The second Age.

Started by Ereptor, February 23, 2003, 10:22:26 PM

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 Once upon a dark and dreary time.....

      The second age is upon us.  The famed and frowned ruler Tarsonis still reigns in Mossflower.  Though the tides some are saying have begun to turn.  A great war broken the second age into being.  The armies of the Blades met the hordes of KM.  On many great battle fields these armies fought, tearing Mossflower into what it is now.   A desolate and dreary land burnt and broken by war.  The lines have begun to look more stable, and other empires have begun to rise.  The war has died down, although far from over.  

                                                                So It Began..........

The Armies of KM led by Tarsonis took a grip on the second age of this world.  Tarsonis laid down his fist and pointed to a map and said this will be mine; some are heard to whisper.  Tarsonis did just that and within weeks he had destroyed those who opposed him.  With his trusted warlords at his side he gripped his sword and smirked surveying his land.  "Mossflower is mine again."  

Mossflower although was not filled just with the armies of KM.  One leader arose from nowhere it seemed.  Some say he has some sort of evil clone army.  Although no one knows truly why his followers follow him.  But no matter how they do, one thing is certain.  The Blades arose out of the dark forests of Mossflower to bring war to the second age.  Throughout the southlands the fires of war burned.  Mixed with the smell of the dead this was not a place of peace, but smelled of a great and terrible war.  Armies fought on the same ground were only days before thousands of their brothers had died.  Back and forth the army of the Blades seemed to go.  One day, onward to conquered.  Then the next day, they would be pushed back deep into their land.  Southland became KM's one day and Blades the next.  This war is far from over.  Wolfbite the leader of the Blades was severely wounded and lays dormant in his castle planning his next move.  Since then many leaders from both sides have be wounded.  One warrior has perished in this battle.  Germania a famed warrior in his prime, fell to the armies of Blade.  Germania's passing is met with grief from KM and that of a new found will to fight against their foes.  As Wolfbite plots and plans, KM looks to welcome their armies once more on the field of battle.  Yes, this war is in fact not over.

Tarsonis after taking this kingdom set out on his own apart from KM.  KM was always under Kilks Marauders even though Tarsonis was looked up to by most armies.  Tarsonis though had to set up his empire on his own back.  Leaving KM was a choice he had made, but his none the less.  KM though still fully backs their emperor Tarsonis.  Leaving Tarsonis to declare his empire and begin to set his kingdom as the first of this age.  The second age is birthed with our first emperor Tarsonis.  On similar note, not all as ever accept him as their king and leader.  

Tarsonis and the Great War though is not all that has been written.  My hand grips my pen with anger as i think on what i am beginning to write next.  Tarsonis's second hand in Mossflower is a fellow named Warhammer.  His rise to power was quick and he shortly overlooked the kingdom for his own.  Though the second age had just begun, he knew he could not keep this kingdom for himself.  He made haste to sign alliances with the growing armies of KM, Hope and Empire.  He aided them in their war against the so-called cloned armies of Blade.  The day he knew was coming finally came.  Tarsonis outstretching his hand, gripped and held firm the kingdom of Mossflower.  Warhammer seeing this was out of his power grew restless.   He then drew no attention to himself except to continue to aid his allies.  But one day, without warning he struck Tarsonis overrunning the land he knew oh so well.  In his fit of rage he climbed into a trap.  Although he had broken through, he had surrounded himself on all sides.  His retreat cut off by the great army of Tarsonis and his allies.  Warhammer then grabbed his sword, and laid down upon it.  There on his land he spilt his own blood.  His army's screamed with terror seeing their leader as he fell.  Rats, stoats and vermin alike ran, some killing themselves, some killing each other and the rest fleeing with fear.  Warhammers betrayal was felt not only by Tarsonis but by Warhammer's own clan.  The Dying Light of Yamir of KM has promised to overthrow Warhammer's remaining allies.  With new empires rising and new wars brewing this chapter ends.  Only to be followed soon by another, in which we rest assured the warlords of Mossflower will not let me down.  As i write i am interrupted by a knock on my door.  Which mostly likely brings new news from afar....

A word from the author.
These are my opinions of the events of the second age.  I have tried to be fair and unbiased.  But I am human and therefor am bias.  My army stands with Tarsonis and against those of the Blades.
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*

Mysterious Guy

I wanted to have fun.

I hate the blades too.

Biased 'reptor.

I hate Emperors. In all forms, even if I were one. That's why I quit when I proved a pretender for what he was. See?

But, good writing. Kudos.

The Lady Shael

 We need to have another Empress on the throne soon...
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 Ooh! I be the only girl in the top 10, methinks. I'll have to recheck. Anyway, below me people are 30,000,000 NW away from #1. I'm only 8! Yay!

Mysterious Guy

 I was thinking of writing a fanfic on KM.


"Likk" (Kilk)
"Raveh" (Harve, Wickedclaw)
"Ratisson Nixef" (Josh)

umm... more characters, someone?

Shadow Giant

 Hey Ereptor, you forgetted something:

While Tarsonis and the Blades have their hands full, a dark shadow is creeping across the land, leaving a path of death in it's wake. This new, mysterious clan does not pillage and burn. They hit hard and fast and move on. They strike in the dead of the night, taking no prisoners and leaving none to sound the alarm. At their head, a viscous wildcat bounds tirelessly along, a scimitar between her teeth and daggers bristling on her belt. Their troops, as numerous as the leaves of an autumn gale, slide silently onward in the night.............................
Such is the clan of Eternal Hope.
'Cuz we're da best
Don't you wish you were more like me?
Admit it. You do, don't you?

"A wise monkey doesn't monkey with another monkey's monkey."

To pass the time: Sit in your car in a parking lot with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars. See if they slow down.

I throw peanuts at old ladies!

"What the h*** is this?
DVD Dad.
People want to see us on DVD!
Yes Dad."
          From the Osbournes commercial for the DVD

*#sincerely, Shadow Giant#*
The best west of California.
(I live in Hawaii, Okay?)

Orcrist depends how you define best. Wickedclaw currently is #1, even tho Josh is stronger than him and less land-fat, and Empire's got a good amount of people in the top 10. Sorry, but Hope's not really the best clan....

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant

Krull of the Kaptors

 Sounds awesome.. just mention more people from the top ten. ^_~ Yes, and do not forget Empire and my land fat horde.


 Pshh, thanks for insulting me. My clan might not be all powerful, but that doesn't mean I'm not. I'm #3, where are you? ^_^

Krull of the Kaptors

 I'm 4th, as my name implies. But by no means am I insulting Hope. Muah!


 Hee! Wasn't talking to you, though, Krull. For you did not offend my honor :P I don't think Hope's so terrible of a clan, anyway.


 *sighs* Yes, Orcrist you are right, I am weak compared to Fenix, and also a lot mor land fat. That's ok though, I still have a very nice army at my command, *gotta keep telling myself that*. But like Ereptor said in his "story" is that I am going to get revenge on others in the top 10, who were allies to RR. Sorry, but I am following through with this.


 Wickedclaw....You have held your number 1 position for a couple days now.  Do you consider yourself Emperor?  I don't consider being the number one Emperor.  I think the most powerfull person in the top ten to be Emperor.  That is my opinion.  You are getting stronger by the day and soon you can sit on your throne and claim emperor of rwl.
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


 Tania- I'm not insulting you- you are the founder of one of the strongest clans in this server- you're clan just isn't #1...

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant


 Okay. Well, you like Stonewall Jackson so it's all good. In 2nd place, I have 68,000 land nd 71,000,000 NW. Wickedclaw has 80-something,000 land and 76,000,000 NW. So landfat!