heh.. *you used 100 turns, pick up 7 million nw!*

hey man... i'm almost in the top ten ;) your position

QuoteAt Thu, 26 Dec 2002 16:18:59 -0600, a messenger from TarsonisII (#583) brought this to you...

luicky bafoon ... i'm like 100k below you... thats like ... 12 turns ... thanks for the food, it sasved me. btw.. my NW is ALL army again... 2 million stoats bro..

QuoteAt Thu, 26 Dec 2002 17:18:00 -0600, a messenger from TarsonisII (#583) brought this to you...

hah...no stoats for you...you jerk...invading me..*cries*

darnit man... whyd you go and do that.. . i shoudl destroy you.........later:)

dont invade me, i did the moron a favor, he was UBER UBER land fat, he had like 20k acres and 13 mill nw.. not my prob that he odens't know how tp lay, only reason why he got that way was because of his freaking allies.. no one can hit him....omg...guy with 30k land and less nw than me rmmm....i should take him down... half tha t land is mine... 

QuoteAt Thu, 26 Dec 2002 19:17:18 -0600, a messenger from TarsonisII (#583) brought this to you...

heh...i just sent of f 200 kstaots to bogfoot to get him to ask ratimacs to stop hurting me... i'll send you 200k in 2 days when i make naohter huge grow

QuoteAt Fri, 27 Dec 2002 22:56:25 -0600, a messenger from Mtsenskovite Army (#227) brought this to you...

The leader of your clan has been discussing a potential merger or alliance between our two clans. Attacking one another would be counterproductive with regards to this arrangement.

--Vsevolod Zloyevich, Commander of the Mtsenskovite Army

QuoteAt Fri, 27 Dec 2002 22:59:27 -0600, a messenger from Mtsenskovite Army (#227) brought this to you...

No worries about it, and no offense taken.


QuoteAt Mon, 30 Dec 2002 16:52:20 -0600, a messenger from Implaiers (#623) brought this to you...

Look buddy, I cose to join the RIM in the big battle. Eo will fall along with EVTF becuz of Deathclaw

QuoteAt Mon, 30 Dec 2002 19:34:58 -0600, a messenger from Kilk's Mauraders (#762) brought this to you...

You are invited to join the newly reformed KM. I hope you consider this wisely, as many of the upper warlords are more than likely going to come unite under its banner, as before...you remember? You were there in our glory days, we could have them back...


QuoteAt Tue, 31 Dec 2002 09:29:44 -0600, a messenger from Kilk's Mauraders (#762) brought this to you...

EVTF is too large to not attack them at all, don't try to get in this with me, your clan has flooded the top 100, leaving fewer and fewer people for the rest of us to attack without going after one of them.


QuoteAt Tue, 31 Dec 2002 20:42:32 -0600, a messenger from Deathclaw's Empire (#653) brought this to you...

How are you doing militarily? I am at:

Rats: 2,953,571

Weasels: 709,358

Stoats: 1,625,840

Skiffs: 457,226

Leaders: 120,179

Offensive Points: 19,290,319

Defensive Points: 19,424,255

QuoteAt Wed, 1 Jan 2003 12:04:23 -0600, a messenger from Organized Chaos (#823) brought this to you...

How is everything with you today? Happy New Year!!

QuoteAt Thu, 2 Jan 2003 11:37:22 -0600, a messenger from Mossflower Liberation Army (#280) brought this to you...

Holy cow, tiger child 352 has a ton of money! Over 1 billion. I poisoned him earlier and destroyed like $400mil.

QuoteAt Thu, 2 Jan 2003 11:59:27 -0600, a messenger from Mossflower Liberation Army (#280) brought this to you...

I'm doing pretty well. 1.3 mil stoats, 1.5 mil weasels, 1.3 mil rats, 200k leaders. Sovereign Allegiance attacked me today and I repelled him. I saw he penetrated Deathclaw though. I think I can bring him down with some murder attacks, then leader attacks. He probably can't penetrate me with anything but his rats. I don't know.

