Am I a newbie?

Started by RazorClaw, March 13, 2003, 10:06:52 PM

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 What is up with everyone slinging around stuff about me being a newbie?
I am not in the mood for it...



 I think there should have been an option for undecided. Sometimes you seem to say something helpful and intelligent I appreciate. Other times I find you're a leedle tiresome. I'm being honest in saying I think you're an alright poster.

Cal's a double-digiter. No double digiter from the old server who was around somewhere near the end is a newbie.
I will not deleted this

Abby The Rat

 Er, what end Holbs? I'm trying to understand your last two lines.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []


 i say that u are not a newb
I am a great Dwarven Warrior

- The great Blue Dragon

-Thorn Destructor Great dwarven Hero


Quote from: Ad The RatEr, what end Holbs? I'm trying to understand your last two lines.
Err, I should have split that up. Cal=double digiter around for long time before killed.

*points* Notice the new avatar. Yesterday I had FFVIII, now I've got Biggles! I couldn't get the actual one I wanted, but this will do for the minute.
I will not deleted this