Who's going to win the new RP?

Started by Kilkenne, February 20, 2003, 09:07:47 PM

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 Yup...that about sums it all up.

(I abstained my vote/ nullified)




 Kilkenne and I will destroy the cheese forces. Kind of a stalemate for now. Cheesers won't attack due to our great numbers. Think we might need to, eh, Kilkenne?
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 You look when it was made.

Anyway, I hate cheese.

The Lady Shael

 Yes, I am an idiot, because I didn't feel like voting for anyone else, or nullifying my vote. *sullen* Now I belong to Kilk. *a sign hangs from her neck that reads, "Property of Kilkenne"* I'm only hoping I'm not eaten in a sandwich...
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


 Woohoo! I have three...meals? Or should I pawn them off...nah...they look nice on my shelf with all my other assorted junk...


Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 Blackeyes, you bloody stupid twit. This topic was dead for a month, and then you decide that you should bring it up!?! I wish you stupid newbs would just leave things alone and stop being such prats on the forums...This angers me immensely because I see this stuff happening at least twice to three times a day.


 How am I an idiot ? From what I see I was just a little late posting so I caught back up and replied to the post so .... whose the blubbering little prat know ?
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 In fact, once again, that would be you. A month is not "A little late" Do you know how long a month is? It's a very long time...You should act like you know something for once, and stop spamming the forums, especially the RP forums with your mindless crap. It is becoming tiresome to browse near anywhere because of people like you who show up and thrust themselves into torums without first gaining acceptance from the other people. Some of the people that do that, IE Razorclaw, are accepted members of teh community because they no longer bring up long dead topics, and they do not spam...something that can not be said in your case. Ah yes, back to me deciding that you are the blubbering little prat. You complain, when I point out that the topic was dead for an entire MONTH...you basiclaly just turned that one hundred eighty degrees and said to yourself and everyone else who may see this "I'm a blubbering little prat"..."know". I also wonder where the word "know" fits in there. Would it perhaps be in the place of "NOW"? I would like to think so, but you newbs seem to make up your own grammatical rules, and I would not be surprised if that were just the new "hip" way to use the word "know". Case closed, Kilk 278 Stupid Newb 0.