Special Abilities

Started by Retto, December 11, 2004, 03:45:04 PM

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 Luck of the Devil Nobody has liked it and making the lottery better won't change it too much. It's a decent second special ability, for if/when we have multiple special abilities.

Falsify Documents Peace suggested that it should suppress your networth. It would be pretty tough to do that enough that it would be worth it.

Corsair It's pressgang: skiffs, okay?

Should we have other ones, and decrease the amount of pressgangs and add in something different? if so, what? Should we make an offensive special ability?
The 'ittle otter,


 Not that bad on faltisify documents... I think it may need at most two more DB fields, one to tell if the NW is faltisified... Another for the "displayed" networth. Just change the variable name on what prints news reports, and scores to the dispalyed net field, then calculate the real NW, then take like 15% off if the faltisify NW is in effect.

Addational ideas:
Counterattack- If you hold your defence, and overwhalm the attack made upon your forces, you gain land from the attacker, no matter what attack type or tatics used.

Suppily Cashe- Like Prepair Raiders, except twice as expencive, 1.5 times as long, and can only be used by your horde, and not by attackers.

Internial Improvements- Adds 10% to revinew, production for the next x number of turns.

Investature- Trades free land for troops.
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

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Peace Alliance

 A race with the acadamy spell and a bonus on leader attacks so it can be good at stealing is one of the best things you could do for RWL right now.

if you could pull the fox special off, it would no doupt be one of the -coolest- specials in the game. clans could have a fox hold all their stuff and then the fox sends everything out and everyones like "WHOA?"

your right about the luck of the devil. but as useless as the spell is, Rat could primarily be an indy'ing race anyways. so giving it a powerfull special would defeat the purpose. retourn it to luck of the devil, and when you balence the game rat could be a pretty good indying race. if you wanted to boost the spell, then make it so the luck of the devil increases the winnings, like every time you do it it boosts your lottery win by 5%, do it a lot and you could end up getting twice as much as the lottery actually is!

i suppose pressgang skiffs is the same as corsair... so yeah :)

wolf bite

 Agrees with Retto.

But the Falsify Documents is useless because it still can give an idea of what a person has, maybe just a few percenatges off. So if we spy them and see 1,000,000 rats and 30 stoats, we still know to attack them with stoats.

How about making it so that you CAN NOT be spyed for 12 hours?

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 Making it so that you can't be spied on sounds much better than altering information...

Peace Alliance

 better then falsify as it is now... but it doesn't sound better then a NW shadowing spell... if you want it to make it harder to know, then retto simply has to make it so the percentages that its off are much much higher.


 Yes, you finally got it Peace!!!!!!! Give a race with bonus in attacking with leaders Academy, like the Wolf!!!!! Who currently has +15% in leaders, which affects  offensive spells aswell.

Your Enemy's Defense Ratio
   (RaceLeaderBonus * 1.05 * (Leaders/Land)) * (1+(Towers/(2*Land)))
Your Offense Ratio
   RaceLeaderBonus * (Leaders/((Land+EnemyLand)/2))
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Peace Alliance

 stoat had a leader bonus before, making it effective in that manner.

so wolf can remain for those dorky resource massers like windy and stoat can be a leader-offensive race. sounds simple to me.


 I think for rat, a cool special ability would be "horde governor" which would make all cities 250% effective for 150 turns. It is such a huge bonus that people would actually use cities (because your land would be 1.5X effective). This would mean that a city of 1000 land would have 2500 land worth of the same % of buildings.

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