Turbo glitch!

Started by VinnieOlle, May 23, 2006, 02:14:13 PM

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I sent someone 4 billion aid. Then later i sent them 50 million food. They didnt get any of it. I did an espionage on them before and after and they had the same amount before and after i aided them.

Someone please tell me whats going on.

Peace Alliance

you typed in the wrong number?


im 98% sure i didnt, plus i sent it in 2 shipments, Unlikely i messed up twice.
Maybe wolf can check records or something?

Peace Alliance

records are in the database, only retto'd be able to check it.


I've had that happen before Vinnie, on regular. Wolf danced around for 30 minutes before he said he didn't believe me.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Peace Alliance

i don't believe you either! lol