Can i make a new turbo name?

Started by VinnieOlle, May 31, 2006, 08:08:00 PM

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I was a target of tawdriness and am now dead. Am i allowed to make a new name? Im not sure because at first i typed in my old username and it said its already used.

Please Explain.

Wolf Snare

log in, delete the old account, wait 15 minutes and recreate. if that doesnt work, ask peace alliance to enable your new account.
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Peace Alliance

Yes, after you delete your old account you must:

make a new account, the horde name and username both have to be different.

You can use the same name and e mail address, but there's a chance you might get auto-disabled. That isn't a big problem, because if you contact an admin they'll fix it pretty much immediatly.


Ohhhh, i gotta delete it even though its dead... good stuff