Two Sentence Stories

Started by Aqualis, March 09, 2007, 07:49:33 AM

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Just right a story that is two sentences long. Here's mine:

"There was, at one point (it was a while ago), a small (as in tiny(really really itty-bitty)) man (more like troll, but he was human) who liked to collect human souls (yes, those, the real ones). No one (not a single person) could figure out how he did this (there was a long running custom in their little village to not question the motives of the creepy old man who harvested souls (some thought this wise, others not so much (these "others" usually ended up having their souls collected (it was a messy unpleasant affair and most people tried very hard to avoid it, hence the custom to not question the creepy, little old man)))), until one day, a young man (about 20 years of age, tall, lanky, you know the drill) came to the little village (a small, forgotten village way up in the mountains renowned only for their yak raising prowess (and they were the best yak raisers)) and found himself in the unfortunate position (lady luck at it again) of providing a live demonstration (this young traveler had it coming (he pushed old women and made little kids cry (part of the reason he was traveling was actually caused by this (he was trying to escape from the angry husbands of the old women he shoved and the angry mothers of the children whom he made cry)))) when he trespassed upon the creepy old man's property (thus ending the mystery of how he harvested human souls (it was not pretty (he danced around with a chicken, muttered some words (dark, scary words) and made some marks upon his victims body, then this faint wispy thing floated out and went into a little jar (a marvelous little jar of unique construction that the weird old man made himself in his forsaken looking little hut)))."
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis

Alazar is Back

there was this kid. he got in alot of trouble! :-D
Turbo Highest Rank:Co-Emperor with Wolf Snare, Emperor

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