Started by Ruatine, July 13, 2004, 07:47:26 PM

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 Both SPAM and SPAG are acronyms most of us are familiar with here at RWL. However, for those who are young/new to RWL, they may not be so clear.

A post that is either irrelevant or innappropriate to the discussion at hand is considered spam.

- a one word post
- a post that doesn't have anything to do with the topic being discussed
- replying to yourself using multiple accounts, just for the purpose of furthing your own topic

SPAG stands for Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar. It's hard to read a post that isn't written in proper sentences with proper capitalization. Nobody's posts are 100% perfect all the time, but everyone's posts should be readable.

Anyone care to add to my definitions or comment on them?
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart

TR Shadow


*Grin*  Nope, nothing else.  Bravo, Teufel!

The Lady Shael

 *offers a spam haiku poem unhelpfully*

Eating spam is like
having two tongues in your mouth
and swallowing one.

*ponders* Why am I an admin here anyway?

Hehe, anyway, good job for clearing it up, bound to solve any future arguments in this area.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 My only comment:
Bad spag means death for all those who cross my path... or at least a lot of verbal abuse.
Have a nice day!

wolf bite

I agree that those are true fast definitions. There is also the gray line where a person may not know if what they are posting is Spam or not.

I look at it as if the post adds to the topic in the direction the topic is going.

If someone posted ?agreed? as the only thing they said then it would seem to be Spam. But if the post above it said, ?I wonder what the leader of the clan thinks?? then it would be a one-word post that adds to the topic.  Likewise a person could post a novel that ether repeats what has already been said or is off topic and that would be Spamming.  

Lets face it, if someone mostly posts non-Spam and then makes a post or two that could be considered Spam, no one is going to jump on them.  But when people post mostly Spam, a few on topic posts will not stop the Mods and Admins from talking to them.

People should read what has been said, think about where the topic is going, decide what they want to say, then think if what they are saying adds to the topic (and if they don?t want to get yelled at by Calria, they will run it though spell check).

First impressions are important. If you have a new teacher who has not taken a bath in a year, you may not care what they are saying no matter how smart it is. Likewise, a post that is well written will gain more respect for that posts and the future posts that member will make. Things don?t have to be perfect, we all misspell something sometimes, but showing that you care enough to at least try is important.  If you are using a word that you have no idea how to spell and don?t feel like looking it up, then it is perfectly fine to put ?(sp)? after the word.  Like antidisestablishmenttereasim (sp).

For those people that are new to forums or just feel like posting because it is fun, then we have the Spa room where the only restrictions are no swearing or defamation.

Have fun!

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 I agree absolutely!

(Note that this post is an example of spam. Another spam post is voting something in polls and then posting simply, "I voted blank")