Volkov is stupid, he doesn't know how to play RWL

Started by Blood Wake, March 21, 2006, 04:37:17 PM

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Blood Wake

Sean = Blood Wake (me)

Gen. Volkov = Retard

convo on MSN:

Gen. Volkov says:
I demand reparations for the rats you have destroyed!
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
hmm.... Nah
Sean says:
you killed tons of mine too
Gen. Volkov says:
Then face the terrible wrath of my cows!
Gen. Volkov says:
Did not
Gen. Volkov says:
I have never once killed your rats
Sean says:
yeah, well I don't even know who you are in turbo
Sean says:
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
The HOunds of Ulster (#13)
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
thats right
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
stop killing my rats
Sean says:
Gen. Volkov says:
I have never killed your rats except in self defense
Gen. Volkov says:
Stoats on the other hand...
Sean says:
well then stop killing my rats in self defense
Gen. Volkov says:
I can't help it
Sean says:
pshh, I have too many stoats, I don't care if you kill them
Gen. Volkov says:
You keep attacking me
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
And you've killed my stoats too
Gen. Volkov says:
Whenever I attack you, my precious stoats die
Sean says:
your stoats deserve it
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
I caught one trying to steal my rum
Gen. Volkov says:
Don't use that "You have 7 million, what's a thousand or two?" logic either
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
Well it's only fair
Gen. Volkov says:
You have rum, I do not
Sean says:
yeah, because I bought it
Gen. Volkov says:
And my leaders are non-existent, so I have to uses the stoatses
Sean says:
I killed your leaders
Gen. Volkov says:
There are no leaders on turbo
Sean says:
there were, I killed them
Gen. Volkov says:
*Taps your skull* Hallooooo anyone in there?
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
Snare did actually
Sean says:
Peace Alliance has more loyalty then you so obviously he had leaders at some point in time
Sean says:
I killed them though
Gen. Volkov says:
How much does he have?
Sean says:
Gen. Volkov says:
Well that's odd
Sean says:
no its not... I was attacking him so I sent him 100 loyalty to make up for it
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
OMG, you sent him 100 completely worthless loyalty to make up for taking very valuable land and killing his precious troops
Gen. Volkov says:
I love it
Sean says:
well... yeah
Sean says:
I figured he'd like some
Gen. Volkov says:
I'm doing that next time I hit someone
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
hes gonna be mentioned for it at the end of the round too
Sean says:
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
I patented it
Gen. Volkov says:
The whole idea?
Sean says:
err... I have a patent on it or something
Sean says:
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
the whole idea
Gen. Volkov says:
Can't be done
Sean says:
it is mine and no one else can use it
Sean says:
yes it can
Gen. Volkov says:
Only the action can be patented
Gen. Volkov says:
Ideas cannot
Sean says:
shut up and stop killing my rats
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
You shut up and stop killing my rats
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
your the one killing my rats though
Gen. Volkov says:
You killed more of mine than I killed of yours
Sean says:
Sean says:
not true
Sean says:
I have never once killed your rats
Sean says:
you are always killing mine though
Gen. Volkov says:
I knows what I knows, and don't bother me with the facts
Gen. Volkov says:
Or lies in this case
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
you log on and you say "hey! why don't I go kill Blood Wake's rats, he doesn't need them"
Gen. Volkov says:
LIES I say!
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
Get thee behind master of lies!
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
then you go ahead and attack me with a guerrila thingy when I don't even have any land just to kill off all my rats
Sean says:
your so rude
Gen. Volkov says:
Get thee behind me*
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
I did nothing of the sort!
Sean says:
yeah, well my skiffs told me
Gen. Volkov says:
You always have land!
Sean says:
I don't know if skiffs talk
Sean says:
but they told me
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
They can't cause they are BOATS
Sean says:
they have rats that drive them
Gen. Volkov says:
Do not
Gen. Volkov says:
They are all on their own
Sean says:
cause they are obviously not remote controlled and yet they always seem to do stuff like send people stuff and attack people
Gen. Volkov says:
And you don't drive a boat, you pilot it
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
and they race
Gen. Volkov says:
But rats don't drive them
Gen. Volkov says:
Otters do
Sean says:
nope, rats do
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
what else are going to?
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
otters?! screw them, they don't need boats, they're faster than the boats
Gen. Volkov says:
Not if the boat is in a storm
Gen. Volkov says:
Or has a propellor
Sean says:
otters are still faster
Gen. Volkov says:
No, top speed of an otter in water is about 15 miles per hour
Sean says:
not redwall otters
Sean says:
redwall otters go as fast as they want
Sean says:
cause I said so
Gen. Volkov says:
Redwall otters don't swim
Sean says:
so did retto, hes an otter
Gen. Volkov says:
They drive boats
Sean says:
nope, they swim
Gen. Volkov says:
Pilot boats
Gen. Volkov says:
Do not
Gen. Volkov says:
They are wimpy and don't go in the waer
Sean says:
yes they do
Gen. Volkov says:
Because they are all anthropomorphic
Sean says:
I have an otter, he tells me these things
Gen. Volkov says:
Well I have a beaver who says that otters lie alot
Sean says:
beavers are retarded
Gen. Volkov says:
Are nopt
Gen. Volkov says:
They build dams
Sean says:
they are always out to get the otters by building dams so the otters have to stop going 641 miles per hour and walk around it
Gen. Volkov says:
They are geniuses
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
641 mph is nearly the speed of sound
Sean says:
Gen. Volkov says:
The otters would become an otter paste at that speed
Sean says:
I said that otters go as fast as they want
Sean says:
Gen. Volkov says:
I don't care what kind of otter he is
Gen. Volkov says:
641 mph in water would kill anything and anyone who tried it
Sean says:
nope! cause otters do it all the time
Sean says:
the otter I have in turbo says hes gone 4724
Gen. Volkov says:
That otter is lying
Sean says:
I didn't believe him either so I put him on my lie detector thing
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
he was telling the truth
Sean says:
either that or my lie detector doesn't work anymore
Gen. Volkov says:
He was just a very good liar
Gen. Volkov says:
Or he fooled it, which it is possible to do
Gen. Volkov says:
that's many times the speed of sound, he'd be little otter particles suspended in water
Sean says:
no, I don't think my lie detector has ever worked
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
I strapped a leader up to it before in reg and he said that Peace alliance had only 5 stoats so I attacked Peace and didn't break him when I had about 4 million
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
yeah... that leader is still down in the torture chaimber
Gen. Volkov says:
Yup, that's one broken lie detector
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
Only way to get the truth
Sean says:
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
he finally admited that he was actually one of Peace's leaders and that peace had stolen the leader I sent over there to spy on him
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
so I sent out a group of otters to go get him, they came back with him before I was even done talking cause they're so freaking fast
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
I gtg
Gen. Volkov says:
Stupid class
Sean says:
your mean
Sean says:
stop killing my rats
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
YOu stop killing my rats!
Sean says:
I didn't
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
Gen. Volkov says:
*Hooks you up to a lie detector, needles swing wildly*
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
that lie detector is broken
Gen. Volkov says:
Blood Wake (#11) attacked you! Your enemy captured 450 Acres of Land and destroyed:
55,601 Rats
You managed to destroy:
45,469 Rats
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
You kilt my rats!
Sean says:
here use mine *pulls out a little rat*

