
Started by mofoz, March 03, 2005, 01:19:36 PM

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 Howdy, question...

If I were to get attacked, where would I be able to view the attack(s)? Is there like a "private/personal" attack page or message somewhere, other than the usual, public Recent Attack page and searching the News page? I just want to be able to view my in / out attacks, -only- mine!

Thanks in advance!

wolf bite

 First, welcome to the game. Above in this forum there are teachers that work for free if any of their resumes sound interesting to you. Check out "Help wanted"

As for your question: On the "main menu" page it will tell you all the attacks and if anyone has sent you aid. You can also click the !? next to anyone, including yourself, and see most of that information.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 Hiya, thanks for the quick response and kind help. I will be sure to look into the "help wanted" thingy! Thanks again.

wolf bite

 Oh, and just so you know, you are in protection for your first 200 turns, thus no one CAN attack you, nor CAN you attack them. Once you have used 201 turns, you are then in the game. have fun!!!

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles