The RWL opinions for president!!!

Started by DemonSlavers, November 01, 2004, 08:25:46 PM

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Peace Alliance

 Iraqi Casualties

my 9/11 number was a lil off, because the numbers actually lower then i thought: 9/11 Casualties

Keep in mind, since everyone on this planet is equal, and deserves the same rights. that this is a very good illustration that not everyone thinks so.

yes, people might be killed in order to save your nation, but this an estemated 3 iraqi civilians for every victum of 9/11. all whom didn't deserve to die. all who are completely equal in my eyes.

you might argue that the iraqi website is bias, but thats the second site i've found with those numbers, and also it has all its references at the bottom so check those out before you make that claim

Gen. Volkov

 Gah... so should have been here for this one. Agree with both sides some, though being an American, I obviously have a bias toward the side that supports the war. If they have found WMD's in iraq, or even parts for them its news to me. However there were plenty of other reasons to go in. And Peace, your peace at all costs attitude it commendable, but if followed Hitler would currently be running the world. At some point you HAVE to stop looking for a peaceful resolution that just isn't there and get your behind moving. 1 year may be too short, but 2 years is much much to long. Besides I think the 10 years peceding it where proof enough that Saddam just had no intention of listening, or obeying anything said by us or the UN. Yes UN support is vital, but each country on the war council had its own reasons for denying us support. Germany and France were both MAJOR contractors in Iraq, and Putin has his own problems. Chiraq is the same guy who got KICKED OUT of the presidency of his own nation in the 80's for several reasons, not the least of which was using his position to make deals for a business he ran. You say Bush is controlled by corps. well Chiraq RAN a corp while in office. And Germany BUILT Saddam's nuclear reactors for him. Of course they realize it was a mistake, but both country's still have major business interests in Iraq, maybe not as large as some American companies, but still pretty major ones that existed well before any of ours did. As to the country being poor, well its Saddam's own (sorry, but I can't think of a word to use) fault for invading Kuwait, before then Iraq was one of the richest countries in that region. How do you think Iraq got the 4th largest miltary in the world before we annihilated it in 1991? Finally I would just like to say that I voted for Bush, because the man is better than Kerry. Besides being wishy washy, kerry supports things I am totally against. Nader and his party, (He does have one BTW) stand for things I like, but Nader himself is batpoop crazy. Never voting for him. Libertarians on the whole stand fo rthings I agree with, but on some stuff they are far too extreme. So yah.. there's by belated and short argument for Bush and the Iraq war.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Peace Alliance

 right, well voting for bush was a mistake, and in the posts i've made quite a few resons outlining why. my main one, is because he's a murderous money driven killer... but i don't want to get too extreme here  :blink:  


 Funny how you don't hear much about the President anymore.  Maybe they should be telling us what he's actually doing, how quickly, and if that's what he said he would.


Quote from: Peace Allianceright, well voting for bush was a mistake, and in the posts i've made quite a few resons outlining why. my main one, is because he's a murderous money driven killer... but i don't want to get too extreme here  :blink:
Right. Nice input. You have more factless, sourceless statements, and a failure to reply to Vokov's post to boot.  

Peace Alliance

 yes, and pointing that out proves that you're the more knowledgable person in the matter correct? or does it prove that you've got nothing left to say so now you've sitting back making sinicle comments.

you want a SOURCE that he's a murderer? obviously, i'm giving him a title that i think fits him well based on the people he's killed in iraq. that was obvious to ME, i don't know if YOU couldn't catch onto it.

razorclue, if your having troubles knowing what my posts are about, then perhaps you should ask your father to help you out before you start badgering me about my facts.

Gen. Volkov

 He does have a valid point though. I did make mention of several points you have in my post. But I really don't feel like getting drawn into a true debate. My post was the only one I will make about Bush and the war. So it's ok if no one responds to it, just please do read it. So thanks Razorclaw, but I'd rather not debate right now.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Quote from: Peace Alliance
you want a SOURCE that he's a murderer? obviously, i'm giving him a title that i think fits him well based on the people he's killed in iraq. that was obvious to ME, i don't know if YOU couldn't catch onto it.
So killing Terrorists is murder in Canada?

Peace Alliance

 No, killing an estemated 15000 people for an injust cause, is murder in canada.