Death Eater's stats

Started by RazorClaw, December 28, 2004, 12:41:49 PM

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 Death Eater (#13)
Turns (?)   450 (max 450)
Turns Stored (?)   90 (max 150)
Rank (?)   #6
Workers (?)   30,347,981
Acres (?)   4,637,634
Cash (?)   $1,362
Food (?)   115,383,794,069
Loyalty (?)   10,926,480
Networth (?)   $12,699,374,981
Location (?)   Southsward
Race (?)   Marten
Health (?)   100%
Tax Rate (?)   10%
Rats (?)   1,645,991,973
Weasels (?)   1,011,801,909
Stoats (?)   586,290,823
Skiffs (?)   252,857,073
Leaders (?)   44,121,418


Gen. Volkov

 I must say, that is rather evil of you Razor. What did he ever do to you?
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Death Eater

 wow, the fact that you think I'm important enough to post my stats is a compliment...thank you, considering I played half the set, if that, and for fun.

However, this makes me inquire as to why posting stats on empires in the forums isn't banned. All the major promisance games has this banned from the forums - QMT, Valhall, ZAP! - and it makes sense. It is very impolite and a cheap tactic at that. It gives others an unfair advantage. This is what I mean.

Forums are not a requirement to be a part of in any promisance games. In theory, you should have no advantage in-game whether you read the forums or not. Correct?

Well, what if one player who doesn't look at the forums can't get the stats of a certain empire because he is going industrial and the empire he wants to hit is using a leader-strat. So, we'll label the indy that doesnt wish to use the forums as Player 1. Now, Player 2 - which is also an indy - wants to get the same empires stats. However, Player 2 reads the forum, and so he looks on the forum and sees that someone conviently posted the stats of that empire.

How is that fair to Player 1???

Exactly. An unfair advantage has been given to the player who reads the forum. Keep in mind we must assume that both players are relatively new to the game and currently has 0 friends, and they wish to remain untagged. However, that is beside the point.

So, thereby by allowing players to post stats of empires in the forums, you are forcing everyone who plays to take the time out of their day to read the forums if they want to have the same opporunities and chances as those who do read the forums.

No wonder you are having trouble with the playerbase :P  
user posted image


Quote from: Gen. VolkovI must say, that is rather evil of you Razor. What did he ever do to you?
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*



 But maybe we have a few forum members because stats are posted every once in a while. XD

I say there's no reason to ban posting stats... someone could just send the stats in game, post in on their notice, etc.

Yellow Eyes

 AGAIN WITH THE CHILDISH COMPLAINING! I just got finished w/ the "Online Attacking" Rule, and now, this! Death, its all part of the game! If that person doesn't read the forums, who's fault is that? No one but his. Posting stats is part of the game. It's basically BSing someone. So, if you have a problem with someone displaying your stats, which you could change within a few days, and they become null anyway, then DON'T PLAY THE GAME!
And if anyone else has a problem w/ this, tell retto, heres his fix:
//      $spname[1] = "Espionage";
//   case  1:   SpellSpy();   break;

And that will solve the issue of people getting you're stats, AT ALL.

Death Eater

Quote from: NohcnonkI say there's no reason to ban posting stats... someone could just send the stats in game, post in on their notice, etc.
We currently have 5 message credits remaining.

Hmmm....I don't believe it is possible to send it to the equalivalent forum population at one given point in time....

No reason to ban posting stats? Did I not jsut supply plenty of reason, or shall I continue. Frankly, I don't know why I bother.
Oh and Riverpaw...get over it, I sack everyone. Put up a better defense next time if you don't want to get sacked.

EDIT: Just saw Yellow Eyes post.

First, I don't give a (smelly stuff) if my stats were posted every second. I am simply SUGGESTING something that will help even out the playing field.

Next, WHERE does it say reading the forums is required to play this game???? I want you to find me EXACTLY where in either the sign-up page or the game guide that in order to get the same advantage as everyone else, you msut read the forums.


QuoteDeath, its all part of the game!

No YE, this SHOULDN'T be part of the game. And online attacking is completely different than posting stats, because anyone can online attack, so that skill can be used by EVERYONE.
user posted image


 Because I got sick of you. One or two sacks, even 3-5, one or two reps, is fine. But EVERY TIME I got online, I saw anywhere from 5-10 sacks and captures. Once I retaliated, I believe you did 17 captures.  

Death Eater

 put some defense up, or deal with me some other way...

Oh, and for the last time, I don't care if you put my stats up.
user posted image


 This is rarely a problem, Death Eater, excessive posting of stats does not occur. When it does, it's to highlight a major player or Emperor. I wouldn't like it, but I have done it to others.
I will not deleted this


 Razorclaw, stfu!

You think a few sacks is bad? You stole $3 tril off me.

DE, it's part of the game I like it, what does it really matter though, most ppl use leader neway, and the ones that don't have strong types the use neway. So much (sorry, but I can't think of a word to use) (dog)ing on thses forums!
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 You gained net afterwards. He cost me 60M leaders and 1B net in food, cash, and leaders.  

Death Eater

 awwww....poor thing. I didn't know I hurt you that bad, I am really sorry. I'll never do it again...

lol, well, my personal opinion on posting stats is simply the ppl who do it usually don't have enough balls to hit them themselves or form their own attack squad to retal. They need the entire server to hit them. Whatever, do whatever the (hades) you want, its your game.

I just play it for kicks and giggles
user posted image


 I'm not whining. I'm just stating the purpose of my retaliation. And also, I didn't really feel like wasting the rescources to go after you. Other people can.