Kill Shadow Follower

Started by Peace Alliance, May 30, 2004, 07:54:07 PM

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Peace Alliance

 The name is a lilk irregular, i know. But the basic idea is that I will be ruining ANYONE who attacks me. Whether its a 2K land grab or 20, i'm going to do my best to seek a terrible revenge apon you.

Idea came up when wolf was trying to explain why i got attacked so much in this game. He said that people were always retaliating, thats why i would get attacked so much. And that they would attack back worse then i did to them to send me the point that i shouldn't attack them. I find this hard to understand because to me the game is stratagy, and strategicly, if i log on and the guy who just attacked me 20 times has 10K land, whereas the other people have 80K... Its only smart to attack the 80K guy. Who cares about revenge when its stratagy that counts?

Anyways, following this illogical style of playing, and taking it somewhat to an extreem, i hope to teach anyone who hits me not to do it again... heres your heads up.

wolf bite

 Hehe, I still don't think you get the point.

When you attack someone with land, you attack them for 2/3 of their land. They want to make it known that you should not do that, so it is wize of them to pay you back even if it does not help them much. Something like pulling on the leash of a wild dog.

Not that I mind hunting people down, I do it myself when ever they attack me on line or past the point that I am no longer a land target.  

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Juby (Tercios)

 wait, if you naurally attack the biggest person in hte game, odds are you become the biggest, therefore shouldn't you be expecting attacks when your fat (remembers deleting the 35K me and peace were fighting over much to his dismay  :lol: ).  And if you attack me just cause you know how to break me, lets say I'm all weasels and your all stoats, not because I'm especially fat, and I take back a fair amount, like you take 15 K and I take back 20 K, is that a horribly punishable offence, If so I'd take it upon myself to decimate you while sacrificing myself to stop such nonsensical bullying.
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96

Peace Alliance

 Yes juby i know that when i'm a land target people will attack me, but i was being taken down to 8K land after i was at 80K the day before at the end of last season :P

Juby (Tercios)

 Well I can understand your not liking that, as a rule of thumb I generally leave people with 20 - 25 K.
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96

Peace Alliance

 Playing strategicly, i usually leave them with the second most land, because once they're not the best land source, its not smart to keep attacking them.


 So amusing, atleast from my prespective, i mean here in game i'm minding my own business attacking under 4 attacks per person i apparently hit Peace.... a total of 3 times... (oooh the amount  <_< ) to get a retal of 17, natrually i retal with 16 hits (woulda done 17 but he was maxed hehehe, then next day have 21 hits from him, well i retal for 21 hits (Woohoo!! he wasn't attacked by anybody else yet!) and then apon getting annoyed at this over attacker decide to read the forums only to find this post, so funny, here i am basically in a war with Peace alliance, (Seems to be getting more and more common....) and this time (as with most times) i again didn't know who he was... though, if i did still wouldn't have stoped me from hitting him my 3 times, or all my retals and any retals in the future, but hey, i figured i'd post on here laughing, because this is funny hehehe :)
Anyways, Good Reading

- Nos

Peace Alliance

 Well whatever it takes to teach ya never to attack me again... you're at 2K land right now, low on resources, low on... everything. I can keep you down like that if you want. Or you could turn your head and back away right now, never attack me again....


Also, in all fairness, look at the attack interactions. You took 1K, i took back 2, then you took 6, i retaled taking only 4, then you took another 5 and i followed that up by taking less then 1K... so this is your chance to back out on top.


 Ah sticker, ya really gotta admire your dedication to destroy all who oppose you huh?

Peace Alliance

 You dare mock me, Loki?
Thau are but a mere ant to mine might
Crush the, my foot, push you into the ground
Thau art but a pitifull speck
Talk i, in prose
Yet artistic i be not?
Shakesphere must be a fool.



 I do get mad when someone attacks me and I retal then they send a message saying are you gonna stop or should i completely destroy you! and then they keep attacking when they are the ones who attacked me first i just got back my land. Then i gotta attack them again to get back my land. They are annoying, they think there so strong but they are among the weakest.


 I wonder if it dawns on players like Peace, who warn other not to hit them that they will completely destroy and maime them or keep them down, makes them all the more defiant in taking those certain players down a notch.  Kinda like i dare you to touch me, but if you do, i will kill you for playing the game.   ;)

How many times has it been to drop a wanna be " I am god " type of player's mind set, to holy cow why did you kill me, and i didn't do anything to you, and just cause you hit me 3 -5 times, i smacked you back 4:1 ratio, why would you kill me?

Gee i wonder why ppl don't like certain players in here, all these you hit me i kill you rules in the clans.  Its part of the game ppl..  i personnal don't like going over 3-5 hits per day, and i stop if i get a large amount of land per hit., so as to get what i need to work, but leave them where they are or a spot below.  To drop a player down to almost dead is senseless.. and to bring past games into now games is also not a smart thing to do..  OK so peace knocked joe down to a newbies level, 1 days before reset, does this make it ok, for joe to smack peace down everytime he can, cause of last game?  No.

Am i ranting, and raving, could be...   :P
But at 5am, on my friday.. am allowed..   :rolleyes:

Did i miss the meaning of the post, yeah, maybe i did, but then again am bored and my time is almost up.. so am gonna continue to type until my hands cramp up..   <_<

ok, am done then..  Have a good one

(edit for spelling corrections - ever think of adding a spell checker?  :huh:  )

Peace Alliance

 VipersByte you completely misinterpreted the purpose of the clan. if its under 8 attacks, there is a 1:1 retal policy. meaning that you can only take what they took from you, or attack as much as they attacked you.

as long as other people are playing nicely, we play nicely back. however if they attack 8 or more times, we have to teach them now to attack so much... its just normal gameplay. i modeled these rules on the playing strats of a whole lot of different warlords. the point is to teach people not to attack my clanmates... yes, i know its part of the game, but so is clan dynamics. if my clan doesn't attack you, then whether its part of the game or not, you shouldn't attack my clan.