QuoteAt Fri, 3 Jan 2003 14:51:46 -0600, a messenger from The followers of Wickedclaw (#502) brought this to you...

Urgh....I just got attacked by Revolution of Valiant Light(587) and he took about 4000 acres of land from me. Main reason I messaged you was to give you fair warning. I am pretty sure that Alliance has some problems with EVTF, and they are probably go after our stronger members; You, Deathcalw, Mossflower assassins, and me. So I am going to talk to Deathclaw about what we should do about them when he gets back tomorrow. *Leaves whimpering because his economy was perfect and now sucks again.*


QuoteAt Fri, 3 Jan 2003 14:59:48 -0600, a messenger from The followers of Wickedclaw (#502) brought this to you...

egad..I just attacked another 5 times, and now my losses are half my troops and 10,000 acres of land. *cries some more about how life is so unfair* But I did ask Blueeyes to help me out a little, considering we have an alliance with EO and I am on pretty good terms with all EO members. Hehe if I get help from EO i can get my land back from #587. *sinister thoughts are being planned*


QuoteAt Sat, 4 Jan 2003 12:02:03 -0600, a messenger from Deathclaw's Empire (#653) brought this to you...

Hey. My recent attacks on others reduced my army a lot... I don't have to worry about someone taking my rank because the person closest to be has 10,000,000 less networth. Steal from 796. He has over $3,000,000,000. It won't let me, as it gets foiled... when you do it you will get a few hundred million... maybe $250,000,000 $300,000,000.

QuoteAt Tue, 7 Jan 2003 18:32:15 -0600, a messenger from Das Reich (#536) brought this to you...


Are we at war with alliance because i am being attacked by warlord 587 multiple times.(i don't have a problem with land grabs it's just a question)

QuoteAt Wed, 8 Jan 2003 14:03:27 -0600, a messenger from WAH (#564) brought this to you...

this is WAH from the juskawong clan. since we are allies i need a favor. ill give you $60 mil if you kill 458 the beetles.

QuoteAt Sun, 12 Jan 2003 19:50:33 -0600, a messenger from Deathclaw's Empire (#653) brought this to you...

Windhounds, I am going to make you leader of EVTF. I am going to Vermin United. If you wish to leave EVTF or do not want to be leader PLEASE appoint a new leader, and let the clan live on. I might come back someday, but now this is best to keep Alliance from attacking me. I have posted a topic about it, and hope to come back. I'll stay on the clan forum. If you need to know anything or need my or VU's help, message me and I'll do my best to defend the honorable EVTF Alliance.

QuoteAt Mon, 13 Jan 2003 10:59:15 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...

To the following warlords. #227 #269 #536 #116.

EVTF and Alliance have split. Members from both leaving to the new clan VU. Alliance in order to stay afloat has attack on someone other than VU. VU is strong, but i don't think all of the members are interested in the same thing. Vu does have the strong 3. Delor, blueyes and Austin.

This puts us other warlords in a position to be used as farms. Last night alliance and vu decided to farm me. I don't think i can survive thier armies. I suggest we do something. If we ally together we might be able to last a little longer. If we join together in one clan and ally with either alliance or vu we have a even stronger chance of survival. Even a chance of overthrowing one of the other clans and becoming a strong clan ourselves.

This is in our hands if we want to survive or not. The choices are. 1. Depend on your own relations for your own personal survival. 2. Ally together 3. Join together in one clan ( yet to be decided ). 4. Die

I see no other way at this point. Please get back to me ASAP.

Yours in good faith,


QuoteAt Mon, 13 Jan 2003 22:42:52 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...

Ok 269 has not replied. 116 has stated he does not want to change clans. 536 and 227 have made it clear that a new power needs to rise in order for us to survive. I propose we make a new clan. instead of someone joining someone elses clan, we will start anew. I will make the clan as soon as you two write me back. i will ask high members of my clan to join and i am sure 269 will join and others will join soon. I think the clan should be called "Union". Standing for the union of the clans together. Write me back with your opinions. We will become the secound largest clan. No doubt. If 116 joins us maybe he can bring his alliance with VU to us and we can defeat alliance and become the 2nd larest clan. Chow.


QuoteAt Tue, 14 Jan 2003 18:46:17 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...


If you join us you have the power to shift your allaince with VU and EVTF to VU and UNION. We could really use you. I offer you shared leadership. I have managed to gather members from many clans together. this is imparitive to our survival. 536 will join if you come. we could have a very strong alliance. please re think your decision.

A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


I think it was probably a result of being newer, both to the game and to the people you're playing with. Those both lead to a lot of formality, which you lose as you gain experience with the game and familiarity with people. Just look at the way a new player writes today (those that aren't the annoying kind, anyhow.) I bet you'll find they're pretty close to that old style...

Experienced players, on the other hand, tend to sign their universal name, rather than their account name, and address friends in shorthand, or skip address altogether.

I also found it amusing how "a lot of money" was $1 billion... brought back memories of how I used to think a bill was a lot of cash. Now? $1 bill? Pocket change, except for the first run out of protection.
Kyle says:
"what happens if the land farm drops land"

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II (@ Kilk) on June 12, 2011, 06:16:11 PM
Sober up you fool!

23   ?   Land Farm (Free Land) (#39)   20,779   $23,671,428   Worship   Rat   Southsward


haha reading this prompted me to go read my old forum posts.

In fact, I found that you (windy) were around when I played despite your forgetfulness when you replied to my hello post :P hehe. evidently I made you have to reset your emp count during whatever round it was.

The troop numbers were also tiny with a large amount of troops equating to 5mil or more ^^. I was also in Loren with wolf and holby! and i somehow forgot that.

The weirdest thing I found out was the change in myself? did you see any of that in your messages windy?

I'd post the most random things and coupled with IFman, we were probably the clowns of the forums at the time... In fact, we made a clan called Lazy Noobs and actually tried to compete with the top clan of the round :P haha, avg nw was the same but we clearly lost :P funny how at the time avg nw was what i used to compare clans.

And sending l33t monkey ninjas of DOOM at Volkov! :P that gave me a good laugh. Same goes with the time some top players posted that RWL was a bit boring and I posted something really random and inflammatory and my reputation was at the point where Holbs and otheres thought I was amusing. I even made a RWL Oscars post that made it to Germania's Fun Stuff page. Looks to be some parody of Forum Awards.

Strange how much you change in a few years. I really can't believe the difference in number nowadays though between troop #'s, nw#'s and food and cash#'s. I read a forum post that said that I had 2 bil food of nw and nothing else and I ran and HPR strat which I'm assuming is leaders and food. Mmm also, theres alot of ppl who I seemed to talk to but dont' really remember atm. Ahh and making an rp website with Peace. How'd that end up going Peace? Is it still around?

Btw, what does HPR stands for? I can't recall what the term means.

Ahh last but not least. LAppren! How could I forget that. That's such an amazing idea, having an open clan for newbies and people looking to learn to join. And then having resident masters to teach them. Backed by the pretty dominant emp clan to prevent unwarranted attacks. Would be nice to start something like that again if not for the lack of players.
Purity of mind
Currently relearning the ropes of RWL but I seem to be doing ok.


I have all of mine, too. But no way am I going to separate them into quotes :P . I also must make note of windy capitalising his own name, in order to force an apology from him for telling the rest of us off for it. :)

-EDIT- I might just keep the good ones, too.

At Fri, 1 Nov 2002 11:20:00 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
I was wondering if you would be interested in joining TBV. We are still in the process of recruiting members. So if you are interested please send me a message this weekend. We will try to hold any attacks on you till then. Later,
Ereptor The Great

 At Fri, 1 Nov 2002 22:38:01 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
Interested in joining TBV? we are now recruiting.  

 At Sat, 2 Nov 2002 21:56:01 -0600, a messenger from Windhounds (#116) brought this to you...
Can we call a truce?
This is niether good for me or you, judging by our losses
and you started it

 At Sat, 2 Nov 2002 22:14:26 -0600, a messenger from Windhounds (#116) brought this to you...
Fine, truce is good,
no real offence taken,
I geuss you are supposed to get attacked,
although it is annoying

 At Sun, 3 Nov 2002 12:07:37 -0600, a messenger from Windhounds (#116) brought this to you...
I am new to this game too,
but as far as I know you just stop attacking each other for a truce to go into affect, unless you are part of a clan, then it is more complicated, but I dont think you are, and I know Im not, not yet anyway,

 At Thu, 7 Nov 2002 15:10:06 -0600, a messenger from Paladarian Marauders (#45) brought this to you...
To various powerful, non-allied warlords:
Let me first explain why you are recieving this message. The fact is that we all know DI is nearly all powerful. We also know that the other tiny clans have no chance of defeating DI if they attack each other.

So I have a proposition. Let us all join in one clan together, we powerful non-allied warlords. Let us forgive past offenses that we have committed against each other, for they will get us nowhere. In this way, instead of fighting petty fights among ourselves like we have been doing, we may rise to the top, perhaps convincing already allied clan members to join us on the way up.

So what say you? Will you join me in this quest to overthrow the reigning regime? Respond to this message please. If enough people respond with good intent, then the clan shall form.

--Klashin, chief of the Paladarian Marauders--

 At Fri, 8 Nov 2002 21:58:04 -0600, a messenger from Peacemakers (Admin) (#67) brought this to you...
It's for the independent warlord fund, which you can read more about on the forums.

 At Sun, 10 Nov 2002 22:24:31 -0600, a messenger from Northlands Raiders. (#2) brought this to you...
Why are you the only person I have attacked accidently? Anyway I sent a cupple of million dollars in aid.
Bjorn Redtail,
Northland Raiders

 At Mon, 11 Nov 2002 16:11:17 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
As first diplomat of the Delor Independent Forces, I would ask that you activate the option of using your forces for ally defence. This greatly helps in defending other members of the clan when they are attacked. Only 10% of your forces will be used, and that many of every other member's troops are already committed to defending you and any other clan member under attack. Thank-you.

-By the Seal of the Warlord Stoat,
-Slynder Talderhash-

~Imperator to the Horde of Talderhash~
~First Diplomat of Delor Independent Forces~

 At Tue, 12 Nov 2002 15:02:55 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
There's no problem. I was just asking that you do so, since it is a smart action for the entire clan to take.

 At Sat, 23 Nov 2002 20:13:03 -0600, a messenger from Mossflower Liberation Army (#280) brought this to you...
Requesting cease fire from Hair Raisers from Mossflower Liberation Army, even though I won't attack you anyways. Your call.


At Sun, 24 Nov 2002 18:30:59 -0600, a messenger from Windhounds (#116) brought this to you...
Hi, thanks for the offer, but I decline.
I wish you good luck though,

~Windhound, warlord of the Windhounds

 At Wed, 11 Dec 2002 15:55:03 -0600, a messenger from The NY Invaders (#377) brought this to you...
I am from the Juskawong Clan, and I am inviting you to join one of the best clans out there, that u actually can get into. If you would like to join our clan, please contact 189, bobs Corsairs. He will give you the password to join.

Mj. Gen. BrIaN

 At Thu, 12 Dec 2002 17:17:22 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...
Hi Holby, thanks a lot for the aid! I dunno why I got it, but thanks. BTW< do you wanna join by clan Beatles? If yes, pwd is: beatles03.

 At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 11:49:07 -0600, a messenger from starfire (#101) brought this to you...
You have been punished for attacking a TBV member: Ereptor's Raiders (#61). Do not go for revenge. It is my cause that is just. I will not and would not have attacked you but Ereptor was attacked any you needed punishing.

 At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 12:37:16 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...
Hello Holby,

I've done the contract on longsters.

188 the longsters (#309) 786 $1,050,886 __/\__ Stoat Southsward 98 (59%) 119 (25%) 0

He's under 800 land. Thus I'm expecting, what was it, 10 million food and 20 million dollars, right? So, yeah, I'm expecting that. Thanx. ehe, it's so cheap ~Holby note~

The Beatles

 At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 17:24:08 -0600, a messenger from Windhounds (#116) brought this to you...
heh, "ease off?" I never attacked, I was just curious of your strenth, I woundnt have attacked anyways, nor would I have given away your stats, somtimes I just get too curious...
Sorry about that...
I will not deleted this


  At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 17:26:54 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...
Hmmm, destroying takes more effort. Here's what I propose. 1000 stoats for every time I attack him (I'm being lenient, one attack takes me about the doouble of that), plus 15 million food and 20 million bucks.

The price is negotiable. Not all that much, but negotiable.

~The Beatles

  At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 18:50:31 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...
Right, then.
15 mil food, 15 mil money, and 1000 stoats until he's down to 100 acres. From then on, 100 an attack.

~The Beatles

  At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 19:09:52 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...
Okay. Tomorrow, I'll execute 15 attacks on longsters, #309. When he's under 100 acres, I'll start charging exactly 100 stoats per attack.


~The Beatles

  At Tue, 17 Dec 2002 19:10:54 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...
Yous ent more than I expected. Thank you. Tomorrow, to show my gratitude, I will execute 25 attacks on longsters, if my health permits it.

~The Beatles

At Thu, 19 Dec 2002 00:16:22 -0600, a messenger from Grenaulk's Band of Scavengers (#591) brought this to you...
Hello my fellow clan member, Lets talk! Do you have AOL Instant Messenger? If not, a guess we can still talk over these messages...

  At Thu, 19 Dec 2002 00:19:36 -0600, a messenger from Grenaulk's Band of Scavengers (#591) brought this to you...
Oh well.... Hehe.. It's been a while hasn't it Holby? I remember when I recruited you into DI. Dang, it has been a while.

  At Thu, 19 Dec 2002 00:26:09 -0600, a messenger from Grenaulk's Band of Scavengers (#591) brought this to you...
Well, Yes... I'm trying to somewhat conceal my identity for now. Atleast to those I do not know or trust, or are not in my clan. So Holby--Are you my friend? Would you like to be my personal ally? We agree only to aid eachother. I find these kind of alliances much more affective than the actual clans, and I was wanting to know if you would accept my friendship.


  At Thu, 19 Dec 2002 21:02:22 -0600, a messenger from The Beatles! (#458) brought this to you...
Hiya Holby!

Longsters is too low. I get the message that my generals politely refuse, etc., etc.
So, please tell me how I should pay you back. It's better for me to pay you back in troops and not food, money. SO, please tell me what you need, and I'll see about it. OK?

~The Beatles

  At Sat, 21 Dec 2002 00:31:19 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
oh really? well you started attacking me. it's the least i could do. :) doubt it will work. doesn't mean i wouldn't like it to work. ehhh ehhh? do what you gota do and i do what i gota do to stay alive. i have a lot of enemies right now anyway, but if you want to continue in this war. i know we are exchanging blow for blow.

  At Sat, 21 Dec 2002 00:35:03 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
guess i am eating my words.....
well you have sure shown me....
i humbly bow to the better warlord holby...


  At Sat, 21 Dec 2002 09:03:52 -0600, a messenger from Ereptor's Raiders (#61) brought this to you...
i allready took my bounty off you. 

  At Sun, 5 Jan 2003 17:31:18 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
Knowing that you are a weathered and experience player in the game, I extend to you an invitation to serve the Falcon as a commanding general in the royal forces of Faltriaday. Whatever your decision, please return notification with this messenger. My thanks are given.

-Slynder Talderhash

  At Thu, 9 Jan 2003 21:20:30 -0600, a messenger from The followers of Wickedclaw (#502) brought this to you...
Hello Hair Raisers, I am Wickedclaw, assistant leader of the clan Knights of Invicticus(KOI). Due to your apparent skill for this game, you have been invited to join the great clan Knights of Invicticus (KOI) If you are interested, message me back. I urge you to consider this invitation. Right now it is not an extremely strong or large clan, but it holds two of the stronger members of the game, Menatus Blackhorde and I, and it will become a great clan with time and effort.

Thanks for you consideration,

  At Fri, 17 Jan 2003 20:30:20 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
Excellent. I was beginning to wonder if you were going to respond, but I'm happy all the same. I'd be glad to have you join. You just have to agree to the following rules, pledge your loyalties to the Falcon, etc. If you find the rules perhaps a bit too strict, then I could make them slightly looser, but the basics hold.

1. Hordes listed as protected shall not be attacked under any circumstances. Should you be attacked by one among them, contact an official immediately and the situation will be regulated.

2. Unless the clan is at war with a warlord's clan or a specific warlord, attacks by clan members will be limited to 3 per day on any warlord, with a maximum of 4 every 2 days. Retaliatory attacks can be made up to twice as much as those originally suffered.

3. Failure to obey the rules may result in punishment as severe as immediate expulsion from the clan and execution by clan members in the most extreme cases.

4. Under healthy conditions, those loyal to the Falcon will not attack further than 15 ranks below them. In times of weakness, attacks are permitted up to 30 ranks below, never further. The only exceptions to this are clan wars or retaliatory attacks.

If you're alright with the preceding, then here's the password: falconfly
Looking forward to having you in the clan, Holby!

~By the Warlord Stoat, Slynder Talderhash~
~Commanding Officer, Imperial Regiment 22~
-First among those loyal to the Falcon
-Commanding General, Royal Army of Faltriadary

  At Fri, 17 Jan 2003 21:05:39 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
Yes. It's a given that I didn't bother listing in the rules. You'll benefit much more than myself from that, anyhow. Oh yes, forgot the cool letter closing thing last time. Let the Falcon soar with thee in the grace of glory.

-Slynder Talderhash

  At Fri, 17 Jan 2003 21:10:10 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
Gave you a bit of aid there, just cause I was feelin' nice, and you're the first member to join the Empire of Faltriadary aside from myself. I would have sent twice as much money, but I'm running a bit low at the moment compared to usual.

-Slynder Talderhash

  At Sat, 18 Jan 2003 00:38:18 -0600, a messenger from Numendor (#1002) brought this to you...
hey, just saying high

  At Sat, 18 Jan 2003 11:03:23 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
I noticed the aid you sent me. Thanks for that. I also attacked starfire (#101) once for you, did a murder on them, and sent them a warning message. I'm not going to shield you guys completely, but in my opinion, they launched a few too many attacks against you from a position too high.

~By the Warlord Stoat, Slynder Talderhash~
~Commanding Officer, Imperial Regiment 22~
-First among those loyal to the Falcon
-Commanding General, Royal Army of Faltriadary

  At Sun, 19 Jan 2003 12:28:55 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
The password is "thoseloyal". You'll now see it listed under the clan news. As for starfire, I doubt you'll really have any major problems with them as long as you follow the attack regulations. Oh, and if you're wondering, leader missions do not count as attacks. You could do 50 murders on someone, and it would not be breaking the rules, though I'd advise against that kind of thing, except in the most extreme cases. Leader attacks do count, however. Basically it only encompases land-taking.

~By the Warlord Stoat, Slynder Talderhash~
~Commanding Officer, Imperial Regiment 22~
-First among those loyal to the Falcon
-Commanding General, Royal Army of Faltriadary

  At Wed, 22 Jan 2003 06:44:32 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
I could not do very much about Wildcat Army's predicament, as trying to attack them would basically destroy my army. Should they start attacking again, however, I will take some action, most likely in the form of leader attacks. As for your attacks against Red Raiders, I'll consider the fact that you recognized your mistake and sent aid to cancel it out. However, I'm not certain exactly how much authority I still hold over you. How has it come about that you are no longer a member of the Falcon clan?

-Slynder Talderhash

  At Wed, 22 Jan 2003 06:59:42 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
I don't really understand these reasons, though I don't see which mistakes would deface my image. You are welcome back should you wish.

