The new version of the Game.

Started by taekwondokid42, July 01, 2007, 10:11:14 AM

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Here is some interesting tie in.

What if the pearls were 1 free land, and they acted as 10,000 of a certain type of building. On top of the 10,000, you could build the 1 free land as you wish. The 10,000 was the same building regardless of what you chose to build it as. In the notice, there could be a thing that says pearls, and it tells you what type of pearl that player has (it would work like the city's thing, and it doesn't even appear if they don't have cities).

Taking a pearl: When you attack you take land. So if they have 10k land, and you take 388, then you would have a 388/10,000 chance of taking their pearl. If they have 2 pearls, you would have 2x the chances. You could only take 1 pearl per attack maximum.
There would also be a button that says *take pearl*, (much like the *enslave* button) and if you attacked to take the pearl, you would multiply your chances of getting it by some very large number (like 10 or 20). But, since in the book, the pearls may be beautiful, but all they really are is death, your losses will be multiplies by some very large number (like 10 or 20).

There should also be some way to incorporate leaders into this (like a spell that cuts the chance of losing a pearl in half, or something like that).

Here is how the pearls could be handed out. Obvoiusly, at the beginning of the game, they would pose an extreme advantage, and so they should not all appear at once. I say that starting on day 3 of the round, LL scouting should get 1 pearl every day, and it will be up to the players to try and take the pearl.

This is very loose, but I think that this would make for one very interesting round.