Started by wolf bite, March 08, 2005, 11:55:15 AM

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wolf bite

 Juska Wrote
QuoteThe Admins do not have playing accounts, the actually game creators the real Admins (Q)uietus and (M)orv. (QMT) do not have playing accounts, soljern and darfius are moderators that are given admin accounts in-game to look for multi's which they do very well, soljern's clan hasn't won a set outright yet. Wolf your just mad because you pissed someone off last set and didn't do good.

Yes, we have good clans that play against each other and we war a lot more than here.

If you don't have a big mouth and you play well alone you can still have lots of fun even if you don't land a place in the big clans.

Bloodwake Wrote
Quote1st of all, my dad was loving it that he was pissing off the admins

Juska, you really don?t know what happened. It is well known that even as a player, I have caught more cheaters on RWL then anyone. I watch what is going on and ?see? things. On QMT I believe I caught a cheater, and he had an Admin account!

Without going through all the details:

First Q (the creator) has a playing account half the time, per Soljern.

Second, if some players have Admin accounts, then they are in deed ? Admins!

When I first took the top of the game, I saw the admin account light up as active, then I was attacked perfectly by a low ranked player that had just suddenly come on line. I talked to the guy and he seemed to know more about my account then possible. When I asked the guy, he admitted he was the Admin Soljern.

I asked him as an admin if it was fair to also be an aggressive player. His response was his player account murdering my account. Then my account was massively attacked by many in the game. Although the only one that knew who I was by confidential communication to the Admin, I was the most attacked player and not even in the ranks.

I watched the Admin accounts as they were gaining net. But as a non playing admin account, sometimes I noticed their net go down. That is not possible unless the Admin accounts are sending aid.

I made a polite post about this, it was deleted.

On the last day before the end of the round, I poisoned the Admin Sojern?s player account from 5th place to 20th place. I also did a spy on him and could see he did not have the turns nor resources to recover. Somehow he ended up placing 6th (I believe). Aid between players is in the search on that game. I searched his player account and no aid was given. The only possible way he could have recovered was Admin aid, which is not seen in the search.

?. and yes, although I had no intent to place in that game, I had a great time messing with them. Hehe

Wolf Bite

Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 1st off news shearches between players in the same clan do not appear in the news shearch.  http://qmt.ath.cx:8080/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8674

2nd, they can sell troops on their own black market, could get 3%ed because of cash or food and I think they may be able to use the pm, gotta check on that one, but even if they do there's no cheating because someone would catch it and soljern is as cheater obsessed as you are.

Q has only ever once had a playing account on classic that wasn't his admin account, and I've been playing for over a year and half.

T(hrust) was caught cheating using his admin account to make the game more interesting over 2 years ago, he has hence been banned from classic.

And why has no one else even accused soljern of cheating with his admin account in the years time he's had one? Either soljern hates you or you are paranoid.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

wolf bite

 3 members of the UC clan on the last day jumped into the top ten, I had taken them all out before that date. Hehe. So if they got the aid from their clan, who could have sent it is they all jumpped? Answer, only an admin!

As to why no one posts that he cheats, because like my post about it, they vanish!

Wolf Bite

Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 Lol Wolf Bite, UC? You sure it was UC? Because UC was a mock off clan of CU soljern's clan why would soljern send aid to a clan that was mocking his own?

And people talk outside the forum Wolf, just wondering, but did you post in The (dog) About Admins forum or not? Because that is where complaints go.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

wolf bite

 right, sorry, I meant the CU.

Did post in the right place. They responded that they don't even care to read it. then it was deleted.

Seems those admins really want to hear what people say.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Gen. Volkov

 Juska quit defending. You know perfectly well that whole place is corrupt. I refuse to talk on the forums there except about stupid stuff. I am also considering my own little boycott of the game. Well one person isn't a boycott. But don't particularly want to play there. Even Hack was better than that and we had that little incident with David.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


 Just because BOOMstickers are loud mouth aholes doesn't mean the game is corrupt.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

wolf bite

 Oh, I almost forgot another very interesting development on QMT. About 5 days before their reset the site went down for over half a day. I had been checking often to see when it would come back up, and it was only half an hour between checks that I found it was back on line. I started murdering CU and Boom clans. But the strange thing was that ALL their defenses were already up! So either all 30ish of them had singed on in that half an hour or the admin had raised the defenses for his buddies.


As far as the game being balanced, I suppose that depends if you only want to use one strategy.  The Admins and their buddies all play where they trade land simply to net the highest with the most armies using a barrack / market strat. So lets look at the changes they made to balance the game to ?even? out the playing field.

Food and cash have very little net worth so only the army netting strat can work.

Turns are reduced to 250 max to keep any nomad person from gaining too much power.

Leaders come very slowly so it is almost imposable to get enough to get a good ratio to have any benefit from them and hard to stay out of bankruptcy with them. This is to keep out annoying leader players that may murder their forces.