rat: Blood Wake tells the truth
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
yeah, but look how many of my rats you killed
Gen. Volkov says:
Less then you killed of mine
Sean says:
Sean says:
you lie
Gen. Volkov says:
55 is bigger than 45
Sean says:
Blood Wake (#11) attacked you! Your enemy captured 450 Acres of Land and destroyed:
2 Rats
You managed to destroy:
45,469 Rats
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
Blood Wake (#11) attacked you! Your enemy captured 450 Acres of Land and destroyed:
55,601 Rats
You managed to destroy:
45,469 Rats
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
please stop giving me false data
Rat says: yeah, ya jerk
Gen. Volkov says:
Gen. Volkov says:
Shut up
Gen. Volkov says:
I gtg to class
Sean says:
I don't care as long as you stop killing my rats
Gen. Volkov says:
*Kills your little rat*
Gen. Volkov says:
Screw off*
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
*slams fist down* this means WAR!!!
Gen. Volkov says:
*Cuts your fist off*
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
*runs around screaming, hits a wall*
Gen. Volkov says:
*Laughs his head off*
Gen. Volkov says:
Sean says:
I'm blocking you

Convo a second later on AIM:

Crazy Soviet [3:02 P.M.]:  wat?
Crazy Soviet [3:02 P.M.]:  I thought we were joking around
Theratboyz [3:02 P.M.]:  shut up!!!! I BLOCKED YOU!!!!

Here is proof that I have an otter and that Volkov is always killing my rats:

I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

My project, Fasba Fpel broke world records and collaborated with some incredible musicians. Download the free music or watch videos:



He killed one hundred million rats, and only lost one.
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.

Gen. Volkov

ROFLMAO. Nice Wake.

Yes, because I am l33t like that Neo. :ninja:

And Blood Wake = IQ 12

Gen. Volkov = l33t hax0r.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis


I feel bad for anyone who read that whole post...

... cuz i didnt, lol.
"Through the wonders of scientific and mathematical reasoning, we can now reasonable infer that "cloud" is in fact "a bear"."

Once an emperor, always an emperor...


"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis


Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.

Blood Wake

it is smaller than it appears, kind of like that mirror thing
I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

My project, Fasba Fpel broke world records and collaborated with some incredible musicians. Download the free music or watch videos:

Gen. Volkov

It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Dear lord... Out of all the convos between 5 year olds I've ever read, I would have to say that one is by far the funniest.

Gen. Volkov

We're not five! My mental age is 6 and a haf thank you! And Blood Wake's is somewhere between 3 and insane.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES