
Started by TR Shadow, February 15, 2003, 07:14:09 PM

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 Then why leave? My life only exists from 7 to 3. If theres all those cool people, how does everyone hates you?

And who hates you? And why do you care if its only one person?

TR Shadow

 Most of those cool people DO hate me =\.


 heh.  that list you made comprises only a very small precenage of the gaming population of Redwall: Warlords...  there are probubly a lot more people who like you and want you to stay than want you to leave...  I did say probubly... :unsure:  
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


Quote from: TR ShadowWell, after being hated for likeing Pokemon, getting in a little fight with Deathclaw, being falsely accused of having multiple accounts by Stormy, and finaly, today I was kicked out of the Clan of Winter forumes, I'm leaving.  I sieriously don't believe that anyone on these forumes likes me.  I don't know if Pokemon has anything to do with it or not, but few people here have liked me.  Ok, I'm leaving now.  Bye.

Cool peeps:

Ad The Rat
Quami...(I'm not even gonna try to spell that :P )
Deathclaw (Well, some of the time)
Beatles (Why'd he have to get himself banned???)

And the #1 coolest person here...

Well, bye.  I'll miss you all.

[Edit] I left Windhound off the cool peeps list =\.
I don't hate you for that reason, I don't hate you at all.  Don't you now that I hold no grudges?


 I'm really sorry for insulting you about pokemon.
I souldn't have been in the "cool people list" for that.
anyhow goodbye!
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
user posted image
If someone died for you? Would you care?

TR Shadow

 Naw, Mark.  You're cool.  You made the list 'cause I liked your avatar...jk...You've been cool about everything else.


 Is that the guy from Golden Sun?


 The multi-accounts thing... I'm sorry. 'Twas an honest mistake.
A Departed Hero...

The First Emperor, Stormclaw, called by history The Noble, Longest-Ruling of the Eight.


People aways leave me out in their goodbyes.
I now hold the first double digit number, too, let alone an 80+ attack percentage.  :) (I'm almost on an 'A' but the reset's just started, so we'll see how it goes).

Stormclaw is a very good admin, yet people make mistakes. 'Sides, you can't go unless you're thrown out the window.
So, here's what I'll do...

*Throws pokeball at TR*
I will not deleted this

 Nooooooo! Don't leave!! Please... Everyone's leaving now...



Quote from: TR ShadowWell, after being hated for likeing Pokemon, getting in a little fight with Deathclaw, being falsely accused of having multiple accounts by Stormy, and finaly, today I was kicked out of the Clan of Winter forumes, I'm leaving.  I sieriously don't believe that anyone on these forumes likes me.  I don't know if Pokemon has anything to do with it or not, but few people here have liked me.  Ok, I'm leaving now.  Bye.

Cool peeps:

Ad The Rat
Quami...(I'm not even gonna try to spell that :P )
Deathclaw (Well, some of the time)
Beatles (Why'd he have to get himself banned???)

And the #1 coolest person here...

Well, bye.  I'll miss you all.

[Edit] I left Windhound off the cool peeps list =\.
She's dead on the game. TR, look, nobody hates your guts. If you think that, then just look at this. Nobody on here has said "I hate you", or even that they didn't like you. Everybody wants you to stay here, and if you say that it's a front, then you're just being immature.