Time limits on reg

Started by Death Eater, October 31, 2004, 08:36:39 PM

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Death Eater

 But its ruining the game...look at your playerbase now! When I first came here, there were well over 100 players active and playing - and that was only a year ago. Now, you're lucky to hit 50. People are turned off from the limitless game. It just doesn't make sense. Obviously only a few of you want change, but you vets must realize where this game is going. Its hopeless for you guys to get any new recruits from other servers cuz they laugh at the fact you guys don't reset...

Something must be done. Even if you try a few sets with a reset, and promote it on other servers, you may begin to spark some growth. And heck, you may even like it better. RazorClaw, because this server is slower than most, a month reset may not be as suitable. 8 runs is not sufficient. So set it at 2 months, or 3 months, or even 4. But at least allow people to know when the set ends before they sign-up so they can plan accordingly.

Right now, I feel I am posting very coherent and strong arguments. I also feel that the only responses I am receiving are from oldies who are too stubborn to see what is going on with the server.

Open your eyes.
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 Actually, we had a massive player base for a while, when we weren't doing resets. It's a combination of a)most peeps aren't sophisticated enough to play prom b-) many people get bored with it and move on to their giga pets or whatever and c) Retto's too nice to make pop-up ads and stuff, so we don't have much advertising. I don't like servers where everyone just stores up 'til the end.  


 On Reg, it takes about a month to build up your warlord to where you're really comfortable with it. If you scaled Reg resets next to Turbo resets, it would be 5 months between resets (Turbo resetting every month, and being 5 times faster than Reg).

So, what would a regular Regular Reset mean, a bit more open-minded? This is assuming that we keep to the traditions of Regular: A game of skill and diplomacy (NOT so much force and speed like in Turbo) which has the same standard RWL setup and does not change.

It means people will perhaps not play for the beginning, because they only want to come in later and do their best to get to the top with less opportunities for people to knock them down. It will mean that people will find the middle of the game boring because they will have their eyes set on the end of it. It will mean that there will be a lag - and that won't be helped by shortening the game, because then diplomacy gets more and more useless.

If we had a goal, an endpoint for Regular, we'd have to introduce other goals, other motivations for during the game - perhaps group clan goals or something. Maybe that idea of keeping track who has held the most what for longest - though that seem to only reward vetrans, and not encourage new arrivals.
The 'ittle otter,

Death Eater

 Making a reset occur doesn't mean all clan diplomacy goes through the roof. It is just as important as ever! Clan wars will still occur, peaceful times will occur...all of that.

If you think people find the middle of a set with a time limit on it boring, than you must realize that in a limitless set, it's boring until you finally go for the top...which is most of the time...

There IS a reason all of the best promisance games currently out there have a reset time. There are some disadvantages to it, yes, but if you read what I said, you will find the advantages outweigh the disadvantages quite a bit.

And yes, RWL used to have a great playerbase and while it was limitless...HOWEVER, when a group of players leave for whatever reason, and it appears you can't recruit anyone else, you must realize times change. I guarantee your playerbase will rise if you start playing with a reset...
user posted image


 Does anyone have ideas for more mid-game goals? that's something we should think about hard now, to see if we want to integrate it before we reset on thursday.
The 'ittle otter,

Death Eater

 How about a date where the current standings are frozen and recorded at a specified time and Immortalized or whatever, but the set continues?
user posted image


 That'd be cool!. Nothing is lost but you strive for certain times ot hit the top. I also think it would be cool to have a record of extraordinary things done by certain clans or players.

Record to hit X net with lowest amount of turns and 0 aid.
Record for most kills, most aid sent, stuff like that

I dunno, someone can probably come up with better ideas.
# rovl.org


 no, that wouldnt really be fair, considering wolf was basically given all his networth by an admin...of course so were 1/2 the other ppl up there, well josh more or less...
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Quote from: cloudno, that wouldnt really be fair, considering wolf was basically given all his networth by an admin...of course so were 1/2 the other ppl up there, well josh more or less...
We're not saying now. We're saying in the future.
# rovl.org


 I would add that to the empire tracking idea of mine. Every record kept should also have a highest at checkpoint, which would be these "offical" points like Death Eater proposed.

Other ideas for records:
Highest rank with perfect offence.
Highest rank with perfect defence.
Highest clan total networth.
Highest clan adverage networth.
Largest clan shared forces. (total)
Longest clan running without disbanding.
Longest running horde (time in game)
Longest running horde (turns used).
Highist number of attacks made.
Highest number of sucessful attacks made.
Highist number of attacks recieved.
Highest number of attacks sucessfully defended.
Most skiff race victories.
Lowest landfat ratio.
Lowest food/networth ratio. (or Highest networth below a certain food/networth level)
Highest networth without attacking.
Lowest cash/networth ratio. (or Highest networth below a certain cash/networth level)
Highest networth below a certain landfat, cash/networth, food/networth level.
Most of X good (troops, land, food, leaders)
Highest networth with below X good (troops, land, food, leaders)
Longest Emporer/Top 3er/Top 5er/Top 10er/Top 30er
Most records broken in one round. :)
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

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Quote from: Death EaterBut its ruining the game...look at your playerbase now! When I first came here, there were well over 100 players active and playing - and that was only a year ago. Now, you're lucky to hit 50. People are turned off from the limitless game. It just doesn't make sense. Obviously only a few of you want change, but you vets must realize where this game is going. Its hopeless for you guys to get any new recruits from other servers cuz they laugh at the fact you guys don't reset...

Something must be done. Even if you try a few sets with a reset, and promote it on other servers, you may begin to spark some growth. And heck, you may even like it better. RazorClaw, because this server is slower than most, a month reset may not be as suitable. 8 runs is not sufficient. So set it at 2 months, or 3 months, or even 4. But at least allow people to know when the set ends before they sign-up so they can plan accordingly.

Right now, I feel I am posting very coherent and strong arguments. I also feel that the only responses I am receiving are from oldies who are too stubborn to see what is going on with the server.

Open your eyes.
I think you're getting a little carried away here. What you're saying is that the reason we don't have a very big player base is because we don't have a reset! You do realise that's ridiculous, right?
A year ago we had a larger player base, although it wasn't 100. There are many factors involved in this, such as boredom with the game, treatment of newer players- but only promys will know that no reset on Regular server is abnormal. There are many issues with this game, but the fact we don't reset reg is not one of them, especially something that doesn't drive players away.
I will not deleted this

Death Eater

 I never said no reset was the only thing killing the playerbase...however, it IS a major factor thats killing new players from other servers. That's where you need to expand, not depend on completely new members.

I was talking a bunch of my buddies over at QMT. I tried to promote RWL, so I asked them to join. They said sure. They went over to the site, and before even signing up, they asked when the reset was. I said it doesn't reset. Well, right after I said that they changed their minds and said its so ridiculous not to reset a game that they won't waste their time playing.

Now, this is not because they are stuck-up, or cocky. It's the general consensus among most promisance players. Especially veterans. I showed them this topic, they read, and laughed again. THEY know how much a reset is needed, but than again, their just QMT veterans...what do THEY know :rolleyes:

You guys dont have to listen to me. I'm just to get this game rolling, cuz I actually enjoyed it at one time.
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