Leader attacks cost 4 health but receive 1/3 of the land. With healing, it will take 18 turns attacking with hard to keep leaders to get the same land an army can in 10 turns.

Max attacks on un-claned people have been removed so that the big clan (consisting of 4 clans with half the players in the game) can have plunty of land targets and can kill un-claned people that pose a threat to their plans.

The game is about as balanced as having an army tank in the dark ages. Add that to the fact that over half of the player are allied on one side against all others and also add the corruptness of the Admin. Sure, it could be tons of fun if someone was one of those people on the allied half of the game and just spent their time picking off those few that dared to play against them, but not very self gratifying.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


QuoteOh, I almost forgot another very interesting development on QMT. About 5 days before their reset the site went down for over half a day. I had been checking often to see when it would come back up, and it was only half an hour between checks that I found it was back on line. I started murdering CU and Boom clans. But the strange thing was that ALL their defenses were already up! So either all 30ish of them had singed on in that half an hour or the admin had raised the defenses for his buddies.

The game is restored from back-ups with the server is down, no time or turns are given therefore shields are up,  besides they could have got on before you or had shields for over 12 hours, which isn't uncommon seeing most people who play have jobs and can't always be on. And QMT players are smart.

QuoteAs far as the game being balanced, I suppose that depends if you only want to use one strategy. The Admins and their buddies all play where they trade land simply to net the highest with the most armies using a barrack / market strat. So lets look at the changes they made to balance the game to ?even? out the playing field.

Land passing is used occasionally, but only ever between clans themselves on purpose, and I doubt it's done more than 10 times a set(total as in every clan) unless it's part of the clan strat. People usually stack one troop type and leave the other realtively low, that way they dont lose huge amounts of troops when there broken, smart not cheating. Oh, and you barrack/market theory really got me. No one uses market for more than the first 3 runs cept me and the rest of the gnome cashers, and there might be 4 of us in a good set.

Indies make troops and sell them on the public market, magers then buy them getting the indies money and the magers troops, or they work in clan with FA's(foriegn aid). No one above rank 50 keep their empire totally self-sufficent.

QuoteFood and cash have very little net worth so only the army netting strat can work.

Of course, it's a war game not a food massing game.

QuoteTurns are reduced to 250 max to keep any nomad person from gaining too much power.

250 works the best with the 1 turn per 10 min rate, look at here you gotta wait 4 full days to get a good run, boring. You have to build open your runs which you should understand seeing that's what regulaer here is all about.

QuoteLeaders come very slowly so it is almost imposable to get enough to get a good ratio to have any benefit from them and hard to stay out of bankruptcy with them. This is to keep out annoying leader players that may murder their forces.

Why does 50% of the server plays as mages or leader massing as you say then? Leaders come just as fast as RWL, it's just you have less land and less turns thus it seems to you that you are gaining leader more slowly, 700k wizards is good, 1.2mil is godly. Getting fireballed(murdered) is always a threat that's why so many people have defenses up, if your saying you cant murder other mages then your obviosuly not good enough. What are you talkign about mages can't make money? mages can make over 5bil in 250 turns, you have to learn how to play mage well. Maybe if you ask nicely a good player will teach you.

QuoteLeader attacks cost 4 health but receive 1/3 of the land. With healing, it will take 18 turns attacking with hard to keep leaders to get the same land an army can in 10 turns.

That was done to keep the balance between mages and other strats even, look at here everyone plays mage and no one even tries to go unbreakable unless they are a mage who stored using goldmine for a month, at QMT mages can make so much cash and buy so many troops then can break anyone if they try anyways.

QuoteMax attacks on un-claned people have been removed so that the big clan (consisting of 4 clans with half the players in the game) can have plunty of land targets and can kill un-claned people that pose a threat to their plans.

I agree that rule is bull(smelly stuff). I fought very hard to stop it from getting in place, but alas BOOMstickers have bigger mouths.

QuoteThe game is about as balanced as having an army tank in the dark ages. Add that to the fact that over half of the player are allied on one side against all others and also add the corruptness of the Admin. Sure, it could be tons of fun if someone was one of those people on the allied half of the game and just spent their time picking off those few that dared to play against them, but not very self gratifying.

At most maybe 20% of the game is allied with someone else, usually clans run with no allies so the max 10 or so players are all the allied ones, you go up to a 10 player clan attacked someone in it 20 times poison and murder them and then say it's not fair, get a good clan together and try.

Please keep it coming I can shut you down all day.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 ...the game is restored from backups everytime the server goes down?

just out of curiousity, how often is the game backed up?
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 Once a set is about average, meh things go wrong with machines.

At least every 12 hours a backup is made, maybe more I don't know exactly I'd have to get ahold of Q and ask.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19