Recommendation: Anonymous clan membership

Started by Resident Geek, April 10, 2007, 02:21:39 PM

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Resident Geek

Hey, I was playing the game and a sweet idea popped into my head.
If you could have two different ways of joining a clan it would really benefit the playability of the game.
For example.
If you could be able to join a clan either as a full member, or as an anonymous member it would be sweet.
A normal member has all the current abilities as a member of the clan, but is unable to join any other clans. Everyone can see what clan he is a member of.
If someone is an anonymous member of a clan, he has limited abilities in respect to how often he can attack enemies and how much aid can be given to other clan members. An added advantage though, is that they can join multiple clans, and is not listed as being with any specific clan in the list of players. They are only listed as a clan member if another clan member is the one viewing the list.
Trying to join as an anonymous member should be required to have direct approval by the head of the clan. This would make it exceppionaly difficult to join a clan, because some people may be playing as a double agent or giving info from one clan to the other. Everyone would be suspicious of an anonymous member.

Just an idea. Tell me what you think of it though. Even if you don't do it, I'll probably do it when I get Promisance on my forum. (I code... ^__^)
I'd like feedback on this from other players who have played a segnificant amount of time. They are the best to determine whether or not this is a good idea.
Thanx in advance. ;D

Alazar is Back

well, it sounds interesting, but after reading over that a few times its still a bit sketchy....idk though it soes sound iteresting!
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