-Slynder Talderhash

  At Thu, 23 Jan 2003 17:35:30 -0600, a messenger from L'Mal Terre (#41) brought this to you...
fyi- those attacks were retal on behalf of a clanmate of mine who you attacked.

  At Mon, 27 Jan 2003 21:30:21 -0600, a messenger from Hope Eternal (#1182) brought this to you...
Hey, it's me...Menatus :P How ya doing? But be shushy...no one can know it's me! MWAH!! Even though I'm telling everyone....well any aid could help! YAY! ^^;;;

Your cool friend,

  At Tue, 28 Jan 2003 10:20:06 -0600, a messenger from omniblink (#356) brought this to you...
oh gotcha 

  At Tue, 28 Jan 2003 15:44:58 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
Well, this is good to hear. You'll probably have passed me by the time I return if all goes well for you. As for your prior difficulty with attacks, I'll look at your stats more closely when I get back and see if I can make any further suggestions. Good luck!

~By the Warlord Stoat, Slynder Talderhash~
~Commanding Officer, Imperial Regiment 22~
-First among those loyal to the Falcon
-Commanding General, Royal Army of Faltriadary

  At Mon, 3 Feb 2003 14:54:59 -0600, a messenger from Das Reich (#536) brought this to you...
IF you every attack me again i gaurntee ur death in this game

  At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 16:01:23 -0600, a messenger from Deathclaw's Empire (#653) brought this to you...
Will you stop attacking me? It is getting annoying.

  At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 16:27:47 -0600, a messenger from The Horde of Talderhash (#22) brought this to you...
I have received complaints from Deathclaw (Deathclaw's Empire #653) about you attacking him, Holby. I checked and only counted six attacks over two days, but it's still too much. There's no need for real punishment, but I have had friendly peace with Deathclaw for quite some time now, so I'll deal out a minor punishment to you for your slight slip, and a favour to him at the same time. I'd like you to stop attacking him for the next two days, and then to limit your attacks to one per day max on him after that. Thanks.

~By the Warlord Stoat, Slynder Talderhash~
~Commanding Officer, Imperial Regiment 22~
-First among those loyal to the Falcon
-Commanding General, Royal Army of Faltriadary
  wow, that was so unfair, poor holby

  At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 16:35:38 -0600, a messenger from Windhounds (#116) brought this to you...
hey, you followed me up :)
why did you spend so long in the lower 40's anyways?
I think you sent me some food a while back, when you were in the top 20 before... if you want it I can send it back, I think it was close to 20 mil units or so... maybe I'm off...
Anyways, just wanted to say good job on getting back up, and good luck staying up here...


  At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 17:08:31 -0600, a messenger from Hope Eternal (#1182) brought this to you...
Hey Holbs! How's it going? Close to the top 10, I see! Good luck!

Uhh...Cool person!! =DDD


  At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 17:18:02 -0600, a messenger from Hope Eternal (#1182) brought this to you...
Ah :P I just noticed you were 12...12 is as far as I can see without expanding my view. Cool, eh? Eh. I miss being 7. I'm sorry ^^;;; My economy...so...dead...


  At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 18:31:07 -0600, a messenger from Hope Eternal (#1182) brought this to you...
NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Heheh. I'd never hit a friend! Top 30, actually. I'm ranked 24. "when you reach the top 10" YAY! I have some faith in me yet! Want some aid? =DDD


  At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 19:12:54 -0600, a messenger from Windhounds (#116) brought this to you...
heh. my "standard place" was rank 16, atleast for a rather long time in the beginning, I suppose I've overstepped that a bit... currently at rank 8, though for how long depends...

What made you want to come back up to the higher ranks?
...twas an extended holiday for you really...

  At Thu, 6 Feb 2003 19:22:22 -0600, a messenger from Skull Riders (#164) brought this to you...
I didn't know you were Holby...
I will not deleted this


Looks like the second KM horde I made, I mis-spelled Marauders. Oops.