How do I register for this game?

Started by Scringepaw, March 03, 2003, 04:09:44 PM

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 Please tell me all you know.Is it free?How do you register for the game?I'd like some details please.
"Patience is a virtue."

"Perfect practice makes perfect."



 Yes, it's free. Just go to the "Create Horde" link on the new server. You will probably want to sign up for the regular server (it's the one with a blue background)
The 'ittle otter,


 Um... could you give me the link please?I don't really feel like searching for it.You don't have to you know.
"Patience is a virtue."

"Perfect practice makes perfect."



"Patience is a virtue."

"Perfect practice makes perfect."


The Lady Shael did you get to the forums without getting through the site?

Xepher is the old server....RWL is now at:
As Retto said, sign up for the Regular Server...
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 Where do I register?I can't find the register button...
"Patience is a virtue."

"Perfect practice makes perfect."


The Lady Shael

 It's in the middle of the page..."Create Horde" on the blue one...
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 In the middle of the main page are 2 buttons that say create horde. Click on the blue button to go the normal setting. Then fill in the form. My only problem is that I can't login! It keeps saying ERROR!
This message coming to you from your friendly vermin gang the Mangy Scuzzballs #555.

"With great power comes great responsibilty."

Dead Eye

 yea, that happens at my dads. i tried everything but it don't let me play at dads. so i only play at moms.  
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 I can't go on the turbo server without logging in to the normal one.


 If I log-in Normal, then make a new window and log in turbo, It says I'm not logged in on regular. then I sign in again and its fine
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


 I can never be logged in on more than one server at a time... which is actually good because while I wait to get more turns on Turbo I play regular.